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Prayers, Mesmerism, Progress, Honour-feelings, Knowledge, Jinns, Column of Light, American Visitors


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) [second Khalifah, the promised son of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)] was stating the importance of prayers that the great achievements can be attained by the help of prayers. In comparison to this true spiritual method, he shed light on knowledge of focus of attention i.e. mesmerism. He said that the experts of mesmerism can produce some changes in people but these are temporary and do not result in major gains. On the other hand if prayers are done by fulfilling their conditions, they can revive the nations…… Knowledge of focused attention (mesmerism) consists of some performances but the prayer is the weapon which changes the earth and heavens.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) had not yet made his claim. He had written Brahin e Ahmadiyya ( Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and it was very well received by Sufis and scholars. One great pious person of that era was Sufi Ahmad Jan sahib. He was a servant of God. When he read pamphlet of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) he began to write to him. Once he desired if Huzur (a.s.) ever come to Ludhiana, he should please let him know prior to it.

By coincidence , Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) went to Ludhiana. Sufi Ahmad Jan sahib invited Huzur (a.s.) for dinner. After that when Huzur (a.s.) was coming back, Sufi Ahmad Jan sahib began to walk with him. He was disciple of well known Pir / elder of Rater Chater, a great name in then India, the elder was expert in mesmerism, when Pir sahib would offer Salaat, many patients would sit on his right and left, when he would end the Salaat by saying Salam -- [Islamic Salaat ends, with believer turns face to right and say ‘assalamo alaikum wa rahmatullah = peace be on you and mercy of Allah, then turning face to left with same words…..one philosophy of the act is that believer returns from the threshold of Allah and brings the gift of peace for humanity; whether people are of right (friends) or of left (opponents)] – he would blow breath on both sides [though it is not part of actual Salaat], since he knew knowledge of focused attention, some of the patients would be healed….Sufi Ahmad Jan sahib remained his student for 12 years and did struggle in the form of turning the stoned handmill……….

During the walk, Sufi Ahmad Jan sahib told Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that he served Pir of Rater Chater for so many years and after that he achieved such great power that if he focus attention [by mesmerism] on the person who was coming behind him, he would fall right then and would tremble.

After hearing that, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) stopped and said, making scratches on ground with his stick: Sufi sahib, if he falls by it what would be benefit to you and to him? …… Because Sufi sahib was truly among people of Allah. Allah had granted him deep insight, thus as soon as he heard the words of Huzur (a.s.), he underwent deep thought and said: I repent from this knowledge (practice) since today. I have understood it is worldly thing, not religious thing............Afterwards he published a pamphlet and wrote, this knowledge is not connected especially with Islam, any Hindu and Christian too who would like to be expert in this knowledge he can. Therefore I announce, from today that none of my followers should practice it by thinking it as part of Islam, but by considering it as worldly knowledge may do so.

Sufi sahib was gifted with deep insight, the proof is: By then, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had written Brahin e Ahmadiyya and, Sufi sahib understood the Huzur (a.s.) was going to be Promised Messiah, yet it was not dawned at Huzur (a.s.) that he was about to make any claim. In those days Sufi sahib wrote a verse to Huzur (a.s.):

We patients have eye on you
You be the Messiah for the sake of God

It shows that he was blessed with Kashf / vision and God has foretold him about this matter……He passed away before the claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and he left Will for his children that Hazrat Mirza sahib would make claim and they should not delay in accepting him….He was father-in-law of would-be Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah I (r.a.)


Another event took place in the gathering of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

Will-Power of a mesmerize can not stay before the will-power of a believer. Both will-powers are different as earth and heavens are apart .

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) sent one of his book to a Hindu person via an Ahmadi. The Ahmadi asked him why Huzur (a.s.) has sent this book to you and what is your relation with Huzur (a.s.)?.....At this, the non-muslim person told him that he has such high expertise in mesmerism that if he was riding a horse-cart (Tanga) and he focus his attention on someone unknown to me and me unknown to him, he would start running after the horse-cart. He further said: I had heard narratives about Mirza sahib from Ariyas and Hindus; he had written many books against Ariya faith. I planned to affect Mirza sahib through mesmerism while he will be in gathering of his followers to bring insult to him before them. Thus on the occasion of a marriage, I went to Qadian, gathering was on. I sat in a doorway and began to put attention on Mirza sahib. He was giving advice and lecture….I put attention but there was no effect on him. I thought his will-power was stronger so I began to put more attention but still there was no effect on him and he continued to talk…I thought his will-power was quite strong, thus I used whatever I knew and spent all my power. After using my full power I saw a lion is sitting before me and wants to attack me. (on every attempt, lion was seen and on last try lion was seen ready to attack). After seeing the lion, I was afraid and I picked my shoes and ran from there. When I reached the door, Mirza sahib asked his followers to see who this person is?....Thus a man came downstairs after me and he caught me at the road-crossing near mosque. Since I was confused, I asked the catcher to let me go at that time I am not in full senses, I shall write about all incidence to Mirza sahib latter.

He was let go…… He wrote about the whole event to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) latter. He wrote he did disrespect act, he could not recognize Huzur ‘s station. He sought pardon…….He was asked [by Mian Abdul Aziz sahib] why he did not think that Mirza sahib knew more mesmerism than him? He said it was not the case because attention is needed to do mesmerism and this act need full rest and silence but Mirza sahib was busy in talking. That is why I understood that his will-power was not earthly, it was heavenly.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that The will-power developed after getting faith is different than will-power gained by mesmerism as heavens is different than earth. Human will-power is like child’s play before the one who is given will-power by God the Exalted . As snakes of magicians were defeated before the rod of Hazrat Musa (Moses: on whom be peace), when will-power of dears of God is manifested, people with earthly will-power get defeated.

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Peace be upon you.

In these regards Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) explains that To get communal progress, it is essential to absorb all truths in the self. It is true for creed too. For example, it is not enough to just have believe in death of Messiah (Jesus a.s.), but the reason should be pondered at too that why it is important to believe Jesus has died……Believing Esa / Jesus-still-alive would mean superiority of Hazrat Esa (on whom be peace) over Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). In fact there have never been and never will be any Prophet of same grandeur as of Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who came to reform whole world. To believe Jesus (a.s.) still alive would mean superiority over Muhammad (s.a.w.) which is against Islamic beliefs. We cannot let this thought enter in our hearts that Messiah was better than Muhammad (s.a.w.)…….Moreover, it is very insulting for Islam by having belief that Muhammad (s.a.w.) was buried under ground and Messiah (a.s.) is still sitting alive in 4th heavens. The most worrisome thing, by believe Messiah still alive the is offense against Divine Tauheed [Unity of Allah].

For these two issues we have to press on Messiah has died. If these were not the issues, we would not have bothered whether Messiah was in heavens or earth….Ahmadis should present their arguments Messiah-has-died issue with full enthusiasm. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was seen shaking with emotions while talking about death of Messiah; his voice would have Jalal / grandeur as if he was mincing the creed about Messiah-alive. His state would have changed and he would present the issue that it is heavy stone in the progress of world which he is removing and throwing towards far. World was falling in the dark ditch but he is taking it to field of light. His voice would be filled with certain zeal while addressing the issue. It would seem that as if Hazrat Esa a.s. is made sit on the throne of Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) and he wanted to regain it.

Thus it was the feeling of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) for his Master Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), strangely today’s clergies blame him .


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) explains that when Allah the Exalted makes someone stand at high station, he is continuously guided by Him. The person gets such a guidance which cannot be called a revelation because it is not verbal revelation, and we cannot call it absence-of-revelation because divine light falls on his heart and tells him that matter is such…..Sometimes Allah the Exalted tells something more vividly, it is called Kashf / vision. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) would say when people come before him, he feels certain rays coming from them, by which he knows they carry such and such weakness or goodness, but permission is not given to him to let those people know about these issues….It is the way of Allah that until human manifest his nature by himself, He does not declare him guilty. That is why Prophets and their image-like people do not reveal anyone’s inner weakness to anyone till he shows it by himself.


The coming of rays is something of nature of Kashf. Time of Hazrat Musa a.s was far in past, we see Allah the Exalted has shown some of his signs such that people saw the lights of Allah the Exalted in apparent forms and enjoyed its spiritual bliss. In 1904, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) went to Lahore. He delivered an address in a gathering. A non-Ahmadi lawyer Sheikh Rahmatullah sahib attended the address. He reported: I saw, during the address, that a column of light was extending from the head of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to the heavens. Someone was sitting beside me then, I asked him Look what is that? He saw and said it is column of light which has extended from the head of Hazrat Mirza sahib and reaching the heavens…..This scene affected Sheikh Rahmatullah sahib so much that he did Bai'at on the same day.

People obtained faith seeing such signs. These signs are being shown now too; some fresh incidences were mentioned in a previous Friday Sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper).


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said once a friend wrote to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that Jinns come to his sister and say that they are ready to believe in Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)… [It is a concept in some Asian places and in Arabs, that Jinn stick to someone, and to get rid of those Jinns the victim is oppressed and sometime the victim loses life during the process.]…..Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) wrote him to convey the message to those Jinns that why they are troubling a lady, if they have to bother someone they should bother Molvi Muhammad Hussian Batalvi or Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said There are not such Jinns which common people believe at. Surely there would be some people who understand according to modern education that Jinn do not exist but before a momin / believer, the question is not What does his wisdom say? The real question is What does The Wise Quran say? If Quran tells Jinns exist as the commonly believe, then ‘aamanna wa saddaqna’ i.e. we believe and we bear witness. And if it proved from Quran that there is no creature Jinn other than human the we have to accept it. A believer have to believe what Quran tells.


To maintain the honour of His beloved, Allah the Exalted affects those are gotten lost in thoughts….Once in Lahore, some friends suggested [just as academic exercise] that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) should visit a ‘majzub’ (the one who lost in thoughts and meditation) while other friends opposed the suggestion on the ground that he calls very foul names…..Those who were in favour to visit argued that as Huzur (a.s.) gets revelation let’s see what does the man say. Huzur (a.s.) denied to go but friends insisted. Huzur (a.s.) narrated that when they reached there, the man suddenly stopped calling bad names. There was a melon near him, he presented it to Huzur (a.s.) and said, ‘It is gift for you.’…The viewers, who had apparent wisdom, believed him more…But Huzur (a.s.) said he was mad…………...Thus sometimes a mad person sees truth because he has lost connect with physical matters he sometimes see unseen things.


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) explains: Because all the events of the time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) have not been saved, therefore such examples [he was pointing to miraculous health of a boy] are not available in abundance now. I think hundreds, and thousands of example could have been found in his (s.a.w.) life time. But, in the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) when atheism is in full swing, divine signs are very much needed. Now God the Exalted has shown many such signs, through which we can envision the signs of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

For example I present an event about a person Abdul Kareem. He used to study in the school of Qadian. It so happened that a mad dog bit him. He was sent to Kasoli for treatment. Apparently cure was successful. But fit of disease took place after he returned. Wire was sent to Kasoli that any treatment should be suggested. But the answer came:

Nothing can be done for Abdul Kareem.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was informed about his illness. Since the Movement had just begin and this person had come to get education from far distance, a village of area Hyderabad Dakkan, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) felt deep sympathy and he especially prayed for the person’s health and said:

He has come from such a far distance, heart does not want that he should die like that.

[At a place, Huzur (a.s.) also said that his mother sent him from very far distance with much interest and zeal for religious education that is why too a pain developed in me to do prayer for him.]

As the result, even after the boy had fit, Allah the Exalted granted cure to him. The medical of that time mentioned that never, since the birth of human, no one ever was cured after the fit has come.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said one of his relative is doctor, once, when he was student, he was discussing with another student about the existence of God. During the talk, he presented this event as proof that God exists and answer prayers and a person was cured. The atheist student said such patients (after the fit, at that time) can survive it is not an extraordinary thing..By coincidence, on the same day, professor gave lecture about ‘the condition of person bitten by dog’ . When professor began the lecture and stressed the point that ld be treatment of this illness should be started before the fit. Quick attention is needed…The student asked the question, Sir some people say the patient can be cured even after the fit.’ At this professor scolded and said it could never happen. Who say so is fool…..Thus it was such an illness which was incurable-curable and never had been but by the prayer of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) Allah the Exalted cured Abdul Kareem……Thus it is proven that there is a Governing-Being over this physical law Whose Hand posses power to cure.

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Peace be upon you.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) mentioned: Once two men and a woman came to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) from America. A man talked to him (a.s.) about his claim. During the talk, Hazrat Messiah of Nazareth was mentioned. The visiting man said he was God. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said, ‘What proof do you have that he was God.’

The man said, ‘He showed miracles.’

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said, ‘We too show miracles.’

He said please show me any miracle.

Huzur (a.s.) said, ‘You yourself is my miracle.’

Surprised, he asked how he could be the miracle?

Huzur (a.s.) said, ‘Qadian was a very small and unknown village, even small food items were not available here, even flour of one rupee was not available here. If someone needed it, he had to buy wheat and had to go for grinding it. At that time, God the Exalted gave me the news: I will raise your name in the world and you will be famous in all world. People will come to you from all around and means for their tranquility and ease will come here too. ‘yatoona min kulley fujin ameeq’ and people from every country and every kind will come to you.

‘yateeqa min kulley fajin ameeq’ and they shall come in such large number that the paths of their coming will become deep……..Now see how much these paths have become deep. The road from Batala to Qadian, just last year government has laid soil of 2000 rupees on that.’

So Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) told the man that he had come to him from America. The man did not have any connection with Huzur. Huzur was unknown till his claim. Today the man had come to Huzur from that far. It was the proof of truth of Huzur.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) says, I well remember, when this talk was in progress and that man had asked Huzur to show any of his miracle, all people were astonished that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) will give what answer to that. Everyone thought that Huzur would deliver some address in which he would tell about miracles how they are manifested. But as soon as the man finished his statement which was translated for Huzur, from English to Urdu, Huzur immediately answered that. It was brief but every person’s wisdom cannot reach to it. Even now a person who will use wisdom will say what is this miracle? But those, with open eyes and posses wisdom and understanding, they understand it is a very great miracle, and it is enough for the one who accepts truth. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has written that hundreds of thousand miracles has been shown for his truth, but I [Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.)] say that that many miracles have been shown which cannot be counted. Yet there are many unwise who say number of Mirza sahib’s revelation are not of that number then how signs can be that much? But people with wisdom and understanding well know that hundreds of thousand signs can be manifested by one revelation………..

According to a famous narrative, a man told his nephews that tomorrow I would give such a laddo [a fried rounded eastern sweet made of sugar, oil and gram flour etc, usually yellow; photo at the end] which will have been made by hundreds of thousands people. Next day, boys did not eat anything at food table, in hope to eat laddo. They demanded laddo. The uncle presented a common laddo to them and said it the laddo which I promised you about. They were surprised how it is made by hundreds of thousands people. Uncle asked them to start writing it is fact. The sweet-maker bought ingredients from several people; each item was made by thousands of people; take sugar for example, preparation involves field work, things used in preparation of field , juicing the sugar canes etc..count how many people are involved. Then there flour, make estimate, there are so many people involved. Wise man understood hundreds of thousands people’s labor is involved in making a laddo…….It was a narrative in worldly sense.

Same kind of narrative is present about a spiritual elder. Mirza Mazhar Janey Jana was a pious man. Once he gifted two laddos to a man of Batala. After a while he asked him what did he do with laddos, the man said, ‘eaten.’ Janey Jana was greatly surprises……The man thought to see how Janey Jana eats laddos. Once laddos were brought to Janey Jana, he picked one and placed it on handkerchief, picked little piece and put in mouth and began to speak: I am a worthless being, God the Exalted has sent me such a great bounty, which has so many ingredients made by so many people, what a great bounty for this humble……He continued to acknowledge his meekness and did praise of God the Exalted…….He has taken one little piece at Zohar time and now it was Asr Azan time……He left for ablution……

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said: What was this matter? It was: In that laddo, he was seeing thousands of signs of God the Exalted. Any eater can eat 10 /20 laddos quickly, but for Mazhar Janey Jana, one laddo became so important that he was bowing under the weight of remembrance of God’s benevolence……Thus the wisdom makes a thing big and foolishness makes a big thing look smaller. A wise person sees signs of God in small matter and unwise do not see anything in big ns matters………

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) would say that God the Exalted has shown hundreds of thousand sign for my truth. But I say God has shown countless such signs, but for whom? For those who possess wisdom. [Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) pointed to buildings and said] All these buildings are signs of truth Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), the land prepared for houses ahead of Ahmadiyya Bazar, each bag of soil filled in there is sign. Here used to be such a deep ditch where an elephant could have been disappeared. It was filled with soil. Then people came to live. Then move to north of Qadian, high buildings are seen, each brick and each particle of color is sign of truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). The human seen in Qadian, whether they are Hindus, Sikhs, Non-Ahmadis or Ahmadis, all of them are sign of truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.); Ahmadis are so because they left their home at other places and began to live here, and Non-Ahmadis and people of other religions are so because their current way of living, dresses etc are not like as those which used to be before the claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace); their current Pagris (turbans), Kurtas (long shirts), Paijamas (trousers) and their wealth and belongings are not like those which were used to be back then.[i.e things highly improved]

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: Today too, the progress of Qadian is the proof of it [the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) ]. Today too, people visit Qadian, they go there because it is town of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), they do not go there because it is a town and like ordinary towns its population is increasing and it is progressing or city has spread. The business people, there, today too, wait for increase in business during Jalsa, which is started by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). These financial progresses too of others in that city are due to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)…..Anyway, because Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) claimed, people came to him, and they too got benefit and due to ‘la yashqa jalesohum’ i.e. who sit with them do not remain unfortunate, they too got bounty. All these are signs of his (a.s.) truth.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) says: There is no need to go far. In this mosque (where he was delivering sermon), its building, this wood, this pillar, these all are signs because they did not exist before. When Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) made claim, these are made then, thus hundreds of thousands signs can be found here; so many people come at Jalsa Salana, everyone of these comers is a sign which God the Exalted manifests each year, and as long as Allah the Exalted will Will continue to do so. Thus Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) made very low estimate of his signs that these are in hundreds of thousands, I say they are so much that no human power can count them, only God the Exalted can count them but as these signs cause strengthen to our faith, they under this verse tell, first every one who come should see by opening eyes that how many signs are here, and then he too is a sign……

Today, the mosques of Jama'at Ahmadiyya, mission houses, Jaamiat, schools, hospitals and local people showing respect for him – spread all over the world. All these are signs. The one who has spiritual sight, he can see it…………………

Once a molvi / clergy came to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and said he wanted to see any sign of his. Huzur (a.s.) told him, ‘Mian you see my book ‘haqiqatul wahee’ [The Reality of Revelation] you will know how many signs God has shown in my support. What benefit have you taken from those while you have come to see more signs.’…..Thus if he (a.s.) has presented two or four prophesies which were proved in two or five minutes, we would have believed not only his prophecy of two year but prophecies of two hundred years too, and would have said that we have seen prophecies who have proven in two, three or five minutes these prophecies of long time would be proved too. But if someone, without making such prophecies, make prophecies about long time, we shall say this thing is against the wisdom. So Prophecies of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) were proven in his life and till today being fulfilled.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: Daily progress of Jama'at is proof of it. May Allah the Exalted grant insight to those who do not see how these prophecies are being fulfilled, so that they may see these. And may Allah make us stronger in our faith each moment. [Aameen]

Reference: Based on Friday sermon (April 17 , 2015, UK) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) – alislam.org, mta.tv
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Peace be upon you.
Laddos (Laddu) are mentioned above in a narrative:


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