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Prayers/ spells/ good thoughts requested!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hihihihi! :hug:

This is going to sound pretty selfish, especially with all the other things that are going on on the forum right now, but if you could, I would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I'm kind of having a hard time of it, emotionally, right now, and it'll be about a week before I can see the doctor to ask him to juggle around my meds. A lot of you have been through this, I know, but it can be a bit difficult when you've been on a 'mix' that seems to have been working and then your system decides that it is bored (or whatever it decides) and wants to try something new.

Please don't get concerned if I'm away for a few days- it's just that my brain seems to sink into 'mope' mode during these times and it seems like I can heal more quickly when there's not conflict around. (Odd- there's a lot of negativity on my mom's ovarian cancer support site at the moment. (I should note that it's for supporting survivors of the cancer, not supporting the cancer itself.) Maybe it's something in the internet water?)

Be back and gnome gnapping soon, I think! Please hug each other for me during this brief abscence! (And send whatever prayers or thoughts you can my way! :) )

With love and hugs!


A fool
*hugs* you neither sound nor are selfish. Get better soon and I'll tuna whomp everyone into good behaviour for your return. Actually I hear that tuna whomping can be very therapeutic... Seriously, take care of yourself! *bigger hugs*


You've got all the prayers and energy I can send you right now, Meggie! You know where I am if you want to chat.....miss you!:hug:


Well-Known Member
Your are ultimitly one of the nicest people I have met my thoughts are with you. I hope everything is o.k.:yes: :hug:


I smell something....
Feathers!! You got one giant sized hug coming your way. Hopefully you are close enough that you can feel it a little. If there is anything I can do, anything at all, all you gotta do is give us a call or write us an e-mail or just yell my name (it will have to be really loud though:)), and I will come running. :hug:


Destroyer of Worlds
The hammer of life can give one quite a pounding sometimes.

But the forging of a fine sword is the product of such poundings.

May you find the strength to endure it.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
It doesn't sound in the least bit selfish! A huge hug to you (and you know where I am if you want to talk); I know that messing with meds is sometimes unavoidable (I have just had some of mine changed - but only for my exzema- which is unpleasent, but doesn't affect me enotionally.

Huge hugs, Prayers, best wishes, and I am going to sacrifice a glass of water as a spell...........Is that enough??

Hope you feel better soon.:hug:


Sweet n Spicy
Meggie dear, you are not being selfish at all. What are friends for? You bring so much to RF. May all of your frowns be turned into smiles. :hug: Feel free to PM me or email me if you feel like talking to a crazy person. :p


feel better soon, sweetheart! prayers for your recovery and comfort. :hug: may God(s) give you strength and uplifting these next days, dear.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Dear heavens, do you guys know how powerful your 'mojo' is?! I think I started feeling better within hours of posting this. I really appreciate your thoughts! :hug: They seemed to work really quickly, and I'm already feeling nearly back to my 'normal' self!


Destroyer of Worlds
You're in Iowa. Its winter. The days are short.

This triggers depression in many people. I suggest you try to spend as much time outdoors as you can this time of year.


Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Thanks again, all! Your support and love has already been a great help. This has been going on for a few weeks now, and finally having the guts to come out and say it yesterday seemed to be the best decision I've made in awhile. I should have known that everyone here would offer nothing but kindness and understanding. :hug: