You have no special insight; your preconceived biases are not evidence, especially when they run counter to the weight of actual evidence, like the studies and surveys I've mentioned before which support the conclusion that the right and the religious are more mentally and emotionally healthy as a population than the left and the nonreligious.
Conservatives are happier than liberals:
White liberals are more than twice as likely to have a mental illness when compared to white conservatives:
White liberals more likely to have a mental health condition
Religious people are happier, more mentally well adjusted, can handle stress better, have less depression and anxiety, etc. etc.
God Help Us? How Religion is Good (And Bad) For Mental Health
Nor can you produce a study which suggests that rejecting metaphysical hocus pocus in favor of biological reality produces any sort of general psychological harm, you brazenly hand waved any obligation you might have for substance with the same aplomb of a young earth creationist; 'of course science isn't going to agree with me, it's rigged!'
The existence of the religious right as a population that is happier, healthier with higher levels of mental and emotional well-being when compared to the non-religious left as a population is precisely what I meant when I said you just roll with being in direct controversy with the evidence.
I very much doubt you can produce a single peer reviewed source that suggests there is any relative increase in detachment from reality arising from being religious, right, or a combination of the two. I expect your so-called "knowledge" is only common among the willfully ignorant.