Well-Known Jerk
I do not think that I understand your reasoning here. Are you suggesting that the existence of God can be equated to a percentage, a partial truth. I am a Christian and I believe, without reservation, that God exists, however, if you ask me for proof then I would be at a loss to provide any, as you would be to prove that he does not exist. You see, belief in God is personal to each individual, based on the faith of the believer. Probability cannot be a function of belief as it demands physical evidence that can be measured and remeasured. An individuals belief is only relevant to that individual. Which is always going to be a 100% belief or 100% disbelief and never a percentage of either. As a Christian it is expected of me to spread the word of God, not to prove His existence, that is down to the investigator, unfortunately, that reduces the OP to a non sequitur.
Having said that, our universe is teaming with unexplained phenomenon that could as easily be attributed to a supernatural God as anything else. If a value for 100% proof existed then once the value exceeded 50% Gods existence would be absolute. Evidence that includes the Big Bag, the anthropic principle, rapid expansion, dark energy and mass, abiogenesis, fine tuning, etc… to name just a few. Now In my personal estimation there are far more unexplained phenomena than resolved so you could conclude that if it were possible to use the scientific method on God's existence the results would "Probably" be in favour of God's existence.
"Are you suggesting that the existence of God can be equated to a percentage"
No, just the opposite.