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Progress by the Hand of God - Some Testimonies.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you……Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: In previous days I was in Holland. There, a journalist, who writes in a regional newspaper and national newspaper too get articles from him, asked me, ‘Is Jama'at Ahmadiyya the most growing Jama'at in the world? I told him if considering as international Jama'at, then surely Jama'at Ahmadiyya is the most progressive Jama'at in the world.

Huzur (a.t.) said now others too admit it, they keep eyes on Jama'at. And it is a very great proof of the truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). A voice raised from a small village of Hindustan, today, is resonating in each village and city of the world.

Its distinctive prestige shines more visibly when we see that at that previous time a common man could not have thought that Jama'at Ahmadiyya will become known in the world.

By getting news from Allah the Exalted, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) used to mention in his writings and sayings with surety that a time would come when Jama'at Ahmadiyya would be recognized in the world and its spread would be sign of supports by Allah the Exalted. Once he said:

“Allah the Exalted is spreading this Silsilah (link, movement) and Allah the Exalted has desired to spread this Silsilah in the world…….Steadily, Allah the Exalted will spread this Silsilah in such way that they shall dominate over all. The current trials all shall go away. It is way of God the Exalted that each work should be done steadily…….. No tree brings fruit so soon, as soon our Jama'at is progressing. It is an act of God the Exalted and amazing! It is sign of God and miracle.”

Thus all Ahmadis strongly believe that as Allah the Exalted spread the voice from a small village to the corners of earth and brought local Jama'ats of sincere and loyal one, that God will fulfill Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s this saying too that tials will be over and this Silsilah will dominate over all.

We are passing through time when this Silsilah is spreading in the world and people are observing its steady progress. That is why the journalist asked Huzur (a.t.) the question whether this Jama'at is most increasing Jama'at……At other places people do the same.

Though trials continues, but if we see the intention and effort of opponents these trials are nothing. Each trial due to Ahmadiyya-Islam whether it is directed to an individual or it is general to Jama'at, it manifests more support of Allah the Exalted….. Each Ahmadi, with grateful heart, who migrated from Pakistan because of conditions, cannot deny how much blessings of Allah the Exalted they has gotten since they have came in western countries......Not only this, reports about Bai'at doers and their narratives from around the world leave one amazed that how the opposition of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has reached everywhere, and how Allah the Exalted is showing scences of support for him…..If this was human made Jama'at, the amount of opposition since the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and beginning of Jama'at till now, this Silsilah would have been vanished and its false would have been disclosed.

But no question of end, here Allah the Exalted is showing progresses.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said in a gathering that opponents opposed in every way but God granted progress. It is proof of truthfulness that world apply full power, but the truth is spread. Which effort of oppostion has been spared against us. But eventually they have failed. It is sign of God.

Opponents kept opposing and they are still opposing. Today, despite plots by Ulama and governments agaisnt Ahmadiyyat, these are words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) which are being fulfilled. It is sign of God. It surprises when we see how God cause people to come to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

Once it was mentioned in a gathering of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that a letter by a person was recieved from Lahore, he was told in dream about Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) that he is truthful…..That person was devotee of an Faqir (ascetic) who lived near tomb of Data Gnaj Bhakhsh. When the person mentioned the matter to Faqir, Faqir said the progress of Mirza sahib since such long time is itself proof of his truth….There was another mystic-Faqir. He said, ‘Gentleman let us ask too [from God what is truth]’ ….Next day, he said,’God said Mirza is Mola [master, helper, friend]’…..At this, the first Faqir said,’Might have said Molana’ [Our master, friend, helper]. He is Mola of you, mine and of all people like us.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: These days dreams and Ro’ya are taking place in abudance. It seems Allah the Exalted wants to inform people by dreams. Angels of God the Exalted moves around as locusts in heavens [analogy of swarms]. They put in hearts, ‘accept, accept’ [the Promised Messiah]

A person who planed to write a book to refute Huzur (on whom be peace). In dream Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said, ‘You write a denial! And in reality Mirza sahib is truthful.’

Thus it is guidance of God the Exalted which He does for pure-natured people.

Today resources to Convey the Message are much more than those in the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) yet the guidance to people from Allah the Exalted has great role in opening hearts. No doubt, Conveying make impact on whom Allah the Exalted wants but Allah the Exalted make means of direct guidance too.

Today there are numerous people who were guided like that and are being guided and they accept the claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), and do his Bai'at

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said that he is presenting some events out of many which took place last year. Allah the Exalted guided people through dreams. It is amazing, they are at thousands of miles from Qadian, some are in areas where there is no system reaching and communication. Allah the Exalted is guiding them.


Our Muballigh (missionary) visited that place. A non-Ahmadi friend had seen the Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in a dream. After sometime, he had the opportunity to see MTA and saw a photograph of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) on it he immediately said this indeed was the holy person he had seen in his dream. This convinced him that Ahmadiyyat was true Islam when he was told bout Hazrat Promised Messiah and Ahmadiyyat thus he joined Jama'at by doing bai'at.


It is a far country of Africa on the other side. In city, a university student Suleman sahib was being conveyed Message since long but he was not inclined to do bai'at. One day, he came and said he was satisfied and wanted to do bai'at. When asked how he was satisfied, he mentioned his dream: I am riding a boat, near our boat another boat is sinking and its passenger are calling us for help. We help them and they come on board our boat. The table, around which we were sitting, there Hazrat Imam Mahdi (on whom be peace) were present too and gave us a cup of milk to drink. I took that cup and drank milk to make stomach full, its taste was very delicious…...After that when I woke up, I understood that this life-giving cup can indeed be obtained by riding boat of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and by doing his Bai'at……Thus he did Bai'at.


A resident of Ivory Coast mentioned a dream: I saw that there is a huge crowd. My one companion says the Imam Mahdi is among the crowd. Due to curiosity I plan to meet Imam Mahdi. My companion tells me to accept Ahmadiyyat before meeting Imam Mahdi. Thus I do Bai'at during dream. Then, when I come near to gathering I indeed see Imam Mahdi in it that he is doing Tabligh (conveying Message)…………..After this dream, Lisan Trawery sahib joined Silsilah Ahmadiyya by doing Bai'at.


Abdul Hameed sahib was enabled to accept Ahmadiyyat and did Bai'at some months ago……. He used to watch TV through cable in home. Suddenly he saw MTA. His interest continued to increase. He belonged to Tariqat maslak and had done Bai'at of a Pir sahib. It was one or two months for watching MTA, he saw in dream: He is paying homage to mazar (grave) of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), there he saw his passed away Pir sahib paying homage too…………..After the dream he searched and came to Sadr of Jama'at, he asked him to study more. Then Abdul Hameed sahib went to Ameer of district, he too told him to study more. Then he reached Qadian and did Bai'at.



Peace be upon you.

A friend Qadir sahib says: I was impressed by Jama'at but heart would not go to do Bai'at, satisfaction to do Bai'at was not there. Why? Because I was not ready to believe Imam Mahdi as Prophet. [The claim of Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. is of Prophet-with-no-shariah. He received whatever is due to Holy Prophet s.a.w….Due to his love, Allah the Exalted can bless. Messiah (Mahdi) was come to with status of Prophet.]….I decided I will do Bai'at if Allah the Exalted tells me Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is indeed Imam Mahdi. Meanwhile I conversed with an Ahmadi friend. He provided me a reference that the one who would not do Bai'at despite recognizing Imam Mahdi, he will die with death of ignorance…..It deeply affected me. I did istikharah at night and saw in dream that I am reading Holy Quran and stoped at a place where it was written ‘inni ansoroka ya ahmad’ . After seeing this dream I immediately did Bai'at. [note: this was a metaphoric message through dream to satisfy the person, it means, surely I shall help you O Ahmad…..otherwise there is no verse exist with these words in Quran]


“A person from Egypt had a dream way back in 2004. He saw that he is present with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) who is relaxing and says to him, you must find out about this matter. The person did not understand the dream, he had never seen Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him). Some four years later he happened to watch MTA and went on to do some research. God guided him. In November 2014 prior to taking bai'at he saw a dream that he is in a mosque full of worshippers graced by the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who is looking at him. He goes closer to the Promised Messiah and sees Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleased with him) in place of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and people are calling him Abu Bakr Siddiq. The person gets closer and sees that in his place is Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V who promptly raises his hands to pray and asks him to also pray and he joins in prayer. The person interpreted the dream to signify that acceptance of prayer is with the blessings of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and his Khulafa.”

MORE material at
Friday Sermon (16 October 2015), Germany , by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org and mta.tv