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Promised Mesiah has come!!!


New Member
Hi there,
I belong to the Ahmadiyya Community in Islam. We beleive that the Jesus died a natural death. We also believe that the promised Masiah has come. We beleive that as Jesus died a natural death and can not come back, the promised Mesiah is not Jesus physically but a person who has got the attributes of Jesus Christ. We beleive Jesus to be one of the great prophets of God and beleive Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to be final in his teachings. I would like you to visit www.alislam.org , our community's official website.
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Lord of the Badgers
Hi there, thanks for the link, i'll read it later. I was wondering, how is it a natural death for someone to be executed for treason and blasphemy? I'm not Christian i was just wondering what you mean by natural death.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he means that Jesus didn't die on the cross for the sins of humanity (and so on and so forth), rise three days later, and go to heaven to await the second coming, but simply... died? I.e. there were no supernatural overtones to his death?


New Member
Halcyon, Seyorni, lukewolf and Runt!!!
Thanks for the replies!!
I am sorry, I couldn't reply to your post soon as I didn't have internet yesterday. Acutually we believe that Jesus survived the cross and later on travel to east and died a natural death at the age of 120. There is no doubt in this research which was done by the Promised Mesiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) himself and I recently watched a documentry on BBC4 called "Did Jesus Die?", whose all the material was taken from Promised Mesiah's own book "Jesus In India".
You can read the whole book on the following link:



Lord of the Badgers
Survived the cross??? Are you serious? i'm gonna have to read that link, still haven't had the chance yet. However, crucifixion was a damned effective method of execution, i have my doubts anyone could have survived it unless actively released, even then the wounds would have been life threatening.


New Member
Yes, you are highly recommended to go to that link and read the whole book there. I am sure if you read it without any prejudice and with full honesty, you would find the truth. All I can say to you is that I am living a life full of satisfaction and have got no doubts in my mind about the truth.


Active Member
I'm sorry but I have to clear something up. I am a muslim and it does not say ANYWHERE in the Quran that Jesus survived the cross and traveled to the middle east and died years later. It states that a man was replaced in his image and Jesus was raised before the crucification. It also states that there will be a second coming. I do not know where the whole surviving the cross and not coming back came from.

Peace and Blessings


Lord of the Badgers
Good for you!:) I hope i didn't come across as mocking you or anything, although i fear i might have. I've just never heard that theory before, i'm sure you can understand it seems a little strange to me?


A fool
I've heard of that theory before in a magazine I read called the "Fortean Times". It was a really interesting set of beliefs.

Personally I dont view it as any more fantastical or weird than Christianity-as-is or any other religion for that matter :).

Welcome to the forums, have a good time here!


New Member
This is not just an ordinary theory as the person who presented this, claimed himself to be the Promised Mesiah (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) in 1889.



You said that the Promised Messiah has come. Bit of an anti-climax don't you think? I was thinking it would be a little more obvious than the whole world missing it.

You also mentioned that Jesus managed to survive the cross and the beatings etc. that went before it. We can read that most of Jesus' disciples went on to grim deaths often with torture because of what they believed.

Are you suggesting that these disciples allowed themselves to be subjected to excruciating pain that would without doubt lead to their deaths because of what they claimed to believe but they in fact KNEW (not believed but knew) to be a lie?

The Bible tells of Jesus' disciples being disheartened because of what happened to him on the cross. However within weeks they were charged with such energy that they were willing to give their lives to tell of what they believed (they would have known whether what they claimed was true or false). Seeing their Messiah almost dead and struggle back to health before passing through India to Kashmir to die is surely not the kind of scene that would inspire what went on to become the world’s largest religion.

What do you think?




Zxzyx said:

You said that the Promised Messiah has come. Bit of an anti-climax don't you think? I was thinking it would be a little more obvious than the whole world missing it.
The Bible does say that He will come like a thief in the night, that we should be watchful. Have you been looking for Him? Perhaps, like the Jews aforetime, you have interpreted the scripture literally and expect Christ to return in fashion that will suit your own desires. Christ, knowing that he would not be easily recognized when He returned, has given us a simple test by which to know the truth of one who would claim to be Him: judge them by their fruits.

Happy hunting.:)


Hello Barnardpi

I see what you are saying but when you say 'like a thief in the night' I personally do not think this is referring to the identity of the thief but rather the thief being able to choose when to strike. The passage is then saying we do not know when Jesus will return so we must not think 'I’ve got loads of time to sin and can repent at the last minute.' If I may put the passage you mentioned into context. 'Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.' (1 Thess 5 v1-2). I have to say that this does not suit my personal desire for the way to do thing since I don't know what Ill be doing at that time but it does make sense and seem fair. This is all my own personal understanding and I would encourage anyone to read the available info and make up their own minds.

May I ask you where you are getting your ideas of Jesus knowing that he would not be easily recognised on his return?
