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Promised Sun / Moon Eclipses -23 March:The Promised Messiah Day - Peaceful Revival of Faith


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: There was a Solar eclipse on 20 th March 2015 in UK, it was seen in some other countries too. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has especially asked to do prayers, Istighfar, charity and offer special Salaat on this occasion. In view of this, Jama'at (at places where eclipse was to be seen) was informed to offer Salaat-Kosuf.

According to sunnah (practice) of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) and Jama'at with him in UK too offered this Salaat.

In Ahadith, the Solar and Lunar eclipses are called signs among special signs of Allah the Exalted.

According to saying of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) a grand sign among signs for coming of Promised Messiah was special eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. By the grace of Allah the Exalted it appeared in support of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) [in 1894 in southern hemisphere and was repeated in 1895 in northern hemisphere].

The sign of eclipse has a special relation with Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and his Jama'at.

i-Though the recent eclipse of sun on March 20, 2015 is not the specific sign of advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), and it is among eclipses which are, in general, signs of Allah the Exalted, but this eclipse of March 20 surely draws attention towards those specific eclipses which appeared as sign of advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

ii- Another thing, this eclipse also draws attention to those specific eclipses because it took place on Friday and Friday has a special relation with the advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

iii-The occurrence of this eclipse in March reminds the 23 March – The Promised Messiah Day [Inception of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, Hazrat Promised Messiah took Bai'at of 40 believers in Ludhiana, India] , to remember the time of his claim.

This month, this eclipse and this day reminds history of Jama'at in various ways.

The words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) about the prophecy by Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) about specific eclipses are being presented. Some incidences of Companions are being given who joined the Movement by witnessing this sign and polished their believe.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) gave great importance to eclipses. When an eclipse took place in his life, a Hadith tells:

Hazrat Asmaa (may Allah be pleased with her) states: When solar eclipse took place, I came to (Hazrat) Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), she was offering Salaat. I said what happened to people, offering Salaat at this time. (Hazrat) Aisha pointed to sky with her hand and said ‘subhan Allah’ (holy is Allah). I asked if there is a sign, she nodded and gestured for yes. (Asmaa says), I too stood (for Salaat) till I began to feel drowsiness (i.e. the special Salaat was long, lead by Holy Prophet s.a.w. ) I poured water on my head. After Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) finished (the Salaat), he praised and glorified Allah then he (s.a.w.) said: Nothing is there I did not see before except I saw it standing at this my place [i.e. I was shown everything today here] even Paradise and Fire too and I have been revealed that you will be trialed in graves, like Fitna of Dajjal or something like it. (Holy Prophet s.a.w. further said) One person from you will be brought, (and asked) what do you know about this person (i.e Muhammad s.a.w.), the believer or convinced (Asmaa says one of these two words was used) will say Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is Messenger of Allah. He brought to us signs and guidance, we accepted him and believed and followed him. He will be told you sleep good, we knew you was surely a believer. And the one who was hypocrite or had doubt, he will say I do not know (about Holy Prophet s.a.w. what he is) I heard people saying a thing I said yes too.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said also that this (an eclipse) is a sign of signs of Allah the Exalted it has no relation with anybody’s life or death. During it one should pray and say Istighfar (seek cover, forgiveness, help).

I am very much surprised that although sign after sign continues to appear, the Molvis pay no attention to accept truth. Also they do not realize that Allah the Exalted gives them defeat in every field. They want much that some kind of divine support should appear for them but instead of support, each passing day, their misfortune and falseness is proved.

For example, during the days when it became famous through the almanacs that both the Sun and the Moon would be eclipsed in the coming month of Ramadan and the thought developed in the hearts of people that it is the sign of Imam e Moud (The Promised Imam), at that time Molvis felt fear in hearts that the claimant of being Mahdi and Messiah is this person. A man is present in the field. Lest people should incline towards him.

Then to hide (the truth of) that person, first of all some began to say there will be absolutely no solar and moon eclipses in this Ramadan, but it will take place when their Imam Mahdi will appear. And when the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon actually took place in Ramadan, they presented the excuse that these solar and moon eclipses are not in conformity with the words of Hadith because the Hadith says that the lunar eclipse would take place on the first night and the solar eclipse on the middle of the dates, while in this solar and moon eclipse, the lunar eclipse took place on the 13th night and the solar eclipse on the 28th of the month. But when it was explained to them that the Hadith did not mean the first night of the month (moon), as the moon of the first night cannot be called Qamar, but Hilal, and the Hadith contained the word Qamar and not Hilal. Therefore, what the Hadith meant was that the moon would be eclipsed on the first of the nights during which lunar eclipse can possibly take place, i.e., 13th night of the month (moon), and the sun would be eclipsed on the middle one of the days in which it can possibly take place, i.e., the 28th.

After hearing the correct meaning of the Hadith, the ignorant Molvis were greatly embarrassed, and by great hard work, came up with yet another excuse saying that one of the narrators of this Hadith was unreliable.

It was then pointed out to them that since the prophecy contained in the Hadith had already been fulfilled, any criticism based on mere presumption was of no consequence against the actual facts, which provide a strong proof in favour of the authenticity of the Hadith. In other words, the fulfillment of the prophecy testifies that it is the word of the truthful one.

To allege now that he is not truthful but a liar amounts to denying self-evident truths. Scholars of Hadith have always upheld the principle that doubt cannot negate certainty. The fact that this prophecy has been fulfilled literally in the time of the one who claims to be the Mahdi, is a sure testimony for the fact that the one, from whose mouth these words came, he spoke truth.

But to say that one is not sure of the character [of the narrator] or it is doubtful matter, (it is true that) sometimes even liars speak the truth.

Other than it, the prophecy has also been borne out in other ways and some leading Hanafite scholars have also testified to it, it will not only be unfair, but it will be sheer obstinacy to deny it. After this incontrovertible rejoinder, they were left with no choice but to admit that the Hadith was true, and that it was correctly understood to signify the appearance of the Promised Imam in the near future; but, they said, this man is not the Promised Imam [i.e. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)], but he will be some other person who will appear soon after him. But this reply of theirs also proved to be flimsy and false, for had there been some other Imam, he should have appeared at the turn of the fourteenth century, as mentioned in Hadith. But fifteen years of the century have already passed and no Imam of theirs has yet appeared.

The final excuse they have now come up with is, 'These people are infidels, don't read their books, and do not have any social relations with them. Do not listen to them, for what they say moves the hearts.' It should serve as a warning for them that the heaven has turned against them and so has the earth at the present time. How shameful it is that while the heaven is testifying against them on the one hand, the earth too has turned against them due to dominance of Cross.
[Ruhani Khazaen, The Need for The Imam]

Reference: Based on Friday sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t), March 20, 2015, UK

Further: Accounts of Some Companions of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) about the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 1884 @ Friday Sermon: Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Related Resources:
1- www.alislam.org

2- Response to 'Flaws in the Ahmadiyya Eclipse Theory'

3- Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - The Promised Messiah and Mahdi (on whom be peace) | ReligiousForums.com

4- Al Islam -Book: Ahmad the Guided One [by Iain Adamson]
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Peace be upon you.
From Press Release
"On Friday 20 March 2015, at the occurrence of the solar eclipse, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad led the ‘Namaz-e-Kasoof’ (Eclipse Prayer), during the period of the solar eclipse at the Fazl Mosque in London.

Following the prayers, His Holiness delivered a short sermon in which he narrated sayings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) in relation to the significance of eclipses.


Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community leads Special Prayers during Solar Eclipse | Islam Ahmadiyya