Here you go. Abbas rejects Egyptian offer to settle refugees in Sinai | The Times of Israel
CMike Well-Known Member Sep 3, 2014 #1 Here you go. Abbas rejects Egyptian offer to settle refugees in Sinai | The Times of Israel
Matemkar Active Member Sep 3, 2014 #2 He does not. But considering the fact that the zionist entity is run by the criminal invaders who support the sick signature of yours, I don't condemn those who want to destroy "Israel".
He does not. But considering the fact that the zionist entity is run by the criminal invaders who support the sick signature of yours, I don't condemn those who want to destroy "Israel".
CMike Well-Known Member Sep 4, 2014 #3 Aside form the absurdity of the comments. I believe what it clearly show that this has nothing to do with "palestinian rights". This is just about destroying Israel.
Aside form the absurdity of the comments. I believe what it clearly show that this has nothing to do with "palestinian rights". This is just about destroying Israel.