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Prophecies from Luz de Maria, from jesus christ for the coming years 2024-2033


New Member
on those channels there is more information about the prayer and effect of the Holy Rosary and other prayers, also how to recognize demons and their lies, etc., about angels, the Virgin Mary and a lot of other good things


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Prophecies from Luz de Maria, from jesus christ for the coming years 2024-2033

on this channel there are Christian prophecies for the coming years, I've been reading them for 3 years, it's about famine, wars, natural disasters, financial bankruptcy, the coming of the antichrist and other things, it's interesting check it out too
youtube channel Bog.Mowi.do.Ciebie

prophecies with english subtitles Are from 2021 to september 2023

here is the new germany channel for new videos with english subtitles from september 2023

Oh my goodness. How many times must Christians predict the the return of Jesus on a particular date, only to be disappointed, before they finally learn to stop doing this?

Perhaps the most famous incidence was the prediction by Baptist preacher William Miller that Jesus Christ would return to the Earth by 1844. When it didn't happen, it was called "The Great Disappointment."

In my youth, the big thing was Hal Lindsey's prediction in his 1970 book, The Late Great Planet Earth, that the return of Jesus was imminent. Welp, hasn't happened yet, and I think the window for "imminent" has passed.

Daniel, things like wars, earthquakes, famines, and financial crises have happened all throughout history. They cannot be signs of any imminent return of Jesus.


Denizen of Niflheim
I would advise the OP to ignore claims of private revelation, especially from obscure figures who traffic in doomsday prophesies. Private revelation is a rabbit hole of falsity and outright silliness that will add nothing to your spiritual life. To its credit, the Church usually ignores such claims because most who claim special revelation from God usually turn out to be either frauds, lunatics or both.

I know people who have made themselves near mentally ill from listening to these kinds of prophesies that have been floating around the Catholic world since at least the 19th century. "The three days of darkness", "the enlightenment of the soul", "the coming of the Catholic monarch", "war with Russia" (okay, this one may actually eventuate), ect. Nothing yet has ever come from any of it.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
It's odd to me that Christians who should know their Bible don't know it. In this case Matt 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. And later Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.


New Member
There has been an interesting thing on Polish YouTube for a couple of years now, they are YT channels intended for Christians, in which messages are written from spiritual beings who have reached several prophets from all over the world,
Each message goes to more than 10 of these Christian channels..
It is supposed to be messages in which these beings, for several years now, have been speaking to a large prayer group that he is preparing for the great judgment, they wrote them various messages there, including apocalyptic ones, which they are expected to deliver soon,
But they say there are only days left until the big disaster...
It's interesting....


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Prophecies from Luz de Maria, from jesus christ for the coming years 2024-2033

on this channel there are Christian prophecies for the coming years, I've been reading them for 3 years, it's about famine, wars, natural disasters, financial bankruptcy, the coming of the antichrist and other things, it's interesting check it out too
youtube channel Bog.Mowi.do.Ciebie

prophecies with english subtitles Are from 2021 to september 2023

here is the new germany channel for new videos with english subtitles from september 2023

Can Luz tell us more about the stock market during those years? That would be vastly more useful.


- viole


New Member
Can Luz tell us more about the stock market during those years? That would be vastly more useful.


- viole
according to the prophecy, regarding finance, we should soon witness how one currency after another will go bankrupt, and how gold and crypto-currencies will lose their value, and after this crash, the problem of business supply and famine will begin.


Well-Known Member
I remember that they wrote that this year Russia will attack Europe and then there will be great heat all over the world and a lack of water and the beginning of a famine and a financial crisis, they wrote about the civil war in America and the subsequent attack on the USA by China

hey also wrote information about the eruption of volcanoes around the world, and after that the sky will be covered with smoke all over the planet, about the leakage of radiation to a large part of the world from the Ukrainian power plant,

hey also wrote that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation,"
Well I was going to get the garden in shape and then re-decorate. Not much point now, so I will get some beers in instead.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
according to the prophecy, regarding finance, we should soon witness how one currency after another will go bankrupt, and how gold and crypto-currencies will lose their value, and after this crash, the problem of business supply and famine will begin.
Is there a prophecy in the Bible about crypto-currencies? Wow. If yes, you won a new convert. Something showing more knowledge than the expected knowledge about goats and stuff, available at that time. But where is it?
can you show me the prophecy concerning crypto-currencies? What verse is it?

Or, most likely, you just made it up? :)


- viole