There is many possible events foretold in the Baha'i Writings. Why detailed clarity is not given is, that these events depend upon our spiritual health as a collective humanity. If we change our ways, what we face will not be as bad, if we become more spiritually negligent, we will face much more dire consequences.
This was offered by Shoghi Effendi in the 1900's
"...The multiplication, the diversity and the increasing destructive power of armaments to which both sides, in this world contest, caught in a whirlpool of fear, suspicion and hatred, are rapidly contributing; the outbreak of two successive bloody conflicts, entangling still further the American nation in the affairs of a distracted world, entailing a considerable loss in blood and treasure, swelling the national budget and progressively depreciating the currency of the state; the confusion, the vacillation, the suspicions besetting the European and Asiatic nations in their attitude to the American nation; the overwhelming accretion of strength to the arch enemy of the system championed by the American Union in consequence of the re-alignment of the powers in the Asiatic continent and particularly in the Far East -- these have, moreover, contributed their share, in recent years, to the deterioration of a situation which, if not remedied, is bound to involve the American nation in a catastrophe of undreamed-of dimensions and of untold consequences to the social structure, the standard and conception of the American people and government.... "
(Shoghi Effendi, Citadel of Faith,p. 125)
The way the world is, this statement also made in the mid 1900's, well is becoming more apparent each day.
"..... That the forces of a world catastrophe can alone precipitate such a new phase of human thought is, alas, becoming increasingly apparent. That nothing short of the fire of a severe ordeal, unparalleled in its intensity, can fuse and weld the discordant entities that constitute the elements of present-day civilization, into the integral components of the world commonwealth of the future, is a truth which future events will increasingly demonstrate.(Shoghi Effendi,The World Order of Baha'u'llah,p. 46)
Regards Tony