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Psychic VS Magic Stuff.


Well-Known Member
Magic is more about consciously using technology, sleight of hand, distractions, and knowing about human nature and field of vision. This allows you to do things that appear to break the laws of physics; to the untrained eye.

I remember one magic trick where the Magician, David Copperfield, did an outside performance in NYC and made the Statue of Liberty disappear. This trick was based on technology and distraction, where the entire stage and audience, were in a large turntable, that rotated slowly so one did not not feel any motion. When the curtain opened, after the trick was stalled by a distraction, everyone was looking in another direction, and the statue was gone from view. If you do not see the hidden technology; trick, it may look real or unexplainable.

Psychic is different and is more like a Scientist running math simulations on a main frame computer. This data processing would be too cumbersome to do long hand. The speed of the computer processing, allows the result to occur quickly, than is expected of a human. In the case of the psychic, the main frame computer is their unconscious mind; inner self, that does the data crunching; subliminal, much faster than the conscious mind, so the result appears out of the expected human time scale, like magic or divine.

If we connected this computer simulation output, to a booming voice that spoke the result, it can appear like a living oracle to the untrained eye. But since this is not a trick, but a valid science enhancement process, it is treated as a matter of fact. The first calculators could have been used for magic, since people did not yet know such a thing was possible, and its speed could better even the best humans with slide rules. Magician are often inventive and applied scientists in their own right. They see a trick, define the need, and build the tech, like a big rotating theatre.

Because of the technology involved in the more elaborate magic tricks, I often wondered if some science experiments could knowingly and unknowingly be types of magic tricks. I inferred this from the observation that many theories change over time and others become obsolete, but at any given time, what will become obsolete in the future, appears to be the new final truth; state of the art (of magic). Using statistical methods is useful to science magic allowing coffee to be good today and bad tomorrow. That has potential as tool of magic.

For example, man made climate change always felt like a magic trick. The DNC that pushes this, is known for its magical illusions. If we break down the trick, it associates climate change to man made, by setting the stage holding nature constant into averages. Manmade data was done and presented in real time, while nature was averaged from the past; apples and oranges. Nature is anything but a constant with or without man. If we average the manmade data and the daily spikes are gone, and it seems more trivial. The term denier was also a tell, it is like telling the audience not look over here, and will cuss you out if you do, since the trick does not work as well, there. They should have used a lovely assistant in a bikini, to keep your eyes where they needed them. Big brother cannot help himself.

Plus, casino math and its black box is a good magic tool, since it is like shutting off the house lights; black box, to give time to set the stage, anyway you need to make the trick work. Two fuzzy dice data points can be connected by a range of lines at different angles; below left. While two distinct points only have a single line that connects them; below right. Casino math allows for hidden angles to appear valid.

Another part of the trick is there is different technology used today than in 1880 or 1920. Satellites allow for 100% earth coverage, whereas in 1900, less than 1% of the earth was covered by direct data collection. My original hunch. 20 years ago, was sort of a psychic event; gut feeling, from internal data processing coming to consciousness, for me to reason and solve over time, since a hunch, by itself, will seem like magic to the untrained eye; answer before the conscious solution.



Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
What magic powers do you have?
I don't really refer to it that way, but everyone more or less has "psychic ability" (aka, intuition, wisdom) and does "magic" (aka, facilitating change in conformity with your will). It doesn't even really have to be understood as a supernatural thing if your metaphysical beliefs don't allow for that.

Ever pictured something in your head that wasn't in front of your eyeballs? That's a "psychic ability" called visualization.
Ever visualized something over and over as a way to try and affect change in your life? Say, counting sheep as a way to try and help you fall to sleep at night? That's "magic."

What these things look like is very diverse over world cultures and historical eras, though for better or worse most folks know next to little about them. They think "magic" means throwing a fireball from your fingertips like in some fantasy RPG, and no, that's not what practitioners are talking about. Or they think "psychic ability" has to be stuff that blatantly violates known science which isn't the case either. I'll grant there are some practitioners that are more "out there" so to speak, but often times it is very grounded and has been repackaged by other groups and movements to be more palatable to the masses.


Believer in God
Premium Member
They think "magic" means throwing a fireball from your fingertips like in some fantasy RPG, and no, that's not what practitioners are talking about.
That's a shame as I would love to do that


But being able to discharge fireballs from your hands simply by saying a word would be a scary thing to be able to do


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
That's a shame as I would love to do that


But being able to discharge fireballs from your hands simply by saying a word would be a scary thing to be able to do
One of the reasons I like the Dragon Age series is it is a more realistic take on what it would actually mean if humans could do something like that. It means having weapons of mass destruction just... wandering around. What do you do as a culture? Condemn them, kill them off, or contain them in a tower under very close supervision. That's Dragon Age, and that's what would need to happen in any culture where this sort of thing was a possibility. So... kinda glad that isn't a thing, honestly...heh.


Staff member
Premium Member
Ever pictured something in your head that wasn't in front of your eyeballs? That's a "psychic ability" called visualization.
Ever visualized something over and over as a way to try and affect change in your life? Say, counting sheep as a way to try and help you fall to sleep at night? That's "magic."
I appreciate this explanation, I feel like I understand much better now.