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Pulls by Angel and Satan – Goodness vs Evil – Reward


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
[ch24:v22] 'O ye who believe! follow not the footsteps of Satan, and whoso follows the footsteps of Satanshould know thathe surely enjoins immorality and manifest evil. And but for the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, not one of you would ever be pure, but Allah purifies whom He pleases. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.'

Satan has been an enemy of human from the beginning and it will remain so. It is not so because it has any power to remain till ever. But it is so because Allah the Exalted gave it the capacity to be free since Allah the Exalted knew His servants would remain safe from Satanic attacks.

Satan’s animosity is not so apparent that it is fighting in open. But it causes human away from virtues and near to evils, by various means, tricks, earthly greed and by raising human egos.

Satan told Allah the Exalted that it would make human follow it since You have made human nature such that human can bend to both sides, he would follow evil more. If You permit me, I would attack and astray him from each path except those who are your true and pure servants. They shall survive my attack and trick but majority would follow my steps. Allah the Exalted allowed it and told that I would throw those in hell who would follow you.

At the same time, through generating the system of Prophets, Allah the Exalted taught human the ways of virtues, methods for reforms, means to be successful in world and hereafter. He made clear to human that Satan is their evident enemy. It call human to evil and loss, in the disguise of kindness, not to goodness and benefit.

At the time of accountability of human, Satan will say to human that I called you to evil, greed, sins, practice against Divine directives, but you had wisdom, why did not you use it? Why did you give precedence to my call for evil over God’s call for goodness and virtue? Now taste chastisement of your deeds, I have no link with you now, my purpose was to show animosity to you and I achieved it, now burn in fire of Jahannam…..That is how Satan does animosity to human.

In Holy Quran, at many places, Allah the Exalted has warned us about Satan’s trick, plans and methods. In the above verse, Allah the Exalted has told, Satan always chase human…….When it told God that it would attack human from front, back, right and left, it meant continuity and steadfastness, it does so. It says too that it would attack human by sitting at right-path.

A person thinks he is on right-path, and I am saved from Satanic attack, but such thought is misunderstanding, those who incurred wrath of Allah the Exalted and those who went astray, they too were walker at right path earlier. They believe Hazart Musa (on whom be peace) and Hazrat Esa (on whom be peace) but lost way and indulged in Shrik and denied Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

Allah the Exalted said when human belives, even then Satan does not spare him and try to make him astray. Several people listen to him and go astray even those who call themselves Muslims become apostate and indecent. Danger of Satan is great….It is special blessing of Allah the Exalted which can save human from this great danger, and saves….At the end of this verse, Allah the Exalted comforts the true believers that He is Al-Sami i.e. He listens. Thus knock His door, call Him, and bow in His Presence with Prayers steadfastly, then God Who is Al-Aleem, He knows situation of His servants, when He will see that His servant is calling Him with sincerity, He will create such a power of belief in this person’s heart, by which he will be saved from Satanic attack, will be enabled to raise level of virtues, and will get strength to avoid evils.

For the words of Satan when it said that all but Your sincere servants will follow me, a person with wisdom, a true believer need to think that how to be sincere servants?

The above verse tells a remedy to become sincere servant of Allah the Exalted. That is, save yourself from ‘fahsha’ and ‘munkar’ i.e. save yourself from every thing which is immoral and vain / manifest evil which God the Exalted dislikes. Whoever will avoid fahsha and munkar, mercy of Allah the Exalted will do his ‘tazkia’ i.e. will make him pure. Satan does not come to such pure ones.

Satan’s attack does come suddenly. It comes bit by bit. Satan infuses a tiny evil in one’s heart and then creates idea this evil is negligible. These little evils become means for movements for big sins. Though, sins like theft and adultery are big but in fact any evil which destroys peace of society becomes big evil. Awareness of human is subdued what he is doing.

Thus, Allah the Exalted teaches that to be pure and to get His pleasure, one has to steadfastly avoid evils by not following footsteps of Satan, and one has to make effort steadfastly to be pure by coming in protection of Allah the Exalted, and also it is essential to call Him and seek His help every moment because without it human cannot survive Satanic attacks.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: Everyone acknowledges that there are two attractions. One attraction is of goodness which pulls him towards virtue. Second attraction is evil which pulls towards evil. As this matter is present and felt that often evil thoughts come in human’s heart, and he is inclined to evil as if someone is pulling him to evil. And sometimes thoughts of goodness fall in one’s heart and at that time he is inclined to goodness as if someone is pulling him to goodness. And often a person, after doing evil, then inclines to goodness and becomes very much ashamed. Sometimes it happens that a person call someone names and beats him and then become ashamed, and says in his heart I did this thing very inappropriately, and does any good conduct with him or seek forgiveness. Thus both of these kind of faculties are present in every human, and the faculty of goodness is named as ‘lammah e malkia’ [angel’s assembly] by Islamic Shariah, while facility of evil is named as ‘lammah e Shaytan’ . The philosopher people agree to the point that both these faculties are surely present in each human. But God Who reveals very hidden secrets, and give news of deep and concealed matters, He declares that both the faculties are creation. The one who sends thought of goodness his name is angel and ‘ruhul qudus’ [Holy Spirit] and the one send thought of evil, it is named as Satan and Iblis. Previous wise and philosophers have acknowledged that the issue or ‘ilqa’ [coming of quick thought] is not pointless………..Both these faculties which exist in each human, either you call them two faculties or name them ‘ruhul qudus or ‘Shaytan’ but you cannot deny existence of these two faculties anyway. And the reason of their creation is that human should be eligible to get reward for his good deeds because if human nature was such that he was forced to do good deeds and had avoided bad deeds by default, then in such condition he had not gotten reward of doing good deed as it would have been property of his nature. But in this state that his nature lies between two attractions, and he obey attraction of goodness, he gets reward of this matter.

Based on parts of Friday sermon (March 11, 2016) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V(may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv