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Punished with Flood Again?


Well-Known Member
I've heard some people say that God has punished those in New Orleans with Hurricane katrina. Now is is just me or didnt God say he would not use a flood to punish the earth again? lets just say that God did punish those people. Does it matter how much of the earth he covered? A lot of people believe that the bible should not be taken
Literally. When you read an English translation of the biblical account of the flood, you will undoubtedly notice many words and verses that seem to suggest that the waters covered the all of planet earth. However, one should note that today we look at everything from a global perspective, whereas the Bible usually refers to local geography.
We know that this reference is not really to the earth at all (and certainly not to the "whole earth"), but to the people of the earth, who all lived in one geographic location. It wasn't until later that God scattered the people over the face of the earth. If the flood were global, there would be no place for the waters to recede to. Likewise, a wind would not significantly affect a global flood, further suggesting that the Genesis flood was local in extent. Whats your thoughts?


My only thought on this is that the people who think that God judged New Orleans via the hurricane are full of horse dookey.


Active Member
I'm not sure about God punishing New Orleans or the world but it seems that He likes floods my city got flooded for the 3rd time in 2 years. The first one was in September of 2004 from Hurrican Ivan, then the second one came in April 2005 and the last one was June of this year. Is that a sign or just conicideince?


GoldenDragon said:
I'm not sure about God punishing New Orleans or the world but it seems that He likes floods my city got flooded for the 3rd time in 2 years. The first one was in September of 2004 from Hurrican Ivan, then the second one came in April 2005 and the last one was June of this year. Is that a sign or just conicideince?

If you're afriad, you can send Pat Robertson a check and he can pray for you.

Here's a must see: Jerry Falwell and Bill Nye the science guy talk about religion and the 2005 hurricanes - http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/10/14/earlyshow/living/main944540.shtml


Religious Zionist
the question should be, what can we do to help those suffering...that should be the central issue on this subject.


Lord of the Badgers
jewscout said:
the question should be, what can we do to help those suffering...that should be the central issue on this subject.
That's crazy talk jewscout, what we should do is build some kind of giant tower to the heavens so that we can hand God a petition signed by all true believers, asking him fearfully to stop flooding us.
It's the only sensible plan, and i'm pretty sure God loves towers, especially those built in the spirit of universal cooperation.


Active Member
Nature will be nature, If you know full well that an area is prone to flooding and hurricanes and you move there, it isn't God's fault when a Hurricane comes. New Orleans was under Sea Level, it isn't God's Fault it flooded, It's man fault for building a city where he was not meant to live.

Also, New Orleans is not to be likned unto the Flood of Noah, which was as High as Mount Arrak and even higher. The Flood in Genesis was Global, why do I say this? Becuase everyone did not live in one Geographical Area, God had already sent them all on their way at the Tower of Babel, some thousands of years before Noah was born. Also, if we study History almost every single ancient civilization has a flood story, which should proove that this flood was worldwide.


Well-Known Member
I do not believe God sends floods and natural disasters. Divine had a thread asking a similar question a while back.


Well-Known Member
Jerrell said:
Nature will be nature, If you know full well that an area is prone to flooding and hurricanes and you move there, it isn't God's fault when a Hurricane comes. New Orleans was under Sea Level, it isn't God's Fault it flooded, It's man fault for building a city where he was not meant to live.

Also, New Orleans is not to be likned unto the Flood of Noah, which was as High as Mount Arrak and even higher. The Flood in Genesis was Global, why do I say this? Becuase everyone did not live in one Geographical Area, God had already sent them all on their way at the Tower of Babel, some thousands of years before Noah was born. Also, if we study History almost every single ancient civilization has a flood story, which should proove that this flood was worldwide.
No it wasnt untill later that God spread everyone across the globe. & Um the bible is ONLY 2000 years old so there was no thousands years later.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Jerrell said:
Becuase everyone did not live in one Geographical Area, God had already sent them all on their way at the Tower of Babel, some thousands of years before Noah was born.


What Bible did you get this from? In every Bible I have ever read Noah and the Flood occurred before the Tower of Babel. Noah was Nimrods great grandfather wasn’t he?
Noah -> Ham -> Cush ->Nimrod.


Deviled Hen
Kcnorwood said:
I've heard some people say that God has punished those in New Orleans with Hurricane katrina. Now is is just me or didnt God say he would not use a flood to punish the earth again?

It's just you. The Bible reports God said He would not destroy the entire earth by flood again.

Unless you're a New Orleans jazz fanatic, N.O. is not "the whole world." ;)

We know that this reference is not really to the earth at all (and certainly not to the "whole earth"), but to the people of the earth, who all lived in one geographic location. It wasn't until later that God scattered the people over the face of the earth. If the flood were global, there would be no place for the waters to recede to. Likewise, a wind would not significantly affect a global flood, further suggesting that the Genesis flood was local in extent. Whats your thoughts?

That it's a mistake to view ancient tales as if they were modern historical accounts. They were written in terms the audience then would've understood.


Mother Heathen
jamaesi said:
The thought that God controls the weather is just laughable- I mean, come on, everyone knows it's homosexuals who control the weather!

I totally forgot about this one. Pat Robertson is such a dork.

Local radio personlities made fun of this...(Pat Robertson...not homosexuals) for so long...


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
It's just you. The Bible reports God said He would not destroy the entire earth by flood again.

Unless you're a New Orleans jazz fanatic, N.O. is not "the whole world." ;)

That it's a mistake to view ancient tales as if they were modern historical accounts. They were written in terms the audience then would've understood.

There are NO accounts of how much of land God had made in the begining
None what so ever. No one can say how much of the earth he flooded. IF the land that Moses & his people lived in was all that God had made at that time then YES that WAS the enitre planet but then again why flood everything where there are no other people on the earth?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
GoldenDragon said:
I'm not sure about God punishing New Orleans or the world but it seems that He likes floods my city got flooded for the 3rd time in 2 years. Is that a sign or just conicideince?
Hmmm. He never floods Salt Lake City. I guess He must like us Mormons. :D (He does occasionally punish us by drought, though.)
Kcnorwood said:
There are NO accounts of how much of land God had made in the begining
None what so ever. No one can say how much of the earth he flooded.
Scripture begs to differ:
"And the water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered." Genesis 7:19

I don't know how much more clear it could be express the idea that water covered the whole world other than , "ALL the high mountains EVERYWHERE under the heavens were covered"...do you?

IF the land that Moses & his people lived in was all that God had made at that time then YES that WAS the enitre planet but then again why flood everything where there are no other people on the earth?
This really comes down to whether God knows what He's talking about or not, it seems to me:

"And I (God speaking) establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth." Genesis 9:11

We can speak from a human perspective about, "Well, maybe He's only talking about part of the Earth..." etc etc, but the plain statement of the text is a clear reference to a worldwide flood. Either you believe that Scripture is inspired and God knows what He's talking about, or you don't and you can explain just about anything away.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Halcyon said:
That's crazy talk jewscout, what we should do is build some kind of giant tower to the heavens so that we can hand God a petition signed by all true believers, asking him fearfully to stop flooding us.
It's the only sensible plan, and i'm pretty sure God loves towers, especially those built in the spirit of universal cooperation.
Absolutely...and everyone involved shall be required to speak Esperanto.;)


Done here.
It's obvious that God is punishing America for letting Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson run around loose. He was also after the conservatives and religious people in Mississippi and Louisiana. Note that the French Quarter was unscathed.


people biuld cities by the sea,on fault lines,up the side of volcanos,along river banks and then have the cheek to blame god when nature flexes its muscles, people they are a funny bunch!

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Jerrell said:
Nature will be nature, If you know full well that an area is prone to flooding and hurricanes and you move there, it isn't God's fault when a Hurricane comes. New Orleans was under Sea Level, it isn't God's Fault it flooded, It's man fault for building a city where he was not meant to live.
Who put the land below sea level then, if it wasn't god?:sarcastic
Quick, someone send the Netherlands a memo and let them know God disapproves of them being 25% below sea level. :149:

Also, New Orleans is not to be likned unto the Flood of Noah, which was as High as Mount Arrak and even higher. The Flood in Genesis was Global, why do I say this? Becuase everyone did not live in one Geographical Area, God had already sent them all on their way at the Tower of Babel, some thousands of years before Noah was born. Also, if we study History almost every single ancient civilization has a flood story, which should proove that this flood was worldwide.
Um, no. What almost every single ancient civilisation having a flood story proves, is that at some time or other, almost every single ancient civilisation had - drumroll please - a flood :eek: , that was considered noteworthy enough to write about. There's no indication any of them even took place at the same time.
Also, if we study the news services around the world, almost every single country has a flood at some point every couple of years - we're in our 12th year of drought, and we still get floods at certain places - sometimes even at the same time, and I don't think anyone is going to take the leap and suggest that that makes them global.