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Purpose of life in Your religion


Veteran Member
I don't believe there is any real purpose, it just does what it does. Energy is neither created, nor destroyed, it only changes form. Is there any real purpose to this change? Is there any real purpose to life? No, it just is what it is and does what it does.

Like that phrase.... "Do without doing and everything gets done."


Do you believe in some revealed scripture? If yes; please quote from it for the claims and reasons given by it for the purpose of life.



رسول الآلهة
To destroy humanity and drink the blood of virgins!
Nah I am kidding :D. Having had so many religious experiences(not the supernatural kind) I have grown into a lot of religions starting with Christianity, then Islam, then Satanism, then Hinduism, and finally Paganism I have learned to appreciate them all and hate them equally. I find no intrinsic purpose in any religion honestly because the purpose asserted by many of them are not taken into considering by the followers so the purpose of life in a religion remains subjective still.
Being a massive fan of LHP ideals and Deistic philosophy I would say that the purpose of life is to simply satisfy one's mind since it is the only thing that is truly unlimited and exits the physical world. TO learn, understand and achieve is the purpose of life.


Veteran Member
I've found it's usually best to find purposes in life that accord with your nature. I also believe those purposes need to allow for one to exercise social and environmental responsibility in fulfilling them. It seems to me that happiness most often lies in purposes that come natural to us and which we can pursue responsibly.

Is it your guess?
Do you get it from science? Please


Veteran Member
Well in the orginal thread I placed i. the Hindu DIR I said the purpose of life is to live.

As in I don't believe in an instrinsic purpose. Life is created and really has no purpose for its being created. I DO believe there is a GOAL but a goal is not the same as a purpose. Much like a marathon to reach the end of the race is the goal, but that is not the purpose.

So life has a goal that it is constantly moving towards, but the purpose is something discovered along the way. That purpose will never be found nor fulfilled if one does not live, so life must live...

Do you believe this because of your religion?
If yes; then please quote from the revealed scripture for the claim and reason in this connection.

Do you believe this for a scientific research?

If yes then please quote from a text book of science and or from a peer reviewed article published in a journal of science for both the claim and reason in this connection.


Do you believe in some revealed scripture? If yes; please quote from it for the claims and reasons given by it for the purpose of life.


I'm not religious, but there are a few (very few) scriptural type quotes that really mean something to me. This one in particular...

"I am the light that shines over all things. I am everything. From me all came forth, to me all return. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me there."

The Gospel of Thomas

I don't believe there is a purpose. Just be as you are.


Veteran Member
I'm not religious, but there are a few (very few) scriptural type quotes that really mean something to me. This one in particular...

"I am the light that shines over all things. I am everything. From me all came forth, to me all return. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me there."

The Gospel of Thomas

I don't believe there is a purpose. Just be as you are.

Is it your guess?


Do you get it from science? Please


Peace be upon you.
Thread started ... feel free to post away. :)

Peace be on you.

Holy Quran
Chapter 51 : Verse 57
"And I have not created the Jinn and the human but that they may worship Me."

It means, worship God which should lead to pay rights of God and His creation.


Veteran Member
It it from nature....but observing, studying, and understanding nature is a part of science anyway.

That is part of common sense endowed to every human beings belonging to a religion or non-religions.

Science is that which has been formally researched under scientific method.



Veteran Member

The purpose of life is to believe in God an worship Him only so that we can work by his commandments. We also need to have good deeds. We are being watched all the time.

This is the test given for us to go to heaven. :)

Please quote from the revealed scripture you believe in for the claim and reason in this connection.


That is part of common sense endowed to every human beings belonging to a religion or non-religions.

Science is that which has been formally researched under scientific method.


Yeah...not everyone uses or understands common sense though either.


Veteran Member
to do my best to do God's will... if one cherishes the relationships with God he is afraid to lose them. moreover each day you find positive sides of your personality ,getting better day after day.
in my country people say: "hope dies the last". but there is a hope which will never perish-there is nothing better than to have excellent future on earth .

This seems to be your guess.

Please quote from the revealed scripture for the claim and reason in this connection.


Veteran Member
Basically, from a physical standpoint everything that exists, all matter, is unstable. Whether we like it or not, everything changes and we can do nothing to stop it.

The One-True-God affects these changes:

[55:30] Of Him do beg all that are in the heavens and the earth. Every day He reveals Himself in a different state.
[55:31] Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online



Veteran Member
"Surat Al-Qiyāmah (The Resurrection) - سورة القيامة
75.8 And the moon darkens,
75.9 And the sun and the moon are joined,
75.10 Man will say on that Day, "Where is the [place of] escape?" "
Surat Al-Qiyamah - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

Hundreds of millions of years before the sun and the moon are joined, humans and all other living beings would already be dead. So, there would not be any human left to say "Where is the [place of] escape?". Read it here and try to understand: Future of the Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reference in the Quranic verses from 75:7-10 may be to the lunar and solar eclipses- a highly unusual phenomenon, which according to a Hadith was to occur in the time of the Promised Mahdi. The Hadith is to the following effect:

For our Mahdi there are two signs which have never been witnessed since the time when the heavens and the earth were created, viz. , that the moon will be eclipsed on the first night and the sun on the second day in the month of Ramadan (Baihaqui).

This meant that the day of the final triumph of Islam and that of the defeat and destruction of the forces of evil will dawn with the Mahdi’s appearance in the world. Strangely enough, both the sun and the moon were eclipsed in 1894 after Ahmad, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement had made the claim that he was the promised Messiah and Mahdi.

The Holy Quran



The One-True-God affects these changes:

[55:30] Of Him do beg all that are in the heavens and the earth. Every day He reveals Himself in a different state.
[55:31] Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will you twain deny?

The Holy Quran Arabic text with Translation in English text and Search Engine - Al Islam Online


Actually, from a physics perspective, the fundamental forces affect those changes.

If I were to relate this to any sort of religious text though, it would be this...

"I am the light that shines over all things. I am everything. From me all came forth and to me all return. Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me there."
The Gospel of Thomas

This to me speaks most of the one true god I believe, which is nature itself.


Veteran Member
Actually, from a physics perspective, the fundamental forces affect those changes.

If I were to relate this to any sort of religious text though, it would be this...

"I am the light that shines over all things. I am everything. From me all came forth and to me all return. Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me there."
The Gospel of Thomas

This to me speaks most of the one true god I believe, which is nature itself.

Nature is created; it is not God.
