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Well-Known Member
My take on the Purusha Sukta Rigved 10.90

Taking Purush to be as Atman or consciousness only the meaning of this sukta can become a poem about the manifold existence of humans or life. The first mantra where thousands of arms ad heads are told are just a expression of the multiplicity of life on this planet and beyond, Purush if taken as the Individual rather then the supreme become a Mantra of singular life and its spread across the universe.
This is just my own thinking of what could be the meaning of the Purusha Sukta, Purusha signifies all intelligent and living beings. in brackets are my comments)

1. A thousand-headed is the Purusha
with a.thousand eyes, a thousand feet;
encompassing the Earth all sides,
he exceeded it by ten fingers' breadth.
2. The Purusha, indeed, is this All,
what has been and what is to be
the Lord of the immortal spheres
which he surpasses by consuming food.
3. Such is the measure of his might,
and greater still than this is Purusha.
All (unintelligent) beings are a equivalent to fourth of him,
three fourths are the immortal in divyaloka (space).
4. Three fourths of Purusha ascended high (Moksha),
one fourth took birth again down here (Due to Karma).
From this he spread in all directions
into animate and inanimate things, (depending on ones Karma)
5. From him the Shining one was born; (Beings of shining attributes)
from this Shining one Purusha again took birth.
As soon as born, he extended himself all
over the Earth both behind and before.
6. Using the Purusha as their oblation,
the Intelligent ones performed the Yagna.
Spring served them for the clarified butter,
Summer for the fuel, and Autumn for the offering.
7. This evolved Purusha, then first born,
they be sprinkled on the sacred grass (Purusha along with the Deva).
With him the Intelligent ones performed the Yagna,
as did also the beings and seers or Divyaloka.
8. From this Yagna, fully accomplished,
was gathered curd mixed with butter. (the remnants of this operation known as Yagna)
Thence came the creatures of the air,
beasts of the forest and those of the village.
9. From this sacrifice, fully accomplished,
were born the hymns and the melodies; (the Veda)
from this were born the various meters; (Of the Veda)
from this were born the sacrificial formulas. (of the Veda)
10. From this were horses born, all creatures
such as have teeth in either jaw;
from this were born the breeds of cattle;
from this were born sheep and goats.
11. When they divided up the Purusha,
into how many parts did they divide him?
What did his mouth become? What his arms?
What are his legs called? What his feet?
12. (symbolically speaking) His mouth became the brahmin; his arms
became the warrior-prince, his legs
the common man who plies his trade.
The common serf was born from his feet.
13. The Moon was born from his mind; (as the mind reflects knowledge its linked with the moon)
the Sun came into being from his eye; (vision is only possible with light)
from his mouth came Indra and Agni, (the praise of these Deva from the Mouth through words)
while from his breath the Wind was born.
14. From his navel issued the Air; (prana)
from his head unfurled the Sky, (Knowledge of the sky)
the Earth from his feet, from his ear the four directions. (Earth to stand on associated with feet, ears associated with directions of hearing)
Thus have the worlds been organized. (for Purusha)
15. Seven were the sticks of the enclosure,
thrice seven the fuel sticks were made,
when the Intelligent ones, performing the Yagna,
bound the Purusha as the victim. (metaphorical victim, more like lab rat)
16. With the Yagna the Intelligent ones performed Yagna for the sake of Yagna.
Those were the first established rites.
These powers ascended up to heaven
where dwell the ancient Intelligent one and other beings.
The verses imo seem to be describing Lord Brahma deva pitamaha, as this old picture shows Brahma and how the different aspects of creation were born of him. In other brahmandas, coming from mahavishnu's breathing, there is a Brahma in each, where each Brahma has different quanties of Heads. Brahma is the only one (aside from Ganesh, or the vishnu avatara Hayagriva) has this strange oddity of multiple heads. It is surely Brahma's four faces that we see in Ankor Watt temple spires. In other universes, the Brahma there may have more or less heads. I know this as it is explained in the bhagavata purana.


Here is a classic picture of when Brahma was born (even though Brahma is called 'aja' or 'Unborn') from the lotus growing from Garbodaka Vishnu's navel, after which we meditated and Krishna revealed himself and passed on the Vedas directly to Brahma.

Just to fill in the rest of the above picture with a classic hindu image of Brahma's Birth

Another classic image here the Demigods gather around Brahma to invike Lord Vishnu attention. This event has happened many times when the devas had problems with renigade asura activities.

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Well-Known Member
mohinishaktidevi;3302224]The verses imo seem to be describing Lord Brahma deva pitamaha, as this old picture shows Brahma and how the different aspects of creation were born of him. In other brahmandas, coming from mahavishnu's breathing, there is a Brahma in each, where each Brahma has different quanties of Heads. Brahma is the only one (aside from Ganesh, or the vishnu avatara Hayagriva) has this strange oddity of multiple heads. It is surely Brahma's four faces that we see in Ankor Watt temple spires. In other universes, the Brahma there may have more or less heads. I know this as it is explained in the bhagavata purana.

yes that would seem like the visual representation portrayed though poetry in the Mantra, Dhanyavad mohinishaktidevi Ji
This is a story of when Brahma visited Krishna is the city of Dvaraka sometime after the war of Kuruksetra ended 3,000BC.

From Caitanya caritamrta Madhya lila 21.59 to 69

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke,
“Once, when Krishna was ruling Dvaraka, Lord Brahma came to see Him, and the doorman immediately informed Lord Krishna of Brahma’s arrival.

“When Krishna was so informed, He immediately asked the doorman, ‘Which Brahma? What is his name?’ The doorman therefore returned and questioned Lord Brahma.

“When the doorman asked, ‘Which Brahma?’ Lord Brahma was surprised. He told the doorman, ‘Please go inform Lord Krishna that I am the four-headed Brahma who is the father of the four Kumaras.’

“The doorman then informed Lord Krishna of Lord Brahma’s description, and Lord Krishna gave him permission to enter. The doorman escorted Lord Brahma in, and as soon as Brahma saw Lord Krishna, he offered obeisances at His lotus feet.

“After being worshiped by Lord Brahma, Lord Krishna also honored him with suitable words. Then Lord Krishna asked him, ‘Why have you come here?’

“Being questioned, Lord Brahma immediately replied, ‘Later I shall tell You why I have come. First of all there is a doubt in my mind which I wish You would kindly dissipate.

‘Why did you inquire which Brahma had come to see You? What is the purpose of such an inquiry? Is there any other Brahma besides me within this universe?’

“Upon hearing this, Shree Krishna smiled and immediately meditated. Unlimited Brahmas arrived instantly.

“These Brahmas had different numbers of heads. Some had ten heads, some twenty, some a hundred, some a thousand, some ten thousand, some a hundred thousand, some ten million and others a hundred million. No one can count the number of faces they had.

From Caitanya caritamrta Madhya lila 70

“All the Brahmas who came to see Krishna offered their respects at His lotus feet, and when they did this, their helmets touched His lotus feet.
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Sanatana Dharma
I think Purusha refers to immortal Atman collectively. However not sure.

1. A thousand-headed is the Purusha
with a.thousand eyes, a thousand feet;
encompassing the Earth all sides,
he exceeded it by ten fingers' breadth.

Refers to creation collectively.

2. The Purusha, indeed, is this All,
what has been and what is to be
the Lord of the immortal spheres
which he surpasses by consuming food.

Again lord of sphere may be referred to Karmic wheel.

3. Such is the measure of his might,
and greater still than this is Purusha.
All (unintelligent) beings are a equivalent to fourth of him,
three fourths are the immortal in divyaloka (space).
Three fourths of Purusha ascended high (Moksha),
one fourth took birth again down here (Due to Karma).
From this he spread in all directions
into animate and inanimate things,
Accended high may be referred to rise in level of conciousness and taking birth in higher dimension or higher level of conciousness. "Took birth again down here" may be referred as taking birth with same level or even low level of consciousness.

5. From him the Shining one was born; (Beings of shining attributes)
from this Shining one Purusha again took birth.
As soon as born, he extended himself all
over the Earth both behind and before.

Refers to reproduction.

When they divided up the Purusha,
into how many parts did they divide him?
What did his mouth become? What his arms?
What are his legs called? What his feet?
12. (symbolically speaking) His mouth became the brahmin; his arms
became the warrior-prince, his legs
the common man who plies his trade.
The common serf was born from his feet.

This refers to Varna system, division of people on basis of their profession.

13. The Moon was born from his mind; (as the mind reflects knowledge its linked with the moon)
the Sun came into being from his eye; (vision is only possible with light)
from his mouth came Indra and Agni, (the praise of these Deva from the Mouth through words)
while from his breath the Wind was born.
14. From his navel issued the Air; (prana)
from his head unfurled the Sky, (Knowledge of the sky)
the Earth from his feet, from his ear the four directions. (Earth to stand on associated with feet, ears associated with directions of hearing)
Thus have the worlds been organized. (for Purusha)
This also explains the Purusha as immortal soul but this time within human body.


Sanatana Dharma
Sorry, this sukth refers to Barhman or supreme soul. This translation is little confusing. I cross checked this sukta in vedas. This sukta says--

purvo ya devebhyo
namo ruchya brahmaya

Existing frist, before all, all salutation to brahma.
Rucham Brahmam jayantah,
deve agre tat abhruvam
this pious knowledge of Brahma, the devas declared in past.

yas tvaivan brehmauo vidyet
tsyp dyeva Asynvxeþ tasya deve asan vaue

The one who knows the brahma, exels the devas. :)


Well-Known Member
Dhanyavad sumit, good to see someone actually doing some research. My intention was not that of translation but self inquiries without the aid of Sanskrit , but appreciate your input


Premium Member
Let me add my two cents. It seems to me from the upanishads that it is the aatmaa that brings out purusha (of formed nature) from the waters of consciousness.

Aitareya Upanishad
OM aatmaa vaa idameka evaagra aasiinnaanyatki.nchana mishhat.h . sa Ikshata lokaannu sR^ijaa iti .. 1..

sa imaa.N llokaanasR^ijata . ambho mariichiirmaapo.ado.ambhaH pareNa diva.n dyauH pratishhThaa.antarikshaM mariichayaH ..
pR^ithivii maro yaa adhastaatta aapaH .. 2..

sa iikshateme nu lokaa lokapaalaannu sR^ijaa iti .. so.adbhya eva purushha.n samuddhR^ityaamuurchhayat.h .. 3..

I-i-1: In the beginning this was but the absolute Self alone. There was nothing else whatsoever that winked. He thought, “Let Me create the worlds.”
I-i-2: He created these world, viz. ambhas, marici, mara, apah. That which is beyond heaven is ambhas. Heaven is its support. The sky is marici. The earth is mara. The worlds that are below are the apah.
I-i-3: He thought, “These then are the worlds. Let Me create the protectors of the worlds.” Having gathered up a human form (purusha) from the water itself, He gave shape to it.

Translation by Swami Gambhirananda