Hi, 2ndpillar, as you have probably seen, I don't make a lot of posts, and try to say more in just 1 post. So, you might think of it as a few posts put together, and that I will not come back soon to reply, because the topic is deep and not to be rushed.
So, I'm trusting that unlike 95% of people here, you'd read very carefully.
I'll do the same.
So, I'm going to bring together several key things into 1 post.
Christ pointed out how in that time (and continuing during Paul's time) the Pharisees had become caught up in their own traditions about how to interpret cleanliness and keeping the Sabbath, and more, and that they had lost (just like in Isaiah chapter 1!) the
real, true intent and meaning and aim of the Law, in this chapter (and many other places also):
full chapter:
Matthew 23 NIV
They were so caught up in their rules for the aspects of cleanliness and other such rules that they had entirely forgotten what God has communicated in Isaiah chapter 1 about what matters most, it seems.
Don't you agree?
Christ said that now
things would change -- that now, beginning with Him, the worship of God would be not only outward, but "in spirit and in truth" --
John 4:24 God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth." -- and the full story in this passage is such a powerful illustration:
A key teaching of Christ about the change in how God is to be worshipped, full chapter:
John 4 ESV
Now, also, we should notice that Paul did teach that it is possible for an
individual person to sin by doing what they individually themselves think is wrong to do (even if it isn't proscribed):
full chapter needed, and key verse at end about the individual understanding that can matter for what is allowed to that individual:
Romans 14 NIV