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Question about socialism from a lurker


Hello !

Ive been a lurker for this forum quite sometime. I dont particularly like religion much, have no real interest in discussing things that arent particular. However! I am interested in politics. More precisely listening to what others have to say.

Some posters here appear to be proponents of socialism. I live in the deep, red part of Georgia, so I cant say Ive ever met someone who professed to be more than a moderate Democrat. Could someone, preferably those who are socialist, explain what socialism is? Ive always been taught that the USSR, Nazi Germany, and China were examples of communism/socialism. Is there a difference between those two? What makes socialism so different than capitalism?

Thanks again !

- Jonas


Reason, and reason again
Welcome to the forum, kid.

Ive always been taught that the USSR, Nazi Germany, and China were examples of communism/socialism.

Nazi Germany was and China is two modern examples of state capitalism, where the state actively intervenes in the markets while allowing employers positions of power over the workers. The USSR is an odd handbasket of capitalism, socialism, and authoritarianism. Most socialists that I know refer to it as a perverted revolution.

ould someone, preferably those who are socialist, explain what socialism is?

The definition of socialism is debatable, but most within the circles of the movement would agree that it's where wealth and the means of production are controlled by the general population and workers. Socialists advocate such things as workplace democracy, worker councils, community decision-making on economic matters, and other forms of empowerment prohibited by capitalists.

Think of it this way: Currently you agree to work under conditions largely established by your employers and higher-ups. In a socialist society, the workers and employers work together to decide their own conditions. The company belongs to everyone who works for it and everyone is given an equal voice. Likewise we're told it's bad to intervene in free competition, but in a socialist country the community can vote [either directly or through representative government, I prefer the former] away corporate policies they deem unproductive to the general population.

Is there a difference between those two?
Socialists: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his deeds [labor]

Communists: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

For communists, socialism is the next step above capitalism. In a communist society there is no state, no money, and everyone works to benefit the community and supply everyone out of compassion for Mankind. Socialism is seen as the temporary machine to change the mindset from greed to compassionate.


Oldest Heretic
Most states in Europe are run on socialist principals.
Socialism here is not seen as the opposite of Capitalism.
what we have now is a fusion.
A capitalist society controlled by socialist ideals, for the benefit of both employers and the employed.
Americans have a pathological fear of socialism in any form, and even equate liberals as socialist.
Communism is Socialist ideas taken to their logical conclusion... There has never yet been a pure communist society... Russia and china were examples of a fusion of Communism and dictator ships.
Today China is reinventing it self to fuse with capitalism. The eventual mix will be interesting to watch.

The Nazis were National socialists. More easily understood by looking at the early years of their rule. The Idea was that the state was run for the benefit of the people.
But the people were not consulted, It was supposed to be an enlightened dictatorship.
And for the first few years rapidly took Germany out of the effect of the depression.
However It was Dominated by Hitler's Perverted character and ideas on racial purity,
And the excesses of the black shirt mentality.