One interesting thing about the phrase "human sacrifice" is that although those two words themselves in no way directly refer to anything violent or death-inducing, we use that phrase specifically to indicate killing as a form of sacrifice. Why is that? Particularly considering the etymology of the word "sacrifice" traces it to something along the lines of "to make holy?"
Why is human sacrifice related to killing?
I usually see "offerings" as a way to give your deepest possesion to another.
Charity giving what you have in generosity and for the need of another.
Sacrifice giving up something or someone as an offering
out of obligation (or so have you)
I sometimes offer myself to the spirits. It means I let myself be with the spirits as a spiritualist or acting as a medium for direct conversation. (Or is that shamanism. Cant remember the term)
I dont sacrifice myself. I dont purposely devalue myself or humble myself for the spirits. I find that unnecessary. Im not a human sacrifice. Im a human offering.
Abrahamics have an influence of relating sacrifice with killing. Its said to be the highest form of humility to their god.
We dont need to devalue ourselves/be in humility/sacrifice ourselves for our gods. We can just be an offering.
Why not be an offering to god. We we are not giving ourselves out of obligation nor are we devaluing ourselves when we are become offerings.
Good example: "I sacrifice my time for my family". I give up out of obligation my time to my family. "I offer my time (by choice) so I can be with my family."
Many say the highest sacrifice is life. It makes sense. Thats what we vamue the most (I assume) is our lives. But when we "offer" our lives THAT doesnt need to be our bodies. It could be our charity or anything else.
I see no negativity in offerings. I do so in sacrifice because its taking out that persons choice to sacrifice but making it an obligation to. A source of worship.
Sorry. I went on a tangent. Hope this adds some perspective.