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Question for all

Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

wel it is my policy not to give out my name and age over the internet but for the qeustions

1 i do not belief in a creator or something that surpasses the laws of physics without a logical explanation

2 well i was baptized but my parents did that more to keep there parents happy so at home i was never bothered with it, i did went to a christian elementery school though for pretty much the same reason

3 the school gave me intel about the bible but i never bought into the whole thing it did however start my filisofical thinking at an early age (started pondering death at the age of 13 )

4 because i started exploring religion/filosofy at an early age i worked out 90% of my life's filosofy and extrapolated wich points of religion are useless and evolved and wich contain hidden clue's to the human psychy

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

God is the undefinable and unknowable, the source of energy and order that exploded this universe into being.
2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

No. My parents were comfortably agnostic, and never limited me or mocked any spiritual search I went on. They didn't exactly support it, but they never stopped me, either.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

Interestingly, it's largely because of their tolerance and openness that I went for a religious path that celebrated such traits.
4. Why do you believe what you believe?

It makes an intuitive sense, and I derive comfort from it. There is no logical proof that I can offer.


Question Everything
Hey all,
I'm doing a paper for an English class about the truth about God. I have to go around and find out different beliefs from individuals. It would be awesome if any of you would answer some questions and list your first name and age (if willing) as well.


1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

The most intelligent of the eternal intelligences.

"God himself, finding he was in the midst of spirits and glory, because he was more intelligent, saw proper to institute laws whereby the rest could have a privilege to advance like himself"
LDS.org - Ensign Article - The King Follett Sermon

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?


3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

My parents let me explore and find my own religion. I apreciate them for doing that.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

Because of spiritual experiences I have had. God can actually communicate with you - that is how I know He is real, I have actually heard His voice.

No prob! Good luck :)

Jamie, 32
1.We are christian Wicca, which means we believe our God as Yahweh,Goddess as the Kabbalah Shekinah and Jesus(yahshua) as the son so this is our true trinity. 2. grew up as a christian/baptist/preacher. 3. we believe the female has been around all along they just hid her as the Holy Spirit,now the Bible makes sense. 4. forget all doctrine and think gut instinct.did your father create you? no he planted the seed, your mother did all the work. only together in perfect harmony was you created.it took both to create you and everyone else.we believe in re-incarnation


Its only a Label
Friend Naniela,

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?
God is only a concept. As soon as the mind thinks about any GOD Satan too is created by default.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?
Born in a family following Sanatan Dharma

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

4. Why do you believe what you believe?
There are no beliefs but only TRUTH that is evident.

Love & rgds


Question Everything
1.We are christian Wicca, which means we believe our God as Yahweh,Goddess as the Kabbalah Shekinah and Jesus(yahshua) as the son so this is our true trinity. 2. grew up as a christian/baptist/preacher. 3. we believe the female has been around all along they just hid her as the Holy Spirit,now the Bible makes sense. 4. forget all doctrine and think gut instinct.did your father create you? no he planted the seed, your mother did all the work. only together in perfect harmony was you created.it took both to create you and everyone else.we believe in re-incarnation

I agree - the image of God is "male and female" -
27, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Old Testament | Genesis 1:27)

I also think that She has been veiled to us for a good reason... welcome to RF!

Kaylee Tam

Time Lady
1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

I do not believe in God. I believe we make our own destinies and I believe others are entitled to their own beliefs.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

Technically, you could say I grew up in an Atheist family, because we never practiced any religion together.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

Yes. I feel that I'm more open minded than I maybe would have been. I know that my parents are open minded, too, and that they wouldn't be angry if I converted to Judaism or Wicca.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

I've considered the alternatives and believe atheism to be the most realistic. I really would like to believe in an afterlife, because that's a lot better than the alternative, and for a while I believed in reincarnation, but belief and hope are two different things.


Ell Oh Ell

1. In as much detail as possible what is your belief about God/ who what do you believe God is?

I do not believe in God. I think the chances of there being no God outweighs the chances of God's existence.

2. Did you grow up in a certain religion?

I was raised in a Muslim household although my family nor me was raised in a strictly religious sense we did observe ramandan, eid etc.
My family were very tolerant so i had alot of contact with other faiths.

3. If so has that affected your beliefs today?

Has not affected my current stance on religion or God at all.

4. Why do you believe what you believe?

I don't believe or have faith in nothing that is why i am an Atheist. I live my life without referring to any texts

Thanks! :)

No problem =]