So on trying to explain how my logic works to a professor of Logic; realized had to turn my equations in my head into a physical format, so did a few additional ones:
In my opinion.
- $ variable.
- +\- plus or minus sum.
- Letters with no variables are a known.
- X marks the spot.
- * made up by me.
- -> Explained here.
- Inductive (Leading to) -> Data first to reach a possible conclusion : A +\- B = $X
- Deductive (Deduced based on) -> Conclusion is deduced from premise: A +\- B = X
- Abductive -> Built upon the partial data, we build the most likely conclusion: $A +\- $B = $X
- Reversive* -> We verify data, by reverse engineering it like algebra: $A + $B = $X = $A - $B
- Argumentative -> Everything someone says will have fault, and we can deduce where they're always wrong in some context: $A - $B = $0
- Abstractive* -> Never anything solid, just observed together: $A $B $C
- Dismissive -> Nothing will ever do: 0 - 0 (-0) = 0
- Zen -> Things are observed, and comprehended... Then quantified by its own equation; yet never truly equated... Just understood: A +\- B = $A * $B
- Tao -> Things are understood by their own logical relationships, and then formulated with equal and opposite results; as all manner of things follow this inclination: A +\- B = $Yin/$Yang
- Please add to this list with equations, and will be impressed....?
In my opinion.