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Questions on Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay, so this is a spin off from a different thread on Halloween...

I had some questions on JW beliefs which was threatening to derail things somewhat, so JayDeeDee has kindly offered to come to a new thread and provide answers from her perspective.

All comers welcome, of course, but please take note that this is in the comparative religion section, NOT the debates section. Whilst I'm sure my views are JayDeeDee's are VERY different, I'm trying to understand, not argue, and anyone else posting here should consider things from that perspective.

So, the questions as already asked are as follows;

You put forth the Watchmaker argument earlier. Do you honestly see that as a good argument for God, or is it more a throw-away line? If you do see it as a good argument, have you done balanced reading on the argument, and the various responses to it by both theists and non-theists. (I don't want to say atheists...in some cases I'd suspect more agnosticism)

How are the Watchtower Society viewed? I alwys thought of them as 'Church Elders' for want of a better word, but how infallible are their rulings viewed?

If sources outside of the Bible are considered fallible at best, and potentially the work of a deceiver, how is it possible to ever critically analyse or assess the Bible? If it's not possible, upon what do you base the assertion that it is historically accurate?

(Might be worth mentioning that I have already apologized in advance for possibly/probably using the wrong terms in relation to some JW concepts. Happy to be corrected where appropriate.)


Avid JW Bible Student
So, the questions as already asked are as follows;

You put forth the Watchmaker argument earlier. Do you honestly see that as a good argument for God, or is it more a throw-away line? If you do see it as a good argument, have you done balanced reading on the argument, and the various responses to it by both theists and non-theists. (I don't want to say atheists...in some cases I'd suspect more agnosticism)

Since all things in our experience that are designed for a specific purpose have a designer and maker, then I accept the basic argument that the Bible supports.

"Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Heb 3:4)

If you came across an impressively designed and built home in the woods that was positioned just right to utilize the solar advantage and it had exceptional lighting, heating, plumbing and recycling of waste, as well as a nicely decorated interior that showed a real eye for esthetics...a full pantry of healthy food and a pristine water supply, would you assume that it just popped up by itself?

The earth is just such a home. Perfectly positioned, not only in the solar system but in our galaxy. It is just the right size and shape and tilt on its axis to support life. It has just the right mixture of gases for living things to breathe and to reproduce themselves endlessly....to be able to create fire without explosion.....it has abundant food for every living thing. It has solar heating, a supply of fresh water that never ends because it is constantly recycled and a waste disposal system that benefits the environment. There is nothing on this planet that is created by God that is polluting.
It is fully self sustaining. What in our experience on this planet that exhibits those things, is uncreated by someone?

If we do not assume that our computers required no purposeful designer and maker, then why assume that the earth is not designed and made with a purpose?

How are the Watchtower Society viewed? I always thought of them as 'Church Elders' for want of a better word, but how infallible are their rulings viewed?
There is no claim to infallibility. We are a wait and see kind of people who use hope to keep ourselves firmly anchored in a world that is spinning out of control.

Paul wrote in Hebrews, "we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us. This [hope] we have as an anchor for the soul, both sure and firm"

We have no leaders, we only have shepherds [elders]. The sheep belong to God and they are responsible to him for the welfare of all in the congregation.

The Watchtower Society is a Bible Society which prints literature and Bibles for public distribution. They are free.
jw.org is our interactive website where thousands of people go every day for information about us.

If sources outside of the Bible are considered fallible at best, and potentially the work of a deceiver, how is it possible to ever critically analyse or assess the Bible? If it's not possible, upon what do you base the assertion that it is historically accurate?
Many have challenged the Bible's accuracy but archeological evidence has always seemed to support the Bible's teachings. People and events thought to have been fictitious have turned up and taken their place in history.

A God who can create the Universe surely would have no problem communicating his will and intentions to his human creation.

(Might be worth mentioning that I have already apologized in advance for possibly/probably using the wrong terms in relation to some JW concepts. Happy to be corrected where appropriate.)
I was not raised as a JW. So I too was skeptical when I first started to study the Bible with them. But I had investigated so many other churches, it seemed only fair to give them the opportunity to tell me about themselves. I had some pre-conceived notions about them too, but the more I got to know them, the more it was obvious that they were being bad mouthed for the same reasons that Jesus and his apostles were slandered.

Please ask all the questions you like. We have the answers. :)


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I might take these one at a time. Hopefully that keeps things a little easier to read. Obviously I'm going to question most of what you write, but hopefully you can accept that my questions are honest, and I'll be respectful. But if I don't question them, I doubt I'll get more understanding of your viewpoint than I already have.

Since all things in our experience that are designed for a specific purpose have a designer and maker, then I accept the basic argument that the Bible supports.

You pre-suppose that all things have a purpose. Who is the designer and maker of a snowflake, and what is the snowflakes purpose? Each is unique, and each is beautiful. Does God create each one, from your point of view?

Snowflake Gallery: No Two Alike, of Course | LiveScience

"Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." (Heb 3:4)

If you came across an impressively designed and built home in the woods that was positioned just right to utilize the solar advantage and it had exceptional lighting, heating, plumbing and recycling of waste, as well as a nicely decorated interior that showed a real eye for esthetics...a full pantry of healthy food and a pristine water supply, would you assume that it just popped up by itself?

Indeed not. But I have experience with house-building. I have seen houses built, I have been involved in renovating and upkeeping them. I would apply my understanding of those to the one standing in front of me, and via comparison draw a conclusion.

The part I struggle with is to extend your analogy. If I came across 100 houses, and of those 6 of them were incomplete, damaged, non-functional or otherwise far less than perfect, what would your assumption be?

Birth Defects: Causes and Statistics | Learn Science at Scitable

The earth is just such a home. Perfectly positioned, not only in the solar system but in our galaxy. It is just the right size and shape and tilt on its axis to support life. It has just the right mixture of gases for living things to breathe and to reproduce themselves endlessly....to be able to create fire without explosion.....it has abundant food for every living thing. It has solar heating, a supply of fresh water that never ends because it is constantly recycled and a waste disposal system that benefits the environment. There is nothing on this planet that is created by God that is polluting.
It is fully self sustaining. What in our experience on this planet that exhibits those things, is uncreated by someone?

To illustrate my point of view, I'll use a very simplistic analogy. It's just for example sake, not a scientific treatise, but hopefully it gives the idea of what I think
If there are a billion planets, and we assume that the conditions for life are literally a one in a billion chance, then (on average) on that one planet there could be sentient beings sitting there assuming there MUST be a Creator, since the odds of them existing were one in a billion. And on every single other one of the planets, there is no-one to think anything. Yet with a billion planets, and a one in a billion chance of life per planet, there are pretty good odds of life existing somewhere. For the same reason, without the least amount of evidence, I would (if pressed) lean towards some form of life existing somewhere else. I'd assume you wouldn't?

If we do not assume that our computers required no purposeful designer and maker, then why assume that the earth is not designed and made with a purpose?

Because I can take you to an assembly line for computers tomorrow. I can disassemble them, and explain the manufacture and composition of each component. Because they are stamped with serial numbers allowing me to track their exact date of manufacture. Because I can review the exact purpose to which computers were originally designed. And a hundred other reasons besides.
Honestly, my original question still stands. Have you read anything independently on the Watchmaker analogy? There is a large amount of material, both theist and non-theist in nature. The arguments are by no means as simple as they sound, and even pro-Watchmaker arguments may be informative for you.

Bit pressed for time (fixing a pool while the weather holds) so I'll have to respond to the rest later!!
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Veteran Member
lewisnotmiller said:
JayJayDee said:
The earth is just such a home. Perfectly positioned, not only in the solar system but in our galaxy. It is just the right size and shape and tilt on its axis to support life. It has just the right mixture of gases for living things to breathe and to reproduce themselves endlessly....to be able to create fire without explosion.....it has abundant food for every living thing. It has solar heating, a supply of fresh water that never ends because it is constantly recycled and a waste disposal system that benefits the environment. There is nothing on this planet that is created by God that is polluting.
It is fully self sustaining. What in our experience on this planet that exhibits those things, is uncreated by someone?
To illustrate my point of view, I'll use a very simplistic analogy. It's just for example sake, not a scientific treatise, but hopefully it gives the idea of what I think
If there are a billion planets, and we assume that the conditions for life are literally a one in a billion chance, then (on average) on that one planet there could be sentient beings sitting there assuming there MUST be a Creator, since the odds of them existing were one in a billion. And on every single other one of the planets, there is no-one to think anything. Yet with a billion planets, and a one in a billion chance of life per planet, there are pretty good odds of life existing somewhere. For the same reason, without the least amount of evidence, I would (if pressed) lean towards some form of life existing somewhere else. I'd assume you wouldn't?
I agree. JayJayDee's argument is a combination of argument from design and argument from incredulity. It revisits the thought that how could something so perfect for human life arise by anything other than purposeful design. In response, and akin to what you've said, I would suggest JayJayDee and others of a like mind consider the following.

A guy sits at a card table with five other players and for hours on end deals five-card hands one after the other. All sorts of combinations of five cards come up, thousands upon thousands of them. Eventually one of the players grows weary and leaves the game. JayJayDee, seeing an opprotunity to join the game takes the guy's place * As the dealer finishes the round of dealing JayJayDee looks at his hand and sees he has an ace high straight flush (royal flush). Wow! a 1 in 649,739 chance. That can't be luck. No one can be that lucky, so the dealer must have purposely made sure JayJayDee got this seemingly impossible hand. He had to have "designed" the deal. Of course no such thing is necessary. In fact, any combination of cards has the exact same odds of being dealt. A royal flush is no more unlikely than a hand of 6 of ♥, 10 and 2 of ♦, 4 of ♠, 4 of ♣, and Queen of ♥. And this is the same with all the necessary factors that have come together to make life on a small planet in an ordinary solar system possible. There is an estimated 50 sextillion habitable earth-like planets in the universe** so life on Earth just isn't all that unique . That in the whole of the universe we creatures are capable of reflecting on our good happenstance should be no more surprising than being dealt a royal flush. Eventually it's bound to happen, and means nothing more than the luck of the deal.

* I know, I know JWs don't gamble, but bear with me for the sake of illustration.

** source


Avid JW Bible Student
You pre-suppose that all things have a purpose. Who is the designer and maker of a snowflake, and what is the snowflakes purpose? Each is unique, and each is beautiful. Does God create each one, from your point of view?

No, I don't pre-suppose that "all things" have a purpose. I believe that all things are designed and made for a reason and sometimes that reason is that God is an artist.
I have a book on snowflakes. It blows me away.....a bit like microscopic creatures and the absolute perfection of them, even though they are not visible to the naked eye.

Or seeing the colors in a galaxy that need Hubble to appreciate. They look like nothing from earth, but O the beauty of them when revealed from space!

Indeed not. But I have experience with house-building. I have seen houses built, I have been involved in renovating and upkeeping them. I would apply my understanding of those to the one standing in front of me, and via comparison draw a conclusion.
I have come from a home renovating background myself. My husband was a builder and an excellent carpenter. We ran a home handyman business for a while until illness forced him to retire.

The part I struggle with is to extend your analogy. If I came across 100 houses, and of those 6 of them were incomplete, damaged, non-functional or otherwise far less than perfect, what would your assumption be?
For this, you need to understand how imperfection was spread to humankind genetically from the DNA of our first parents. Initially, there were no defects in humankind.
It was with the sentence of death that a separation from their Creator occurred and some kind of genetic degeneration took place. (How the death sentence was imparted to man, the Bible doesn't say) This deterioration in human genetics compounded over time resulting in a greatly reduced lifespan and a gene pool today that is little more than a cess pool. Imperfection produces defective offspring, sadly, some more defective than others. Man's mismanagement of the planet and his manipulation of the elements, as well as his atomic and chemical weaponry has also been instrumental in causing further genetic problems. Add to that the devil's influence over man and beast, and who knows what was unleashed on the world?

I used the analogy of the house because many of the things I referenced were not organic, and therefore not subject to evolutionary explanations. Evolution cannot place the earth where it is nor can it explain the size and shape or the angle of the axis. It cannot explain the right mixture of gases nor indeed how life began. Since science can only prove that life comes from pre-existing life, I find it amazing that they can ignore such an important part of the argument and bicker about how life changed over time. If they can't tell us how life began, what is the point?

To illustrate my point of view, I'll use a very simplistic analogy. It's just for example sake, not a scientific treatise, but hopefully it gives the idea of what I think
If there are a billion planets, and we assume that the conditions for life are literally a one in a billion chance, then (on average) on that one planet there could be sentient beings sitting there assuming there MUST be a Creator, since the odds of them existing were one in a billion. And on every single other one of the planets, there is no-one to think anything. Yet with a billion planets, and a one in a billion chance of life per planet, there are pretty good odds of life existing somewhere. For the same reason, without the least amount of evidence, I would (if pressed) lean towards some form of life existing somewhere else. I'd assume you wouldn't?
Well, to me logic dictates that God had to start somewhere. We already know that the earth is relatively young, universally speaking. Science knows that the universe had a beginning otherwise substances (such as uranium) found on our planet would not still be in the same state.

With giving life to other beings who are intelligent, God went further and gave them free will. That really had the potential to muck things up, if they chose to misuse it.

For aeons, angelic beings inhabited the spirit realm, which the Bible indicates existed before the creation of the material universe. So God had spirit beings in the intangible realm like himself at first and then graduated at some point to the creation of material things. He is infinite and creative so he is obviously impelled to create but in his own timeframe.

There is no mention of rebellion or discord in the spirit realm until the creation of man. Satan's appearance in Eden is no surprise since the Bible indicates that he was a Cherub (a high ranking angel) in the Garden of Eden. He was 'Johnny on the spot' observing the man's response to the introduction of his wife and the relationship that developed between them. He targeted the woman and deceived her into disobedience by lying to her about the outcome. He knew he could get to the man through the woman....and the rest as they say, is history. The Bible says it was through the man that sin entered into the world, not the woman. Things would never be the same again.
They lost so much that day....their relationship with their Creator, their human perfection, their paradise home and a future for their children. Whatever defect they were afflicted with, was all they could pass on to all future generations. From knowing no evil, they had a murderer in the camp within just one generation. Such is the power of sin.

God's question to satan concerning Job seems to indicate that this same malicious spirit had a problem with Job's faithfulness and was perhaps scheming to undo this righteous man. He made assertions and challenges concerning Job and God allowed a testing that would have undone most other humans. He is a beacon in my life.

I believe that the issue of God's sovereignty over his creatures had to be settled once and for all before he could proceed with spreading life throughout the universe, otherwise our miserable experience could happen all over again. This way, God gets to solve the problem, establish his sovereign rule over all, deal with the rebels and set precedents for all eternity. Brilliant, if you ask me. ;)

Because I can take you to an assembly line for computers tomorrow. I can disassemble them, and explain the manufacture and composition of each component.
Could any of the components be missing and still produce a working computer? Is there room for the components themselves to have popped up without design and manufacture? Even if you had the many components that were all required to make the computer operate, how would a computer come out of the end of that assembly line without the hands to assemble them? If you put the components in the wrong order or in the wrong place, how can the computer work?

What use would the computer be if there was no power source? A Computer without power is dead, useless, just like a human without breath.

Science would have us believe in a string of fortunate accidents just kept on happening.....
How much co-incidence can there be before one starts to feel uncomfortable about it?
Creation does not make me uncomfortable at all. I can give credit where credit is due to a master designer and builder.

Because they are stamped with serial numbers allowing me to track their exact date of manufacture. Because I can review the exact purpose to which computers were originally designed. And a hundred other reasons besides.
Honestly, my original question still stands. Have you read anything independently on the Watchmaker analogy? There is a large amount of material, both theist and non-theist in nature. The arguments are by no means as simple as they sound, and even pro-Watchmaker arguments may be informative for you.
Most people do not understand how a computer works. I know I don't.
They only care "that" it works and get grumpy when it doesn't.
None of them will take the computer apart and even see the stamped serial numbers unless something goes wrong and they need a technician.

Medical science is only barely scratching the surface in understanding the most complex computer in existence....the human brain. And yet many will proclaim that it required no designer or maker....it was just the product of that series of fortunate accidents....

I cannot fathom that mentality. It wouldn't matter what I read, design requires a designer. Exquisite design, requires a genius. I know you think I need rescuing, but I am in full control of my faculties. :D The universe screams loudly about its Creator, as do we.

Bit pressed for time (fixing a pool while the weather holds) so I'll have to respond to the rest later!!
No worries. We are in for a hot summer by the looks, so that sounds like a good idea..... :)
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Avid JW Bible Student
I agree. JayJayDee's argument is a combination of argument from design and argument from incredulity. It revisits the thought that how could something so perfect for human life arise by anything other than purposeful design. In response, and akin to what you've said, I would suggest JayJayDee and others of a like mind consider the following.

A guy sits at a card table with five other players and for hours on end deals five-card hands one after the other. All sorts of combinations of five cards come up, thousands upon thousands of them. Eventually one of the players grows weary and leaves the game. JayJayDee, seeing an opprotunity to join the game takes the guy's place * As the dealer finishes the round of dealing JayJayDee looks at his hand and sees he has an ace high straight flush (royal flush). Wow! a 1 in 649,739 chance. That can't be luck. No one can be that lucky, so the dealer must have purposely made sure JayJayDee got this seemingly impossible hand. He had to have "designed" the deal. Of course no such thing is necessary. In fact, any combination of cards has the exact same odds of being dealt. A royal flush is no more unlikely than a hand of 6 of ♥, 10 and 2 of ♦, 4 of ♠, 4 of ♣, and Queen of ♥. And this is the same with all the necessary factors that have come together to make life on a small planet in an ordinary solar system possible. There is an estimated 50 sextillion habitable earth-like planets in the universe** so life on Earth just isn't all that unique . That in the whole of the universe we creatures are capable of reflecting on our good happenstance should be no more surprising than being dealt a royal flush. Eventually it's bound to happen, and means nothing more than the luck of the deal.

* I know, I know JWs don't gamble, but bear with me for the sake of illustration

LOL, surely you cannot compare the luck of a hand of cards with the exquisite design displayed in millions of different life forms in nature? What about symbiosis?

I saw a David Attenborough documentary on plants a while ago.

He showed us an exquisite orchid that had a replica of a female insect attached to its tongue and then proceeded to explain that the plant evolved this bit of trickery in order for the male insect to be attracted to it, ensuring pollination and the perpetuation of the species.....am I the only one who was rolling on the floor laughing at someone who thinks a plant can plan something like that? And then design itself to carry that out? Seriously? :p


Avid JW Bible Student
I thought I might just throw this in while I'm at it.

This is a snippet from a book called "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?"

"We know that there are right-handed and left-handed gloves. This is also true of amino acid molecules. Of some 100 known amino acids, only 20 are used in proteins, and all are left-handed ones. When scientists make amino acids in laboratories, in imitation of what they feel possibly occurred in a prebiotic soup, they find an equal number of right-handed and left-handed molecules. “This kind of 50-50 distribution,” reports The New York Times, is “not characteristic of life, which depends on left-handed amino acids alone.” Why living organisms are made up of only left-handed amino acids is “a great mystery.” Even amino acids found in meteorites “showed excesses of left-handed forms.” Dr. Jeffrey L. Bada, who studies problems involving the origin of life, said that “some influence outside the earth might have played some role in determining the handedness of biological amino acids.” (WTBTS)

Talk about the luck of the draw.....in a box full of gloves.....there are only left handed ones. Go figure.
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Veteran Member
LOL, surely you cannot compare the luck of a hand of cards with the exquisite design displayed in millions of different life forms in nature? What about symbiosis?
Now you're talking about what evolution has wrought, which is a whole different thing than the necessary planet conditions for it. The conditions for something and that something are not the same thing. The fertile soil of a plant is not the plant itself.

I saw a David Attenborough documentary on plants a while ago.

He showed us an exquisite orchid that had a replica of a female insect attached to its tongue and then proceeded to explain that the plant evolved this bit of trickery in order for the male insect to be attracted to it, ensuring pollination and the perpetuation of the species.....am I the only one who was rolling on the floor laughing at someone who thinks a plant can plan something like that? And then design itself to carry that out? Seriously? :p
Well not to get personal, but anyone else who may have been rolling on the floor with you were not doubt just as ignorant of evolution as yourself. If you're going to argue or demean the validity of evolution I suggest you at least appraise yourself of its nature. People don't subscribe to it just because it may sound neat or that it's contrary to some religious teachings. They subscribe to it because it makes sense; more sense then any alternative explanation.


Admiral Obvious
Since all things in our experience that are designed for a specific purpose have a designer and maker, then I accept the basic argument that the Bible supports.
Rather deceitful, is it not?

You have not shown that people, the earth, the universe, etc. are designed nor have you have demonstrated they have a purpose...


Veteran Member
JayJatDee said:
When scientists make amino acids in laboratories, in imitation of what they feel possibly occurred in a prebiotic soup, they find an equal number of right-handed and left-handed molecules. “This kind of 50-50 distribution,” reports The New York Times, is “not characteristic of life, which depends on left-handed amino acids alone.” Why living organisms are made up of only left-handed amino acids is “a great mystery.” Even amino acids found in meteorites “showed excesses of left-handed forms.” Dr. Jeffrey L. Bada, who studies problems involving the origin of life, said that “some influence outside the earth might have played some role in determining the handedness of biological amino acids.”
Not this old Bada chestnut again! :facepalm: Anywayyy, so you figure these scientists got this prebiotic soup exactly right? That they couldn't have made the slightest mistake somewhere along the line, which resulted in this "50-50 distribution" you speak of? Of course because when it's convenient to have scientists be correct then that's what they are, and when it's not convenient they aren't. :facepalm::facepalm: And don't overlook Bada's very important qualifier (I've highlighted it in red so you don't). “some influence outside the earth might have played some role in determining the handedness of biological amino acids.” And if it was an outside influence that might have played a role it certainly could have been something other than your god. Think Bada was thinking, "god"? He wasn't .


Avid JW Bible Student
Not this old Bada chestnut again! :facepalm: Anywayyy, so you figure these scientists got this prebiotic soup exactly right? That they couldn't have made the slightest mistake somewhere along the line, which resulted in this "50-50 distribution" you speak of? Of course because when it's convenient to have scientists be correct then that's what they are, and when it's not convenient they aren't. :facepalm::facepalm: And don't overlook Bada's very important qualifier (I've highlighted it in red so you don't). “some influence outside the earth might have played some role in determining the handedness of biological amino acids.” And if it was an outside influence that might have played a role it certainly could have been something other than your god. Think Bada was thinking, "god"? He wasn't .

I'm glad you brought that up Skwim, because everything I have read on the subject of macro-evolution uses the same terminology. The "scientific" articles are riddled with phrases like "could have", "may have", "it is suggested that", "leads us to the conclusion that"....seriously, you believe that this is true scientific language? Nothing is provable. Nothing is fact, even though it sounds like it is. Assumption is not fact.
It is all based on educated guessing and supposition, which leaves macro-evolution in the realms of myth....exactly where many place the Bible.
In fact, it takes more faith to believe in evolution, IMO than it does to believe in an intelligent designer. But then, that is just me expressing my faith, just like you are expressing yours.

Micro-evolution on the other hand, is adaptation within species...now that is provable and does not fight with Genesis at all. :)


Veteran Member
I'm glad you brought that up Skwim, because everything I have read on the subject of macro-evolution uses the same terminology. The "scientific" articles are riddled with phrases like "could have", "may have", "it is suggested that", "leads us to the conclusion that"....seriously, you believe that this is true scientific language? Nothing is provable. Nothing is fact, even though it sounds like it is. Assumption is not fact.
It is all based on educated guessing and supposition, which leaves macro-evolution in the realms of myth....exactly where many place the Bible.
In fact, it takes more faith to believe in evolution, IMO than it does to believe in an intelligent designer. But then, that is just me expressing my faith, just like you are expressing yours.

Micro-evolution on the other hand, is adaptation within species...now that is provable and does not fight with Genesis at all. :)
Have a good day JayJayDee. This simply isn't worth my time.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay...So I said I'd take these are at a time, so I will stick to that, then return to any further questions or clarifications. If it gets boring for you, let me know.

This is a short one though. I'd read some differing reports online about how the WTS was viewed, so thanks for giving me your view. l would have had further questions if they were seen as infallible, since obviously my worldview doesn't allow for this.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
The answer to the third question surprised me, to be honest. I wouldn't see archeology as being very supportive of biblical interpretations of history. How do you source your information? I'm making an assumption that it's from within the faith, which might
be unfair, so best for me to declare that here.

How much study into archeology have you done?

I was more expecting a philosophical answer about the Bible's accuracy than one based in empiricism...!


Premium Member
I have some questions about JWs. When I studied with them, I was told that 1. That Jesus was Michael the Archangel. I just want to know the verses you have that support this idea. 2. What is the reason you don't celebrate any holidays? I can understand why you don't celebrate Christmas and Easter but I have a little more trouble with why you wouldn't want to celebrate Thanksgiving or Mother's Day. And is the reason you don't celebrate birthdays is because of King Herod and his wife's daughter and the beheading of John the Baptist (Baptizer) (This is what I was told during the time I studied).

Any answers would be appreciated. I really would like a better understanding. :)


Avid JW Bible Student
Okay...So I said I'd take these are at a time, so I will stick to that, then return to any further questions or clarifications. If it gets boring for you, let me know.

This is a short one though. I'd read some differing reports online about how the WTS was viewed, so thanks for giving me your view. l would have had further questions if they were seen as infallible, since obviously my worldview doesn't allow for this.

No human apart from Jesus Christ remained 'infallible' throughout his life. Therefore, no human can possibly be infallible. Many of God's servants were flawed characters, but then God doesn't require us to be perfect, just obedient.


Avid JW Bible Student
The answer to the third question surprised me, to be honest. I wouldn't see archeology as being very supportive of biblical interpretations of history. How do you source your information? I'm making an assumption that it's from within the faith, which might be unfair, so best for me to declare that here.

I can research (as well as anyone) information on the net as well as from my own sources. In matters of faith, evidence is not always necessary, but it helps. :)

How much study into archeology have you done?
About as much as I have done on any other subject that interests me.
I am not a university trained archeologist any more than I am a medical school trained physician. But I am interested in the topics.

I was more expecting a philosophical answer about the Bible's accuracy than one based in empiricism...!
Faith, as I mentioned, requires no evidence other than what is right under our noses.

Creation itself testifies to the existence of an intelligent Creator. He designed life, not just to be lived, but to be enjoyed through five amazing senses that all contribute to the quality of our existence. None of them are necessary for life, but all enhance it in a marvelous way. No mindless process can explain away miracles. What do you know of conception, gestation and birth that can lead you to dismiss them as the product of blind chance?

The Bible has endured many attempts over its history to make it disappear, but even "the church" could not destroy it.
Today it remains a best seller. No book, written by men can tell us what will happen in the future. The Bible's prophesies are very accurate.

All of the events we see happening right now were foretold almost 2,000 years ago.

All of the world powers who ruled from Daniel's time down to the present are listed in his prophesies, written over 500 years before that. His book was to be understood only in "the time of the end". (Dan 12:4) A time when knowledge would 'become abundant'.

The final world power of Bible history is ruling right now. Soon all the troubled nations will give their sovereignty over to an entity who has been in existence for some time. This entity will be given powers it has never possessed before, and all freedoms won by brave individuals who fought for those freedoms will be stripped away. This World Government will promise "peace and security" but it will deliver only rigid control, with much pain and suffering. (Matt 24:21)
The Bible says it will rule for "one hour", or only a short period of time before God steps in to crush it out of existence and reintroduce his own governance....the kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for. (Dan 2:44; Matt 6:9)

That is what I have faith in....not the evidence produced by men, but that produced by God himself. I'll stake my life on it.


Avid JW Bible Student
I have some questions about JWs. When I studied with them, I was told that 1. That Jesus was Michael the Archangel. I just want to know the verses you have that support this idea.
Mi′cha·el means "Who Is Like God?"
He is the only angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, and the only one called “the archangel.” (Jude 9)

Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God’s Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be “the archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” or “principal angel.” The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular. This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief, or head, of the angelic host.

At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel, suggesting that he is, in fact, himself the archangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with “a commanding call.” It is only logical, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that would not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Matt 28:18; Rev 17:14) If the designation “archangel” applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to “an archangel’s voice” would not be appropriate. In that case it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God.

The book of Revelation (12:7, 10, 12) specifically mentions Michael in connection with the establishment of God’s Kingdom and links this event with trouble for the earth. Jesus Christ is later depicted as leading the heavenly armies in war against the nations of the earth. (Rev 19:11-16)
Since the Son of God is to fight the nations, it is only reasonable that he was the one who with his angels earlier battled against the superhuman dragon, Satan the Devil, and his angels.

Jesus and Michael are both described as leaders of the angels.

Info from Michael — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

2. What is the reason you don't celebrate any holidays? I can understand why you don't celebrate Christmas and Easter but I have a little more trouble with why you wouldn't want to celebrate Thanksgiving or Mother's Day
I guess it boils down to the celebration of 'wordly' holidays. Being "no part of the world" for us, means not even adopting its feast days. Christians are not all Americans, so as a global family of believers, celebrating national holidays is not something we can do unitedly in praise to our God. We don't do things simply because everyone else does them. If it is not commanded by God, we leave it alone.

The only event we are commanded to commemorate is the death of our Lord, which is on a specific date, held all over the world by our brotherhood. No one else celebrates this event with us because we do not hold it on the closest weekend, but on the anniversary of the day Jesus died.

Mother's Day has it roots in ancient mother worship. Religions in ancient cultures adopted mother worship which is seen in many places around the world, and in the veneration of Mary. It can be traced back to ancient Babylon and the mother of Nimrod who deified her son and made herself "mother of God". It's unsavory roots mean that we won't touch it. Mothers should be honored every day of the year.

And is the reason you don't celebrate birthdays is because of King Herod and his wife's daughter and the beheading of John the Baptist (Baptizer) (This is what I was told during the time I studied).

Birthdays are a bit of a touchy subject with many people because it is associated with children. Can we pause for a moment and reflect on birthday celebrations for children and ask what positive Christian conduct is demonstrated in these as far as the 'birthday child' is concerned?

Can I ask how many parents have been ashamed of their children on these occasions at times when self importance is demonstrated by these children? They are the focus. They get the presents, they are the special ones.

The Bible mentions only two birthday celebrations, both were pagan rulers and on each occasion someone lost their life in a most dreadful way.

Did you know that Christ never celebrated a birthday? He was Jewish and the early Jews did not adopt this custom because of its false religious connotations and connection to spiritism. (Deut 18:9-12) Birthdays were necessary for the casting of horoscopes and the "wishes" were for the guardian spirit of the child to bring good fortune. The tapers (later replaced by candles) on the birthday cake were all part of the original ritual.

We prefer to celebrate 'unbirthdays' on any other appropriate days of the year.
Our family has kid's parties that all enjoy for no particular reason than that it is a nice get together with friends. Our children are encouraged to give the gifts to the other children instead of getting too many for themselves.
We have no issues with parties, provided that our God is not offended by the origin of the occasion and that our conduct is not a reflection of this selfish, self-centered world. It's all about the balance and what we are teaching our kids by our own conduct. Nothing that promotes greed or selfishness can have God's approval.

Any answers would be appreciated. I really would like a better understanding.
Thank you for the opportunity. :)
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Grand Hat
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No, I don't pre-suppose that "all things" have a purpose. I believe that all things are designed and made for a reason and sometimes that reason is that God is an artist.
I have a book on snowflakes. It blows me away.....a bit like microscopic creatures and the absolute perfection of them, even though they are not visible to the naked eye.

They're amazing. So you think God creates each, with aesthetics in mind?

For this, you need to understand how imperfection was spread to humankind genetically from the DNA of our first parents. Initially, there were no defects in humankind.
It was with the sentence of death that a separation from their Creator occurred and some kind of genetic degeneration took place. (How the death sentence was imparted to man, the Bible doesn't say) This deterioration in human genetics compounded over time resulting in a greatly reduced lifespan and a gene pool today that is little more than a cess pool. Imperfection produces defective offspring, sadly, some more defective than others. Man's mismanagement of the planet and his manipulation of the elements, as well as his atomic and chemical weaponry has also been instrumental in causing further genetic problems. Add to that the devil's influence over man and beast, and who knows what was unleashed on the world?

l struggle to understand this concept, although lve heard it before. Does this mean that the punishment for original sin includes the corruption of our DNA to the point where birth defects and / or congenitaI disease is introduced?

Assuming Im ballpark close with that, and that the punishment was warranted, l struggle with the concept of the son bearing the guilt of the father. You've used a parenting analogy a few times but isn't this akin to punishing a grandchild?

I used the analogy of the house because many of the things I referenced were not organic, and therefore not subject to evolutionary explanations.

I understand. I tried to go with your analogy, and stayed away from evolutionary explanations. Happy to share my thoughts on anything, but In trying to understand your beliefs more than convince you of mine.

Evolution cannot place the earth where it is nor can it explain the size and shape or the angle of the axis. It cannot explain the right mixture of gases nor indeed how life began. Since science can only prove that life comes from pre-existing life, I find it amazing that they can ignore such an important part of the argument and bicker about how life changed over time. If they can't tell us how life began, what is the point?

The point of science? Im not sure I understand your question but I can try and answer.

Science doesn't equal knowledge. It's not going to provide all the answers. In a simple sense, it's our best guess as of now based on repeatable and measureable experimentation.

So I don't see how our lack of knowledge is anything more than our lack of knowledge.

For example, if you look a medical research, there is nothing to suggest we are 'medically advanced' other than comparison. Comparison with the third world, or comparison with our own history.

In a thousand years will be seen as pioneers (kindly) or infants (less kindly). There is no reason to point at our lack of knowledge as indicating futility, nor to assume the permanence of that ignorance.

Even WTS doctrines have changed over time. Does the recognition of earlier mistakes render the journey pointless?

Well, to me logic dictates that God had to start somewhere. We already know that the earth is relatively young, universally speaking. Science knows that the universe had a beginning otherwise substances (such as uranium) found on our planet would not still be in the same state.

With giving life to other beings who are intelligent, God went further and gave them free will. That really had the potential to muck things up, if they chose to misuse it.

For aeons, angelic beings inhabited the spirit realm, which the Bible indicates existed before the creation of the material universe. So God had spirit beings in the intangible realm like himself at first and then graduated at some point to the creation of material things. He is infinite and creative so he is obviously impelled to create but in his own timeframe.

There is no mention of rebellion or discord in the spirit realm until the creation of man. Satan's appearance in Eden is no surprise since the Bible indicates that he was a Cherub (a high ranking angel) in the Garden of Eden. He was 'Johnny on the spot' observing the man's response to the introduction of his wife and the relationship that developed between them. He targeted the woman and deceived her into disobedience by lying to her about the outcome. He knew he could get to the man through the woman....and the rest as they say, is history. The Bible says it was through the man that sin entered into the world, not the woman. Things would never be the same again.
They lost so much that day....their relationship with their Creator, their human perfection, their paradise home and a future for their children. Whatever defect they were afflicted with, was all they could pass on to all future generations. From knowing no evil, they had a murderer in the camp within just one generation. Such is the power of sin.

God's question to satan concerning Job seems to indicate that this same malicious spirit had a problem with Job's faithfulness and was perhaps scheming to undo this righteous man. He made assertions and challenges concerning Job and God allowed a testing that would have undone most other humans. He is a beacon in my life.

I believe that the issue of God's sovereignty over his creatures had to be settled once and for all before he could proceed with spreading life throughout the universe, otherwise our miserable experience could happen all over again. This way, God gets to solve the problem, establish his sovereign rule over all, deal with the rebels and set precedents for all eternity. Brilliant, if you ask me. ;)

Hmm...I will read and try to understand your Biblical references, but fair to say my NT is a little rusty and my OT not up to that poor standard.

Could any of the components be missing and still produce a working computer?

Absolutely, although this is also the case with humans.

Is there room for the components themselves to have popped up without design and manufacture?

Not that l'm aware of. How about snowflakes?

Even if you had the many components that were all required to make the computer operate, how would a computer come out of the end of that assembly line without the hands to assemble them?

Other computers could make them. Although, honestly, I don't see the importance either way.

If you put the components in the wrong order or in the wrong place, how can the computer work?

Poorly, and with excess noise in one case from personaI experience. If you're making the point that everything has to be just right for the computer to work then I'd raise a couple of points;

1) No. It doesn't. But there are a bunch of non-negotiables. Sometimes you might use a 'broken' Computer for a long time without knowing it's broken.

2) Whilst I said I'd steer clear of evolution arguments, it's worth remembering that how I think 'computers' began is more akin to my three year old counting on her fingers, rather than a laptop. From there to the abacus, etc.

What use would the computer be if there was no power source? A Computer without power is dead, useless, just like a human without breath.


Science would have us believe in a string of fortunate accidents just kept on happening.....
How much co-incidence can there be before one starts to feel uncomfortable about it?

Well...Scientists get uncomfortable about theories ALL THE TIME. The method for trying to resolve this discomfort is science, which only leads to more questions, and probably more discomfort. l understand the preference for answers, but science doesn't seek to provide comfort. Nor ethics, nor morals.

Creation does not make me uncomfortable at all. I can give credit where credit is due to a master designer and builder.

We come across a house, can determine it's been built, not grown (at which point I could ask about termite mounds), and then are able to tell that a single Creator built the house?

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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member

Most people do not understand how a computer works. I know I don't. They only care "that" it works and get grumpy when it doesn't. None of them will take the computer apart and even see the stamped serial numbers unless something goes wrong and they need a technician.

Plenty of people do. They're a minority but they exist. Professionals (computer scientists) and amateur hacks like me. My kids gave me a Raspberry Pi for father's day. Google it if you're at all interested,but the analogy holds. Some people look at a computer, wonder how it works,rip it apart, experiment and put it back together. If they're hacks like me they always end up with a couple of spare screws. But the computer works. Sometimes...lol...
Medical science is only barely scratching the surface in understanding the most complex computer in existence....the human brain. And yet many will proclaim that it required no designer or maker....it was just the product of that series of fortunate accidents....
Sort of. Speaking for myself I would draw parallels between ancients explaining eclipses or other 'unexplainable' phenomena to gods. So for me, the unknown is unknown. And if I assumed the hand of creation, that would be the first of a thousand questions. A God or gods? How? why? To what end does one Create sentient life? It's in my nature to question, although pride myself on listening too.

I cannot fathom that mentality. It wouldn't matter what I read, design requires a designer. Exquisite design, requires a genius. I know you think I need rescuing, but I am in full control of my faculties. :D The universe screams loudly about its Creator, as do we.
Rescue is definitely the wrong word. I believe in neither objective morality, nor an eternal afterlife, nor surety. So what could I offer? But I'm a teacher and a student by nature, and this seemed a chance to get a better handle on JW beliefs, and hopefully offer something of interest in return.
No worries. We are in for a hot summer by the looks, so that sounds like a good idea..... :)
Yup. Found the leak, but turns out the pipe is old,non-Standard size. Assuming I can source some, l'll have it all fixed soon enough.
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