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quotes of Zen Masters!


Its only a Label

Each to be meditated on!

There is nothing lacking in you!
You are no different than a Buddha.
-Zen Master Tao-Hsin

Only by accepting that the ego is a fabricated
illusion do we walk the Buddha's way. - Dogen

Enlightenment is beyond concepts.
No one has ever attained it. -Ying-an

When everything is seen as One, we return to the Source
and stay where we have always been.. -Seng-t'san

Here it is - right now.
Start thinking about it and you miss it. -Huang-po

If you love the sacred and despise the ordinary,
you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion - Linji

These last quotes are from Bodhidharma,
the official "founder" of Zen.

Not thinking about anything is Zen.
Once you know this, walking, standing,
sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen.

Know that the empty mind can see the Buddha...

Using the mind to look for reality is delusion.
Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness.

Freeing oneself from the mind is total liberation.

When the mind is the master, you live in a hell.
When you are the master of your mind,
you live in the land of the Buddhas.

Mind creates all delusion. Consciousness
penetrates the mind and transforms all delusion.

If you use the Mind to study Reality,
you won't understand Mind or Reality.
If you study Reality without using mind,
you'll understand both.

The Mind and the world are opposites,
and vision arises where they meet.
When your Mind doesn't stir inside,
the world doesn't arise outside.

When the world and the Mind are both transparent,
you have true vision. Such vision is the
understanding of the Buddha.

Secret Chief

To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things. To be enlightened by all things is to be free from attachment to the body and mind of one's self and of others.

- Dogen.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
The only real service we can render to that which we perceive and interpret in phenomenal existence as 'others' is by awakening to universal consciousness ourselves. - Ask the Awakened by Wei Wu Wei

Realization is a matter of becoming conscious of that which is already realized. - Ask the Awakened by Wei Wu Wei

There seem to two kinds of searchers, those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. enlightened, holy, happy, unselfish, eternal (as though you could make a fish the ocean), and those who understand that all such attempts are just examples of delusion, unrealistic "positive thinking", imagination, and play-acting. - Wei Wu Wei

The wise dis-identify themselves with the ego, by realizing its unreality through becoming aware of their eternal identity with pure being. - Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon by Wei Wu Wei

THIS which is seeking is THAT which is sought, and THAT which is sought is THIS which is seeking. 'All Else is Bondage; Non-Volitional Living' - Wei Wu Wei

Sudden Enlightenment' means precisely the immediate apperception of all that in fact we are. Enlightenment' is 'sudden' only because it is not in 'time' (subject to sequential duration). It is re-integration in intemporality. - Posthumous Pieces' by Wei Wu Wei

If we clearly apperceive the difference Between direct apprehension in Whole-mind And relative comprehension by reasoning In mind divided into subject-and-object, all the apparent mysteries will disappear. For that will be found to be the key Which unlocks the doors of incomprehension. - 'Posthumous Pieces' by Wei Wu Wei