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Racism against white people!


Veteran Member
When I was in Montana correctional facility, it was wise if you had a sun tan to claim you were part native American, because then you were not a leper, but they disliked black inmates far more than their distaste for white people, and when a partially black inmate called one of them a "Savage", he explained why every member of the human race is a savage, and why he likes his version better.

Well, I am really needing to remind myself repeatedly that when I gave the black homeless person a roof for a night, and he started making inappropriate sexual remarks, ran off with my phone , backpack, and things of value, my neighbor who realized he was looking for him, he wasn't there, went into my place, asked for his description, said, "i'll get your stuff back, I know where his tent is".

He returned with my backpack and phone.

He was not as big or looking like he would be able to win a physical fight were it to come down to that, and I'm a white guy he just met, he didn't know my name, he made that sacrifice for me, so if I insult black people, it isn't fair to him, or the many good black people I meet, or whose spirits like Emperor Haile Selassie or Malcolm X (killed by the black Muslims he served, for criticizing the prophet Elijah Muhammad, trying to help him and those who follow that bad example of getting many women pregnant out of wedlock and using the scriptures to justify it) who has a courage and integrity when he was born unloved, abused, antagonized, impoverished, surrounded by bad examples, he wound up with virtues that I only wish more Christians from homes that are not broken had.

But the abuse that I have been dealt, violent muggings, one of them leaving my arm dangling out of my socket and needing a trip to the ER fighting him to get my money back, the milk I just bought exploding with the ink of the pen in my pocket getting all over my ID EBT, papers, and other cards, ink all over hands and clothes.

Ironically, it was the money I needed for the barber that day that he stole.

Yesterday I went to a barber, the black guy cutting the hair was an obvious employee. I'm assuming the other guy there was, but now I wonder. He said, "Come back at four, I will cut your hair".

I was back at four. The door was locked. He said "he wil be back soon, can you show me the money"

He said "okay you are on the list, give me the money."

I said, "when he arrives, the door is unlocked, and he is cutting my hair , I'll pay the money. This is the last dollar I have to my name once I pay".

He got angry, said "I see you don't trust black people. We are professionals here. You seriously should overcome your racism, I took you off the list, go away"!

I kept asking him, "which of my words or phrases were racist, what did I do wrong, please repeat the phrase or explain, so I can learn from correction. If you don't tells me what I did wrong, no one learns anything, no one grow.

He said , "leave, stop harassing me and invading my boundaries, I'm not gay like you!".

I started shouting with rage finally, I'm not gay, stop with immature false accusations, act like an adult , simply answer the question, is this barber open tomorrow, you are an employee, I am a customer. Just tell me.

He stands up , pushes me, says he is about to break my Jaw.

I said "blow my brains out!"

Very strange to have a physical mildly violent encounter, with yelling, rage, threats, adrenaline out of control, on my biggest day , first day of devotion and friendship with Hideki Tojo.

What makes it so incredibly odd, the day I laid aside for marriage (

Sun Goddess of Japan, to become bound to, oneness with her, (one of her branches grafted onto the Fatima "source of the sun tree", soaking up what is in the heavenly vine, to desire what she wants. That is the purpose of these marriages, to become one mind and heart, a Honden where the Kami dwell)....

The day of that consecration to be permanently bound and one with Amaterasu Omikami, I got in a fight with a black bully, where he put him in a headlock, and he beat me multiple times with punches to the face. Does that seem like more than coincidence to you? Do you have any thoughts as to why on the Goddess who the Emperor and state descend from, the sun disk on their flag, and my first bonding with the head of state , class A war criminal, both contain something I see as very similar encounters with black bullies I don't like.

When I keep seeing this coming from black people more than every other ethnic group combined , it is so hard to not get feelings of hatred, racist sentiments, but not towards good black people.

Keep in mind, I hate what war criminals do, but nobody loves them. Jesus and good people who are loved and praised, they have their reward. People that God makes monsters who everyone despises, who cannot help themselves, even if I have too much compassion to do what they do to people, and I hate what they do, I know that they are tortured in hell all their lives, and the Bible says for all eternity.

Their victims often have very good lives , with very brief torture in comparison. Maximilian Kolbe was singing the entire time in Auschwitz, like it was a euphoric Bible camp, where the pretty girls hang out.

When people were selected for the starvation bunker, a man with wife and kids was selected. Maximilian Kolbe stepped forth which is not allowed , and happily volunteered with much enthusiasm , begging to take his place , and not miss out on the glorious opportunity , honor, and crown of martyrdom. For maximilian Kolbe, to have the opportunity to die in the Holocaust, and miss out, would have meant a life of regret that he was presented the window of opportunity to have his dreams come true in those lovely camps where they give free room, board, and gas and bake him for free if he doesn't starve, get hung, or beaten to death.

So, my point being, some people are not tortured at all, even in a situation that seems like hell, they are in heaven if they believe they are loved by the right people, in his case, he was with the Queen of Heaven. Martyrdom for her was sweet, euphoric.

For people constantly tormented with thoughts of hurting people, rape, murder, school shootings, they feel most alone when surrounded by people they know would despise or be petrified of them, if they talked about it. Their entire life is a martyrdom, even if they are millionaires, and no one feels sorry for them, or even laughs hysterically as they are not just killed, but tortured to death.

I feel sorry for Japanese of world war 2, because I read the letters of these young men , writing home and talking about the reforms of Bushido where they cannot taste their rice of food from officers beating them in the face with fists and rifle butts, making them swim and run until they are puking or dying from exhaustion, given beatings for crying.

That wasn't Japanese culture when they defeated the Russian Empire not long before that, or when they fought a war with China not long before that, it wasn't the same. In World War 2, the Japanese were so frightened of Communists or Americans colonizing them, they needed their men to not surrender, so treating POW's with tortures most barbaric, and making it seem like that is what westerners do to those who surrender, and will do if they colonize Japan, it was causing the Japanese to make sure they do not surrender, and make sure they do not feel sorry for the large quantity of chinese people they kill.

So, they became monsters unable to have compassion, and were also on drugs. I feel they are truly victims who were robbed of the ability to be human, and all of them , even class A war criminals , are enshrined at Yasukuni.

If I am in heaven, while people are singing about how great God is, I might be more happy tortured with the people he never gave any opportunity to, to know what it is like to be alive, people condemned to be that sick, confused, miserable, abused, that God refused to speak to them. If you don't love a puppy, and kick it every time it wags its tail thinking you will pet or love it, train the dog for a dog fight, and then decide you want to love, pet the dog, get the dog to love people and be safe with children.

That is sort of a miracle if it has reached adulthood knowing only abuse , rejection, no love, hell. That is how war criminals are, and loving them is loving Jesus. Mother Teresa left the comfort of her convent to hold rotting lepers in the slums, said, "I am holding , loving Jesus".

Jesus is called "Morning Star, light of the world". Lucifer means "Morning star, light bearer". Jesus also descended into hell to preach the Gospel to those in prison, preach the Gospel to the dead" being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. (1 Pet. 3:18–20). I think hell is probably where i will find Jesus. ;)

I saw Hideki Tojo, with Naomi Chen of Taiwan, killed by her best friend, a model arguably as pretty as her, but rated second place. It was Cain killing Abel, and she is teaching Tojo the Devil, to walk, Taiwan Tojo East of Eden, Land of Nod, reserved for Cain, after he killed Abel. East of Eden, perfect world, rehab for Cainl...

baby steps for a Devil trying to learn to walk. Many times he falls". Rehab for those who never got to be a kid, never knew what it was like to love, and petrified as their heart grows bigger, there can be great pain with a conscience and sound morals. the more humane he becomes, the more he realizes what he did, and if he didn't have a hand to hold, to see such a monster and know it was him, would be too painful.


Maybe it was true, maybe I'm just crazy, but I found a coin with a butterfly on it yesterday like literally a stone throw away from that barber shop. I found two other coins with it and will need to ask what the design is. (they are not money, but before recently, someone agreed to give a Korean coin, the only money that I had that wasn't north American, was a Japanese penny, which is highly unlikely to happen, very small odds, when I am the only American I have met who is not Japanese, who practices Shinto to the point people have said "I hate your room dude, it creeps me out!"

Japanese people would actually not understand an American who isn't Japanese to be practicing the state religion of Japan, when it doesn't proselytize or have any other nation that has a majority of believers who practice it.

I'll take a picture of those coins when I get home. His Emperor he served and took all the blame for, collected butterflies.

...As Tojo was nearly bleeding to death, (kept alive with a blood transfusion), from the bullet that should have hit his heart, He said he was sorry that he is alive, regrets that he exists


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Veteran Member
The coin I found right next to the Barber shop, after we spoke, is very relevant, because Hirohito was an eccentric butterfly collector. When the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, the caterpillar ceases to exist. You couldn't pick even Tojo or the worst Devil out, as the war criminal (depends on the Devil, some are like Gandhi, some are war criminals like the God of Abraham) if he was in a line up, with transformation of mind body and soul that extreme.
. His love for butterflies was eccentric to the point it caused him to neglect his statesmanship to complain about the pollution in Tokyo causing less butterflies in his Imperial gardens, not addressing the Japanese people on radio until he decided against the will of his officers, to make the announcement.

The officers who wanted Hirohito to surrender, and the ones that didn't, even started shooting eachother. The attitude of Japan was typically, " 100 million die rather than surrender."

When westerners heard Hirohito's words, some said "that guy sounds totally clueless , like he isn't even aware of what is going on, or how badly it has gone for Japan". Hirohito was not a statseman, he was a priest, not a politician, and one of the biggest recluses in the priesthood, that you didn't see much of until after the war. So, as high priest, the military was not something he commanded, not much his words had on the government, anymore than the words of the Pope effect the decisions of the Prime minister of Italy , and their military action.

Hirohito was against pearl harbor, but was told that the Asians colonized by Japan were enjoying better education and health care, the opportunity to be colonized by Samurai, rather than Americans or Europeans. The Emperor may have been innocent to the point of being Naive, but was against the attack on Pearl harbor as well.

Matthew Perry showed up at Japan when they never heard cannons before, firing canons, threatening that America was going to carry out a full blown invasion and colonization of Japan if they don't leave their isolation , trade with America, do as he says. The cannons would have been intimidating to people who didn't have them or know what they were, due to how isolated that island archipelago was.

Nobody ever informed the Japanese that Matthew Perry was bluffing about America planning on going to war with Japan. Hence, the attack on Pearl harbor may have come from Matthew Perry, when you think about it. ;)

But , if I can love war criminals like Hirohito, maybe Mamma Amaterasu is telling me to love the people that providence sends to attack me for no reason. They are beautiful light bearers , unblemished lillies probably , in comparison to some of the war criminals I pray for whose souls are, or at least were, pitch black.

If my relationship with Malcolm X was the Yin and the Yang. he is definitely the white guy, if being white was about having purity, fidelity to your wife, avoiding drugs and alcohol, not being a hedonist, unflinching courage to sacrifice and die for what is right.

Am I racist? I wish I was white like Malcolm X. Malcolm means "Devote of Columbia, Dove, also female personification of American Government".


The actor that played Malcolm X was Washington, bringing to mind government.


Saint Malcolm the Dove , spotless lily of Detroit, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil and the God of the Bible. May noble Kami rebuke all temptations to be hedonists , cowards, or embracing bigotry, sadism, or racism, I humbly pray, and do thou, prince of light, devotee of Columbia, by the power of all virtuous Kami, vanquish and make powerless, all creatures and spirits, including Yahweh, who seeks to ruin, victimize, torture, and deceive souls!
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Veteran Member
Sorry, not everyone who attacks me is black, most attacks are verbal, I can have a big mouth for a guy who doesn't look very physically tough, and to be fair, I lived in the ghetto of buffalo new York, and lots of incarceration places

I don't usually meet the black people with jobs unless you are my probation officer or guard, officer in jail, are police officer cuffing me.

I usually meet those who are impoverished, unemployed, or homeless.

Usually that crowd have a chip on their shoulder, are criminals and addicts where I live, regardless of color.

I don't care about color personally. I wish everyone was a chameleon that always turned into the least offensive color , for whatever eyes would be on them, at the particular occassion where color might offend or torture some one like it often does. :p
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Veteran Member
Racism against anyone is bad, but what I am fed up with is how often racism is only acceptable and tolerable when directed at one ethnicity, and the other can do the exact same crimes and worse to the person's group, that is expressing why white people are cruel bullies
, and you have to be silent, say nothing, or you are racist for simply identifying an obvious double standard,
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