@InChrist these are some of my thoughts on the situation it is a war between the spirit and the mind of a person.
I believe it has to do with the mind/heart of the person.
In this body; it is spiritually dead; and it (the flesh) is actually an enemy to God. (It has its own desires and has no desires of things towards the spirit). A person is reborn again and spiritually alive by and through (the receipt of the truth of the Gospel of Christ Jesus which is the power of God unto salvation for all people who believe).
I believe that we war with our mind when it comes down to hate and not being loving. Because as human beings; we have all hated at one pointed in time someone who has done us wrong; and maybe not have forgive them. Or just simply have hate because of jealous of what someone does has and we desire those things.
Racism; is null in void when it comes to living by the spirit; because as human beings we understand how we are in our bodies imperfect; and people have all types of desires; and we are not to judge others; if a person desires to be racist; and say they are Christian; that person is not a true Christian with hate in their heart and they are not renewed in their mind.
Our flesh and mind are capable of many things when it is not spiritually reborn; and in its natural state. Those are my thoughts on the subject. You can see what the acts of the flesh are and they are obvious according to scripture; Galatians 5:19-21. Until a person is reborn again their heart will remain the same of whatever it is they desire to live for; which is a total choice.
I know that their is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (living by the spirit who are partaking in the love of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ). Also that Jesus Christ speaks what the thoughts are the come from the heart are evil in Mark 7.