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Reach Out to World: Lessons in Relation to Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.).


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….These events provide guidance in the course of life.


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) states that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) would think unique ideas for conveying message of Islam. He would be concerned day and night to take this message to the corners of the world. Once he suggested that his Jama'at should wear distinguishing dress so that every person should become a conveyor of message in himself. Followers mentioned their deliberation on this idea.

i= Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) explains that this idea meant that other people would be attracted by seeing followers in distinguishing dress and having nice condition of deeds and faith. The follower himself too would feel to keep his condition of deeds and faith in order. Today too, Ahmadis should have distinguishing (good) conditions in their practices and faith.

ii- Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) explains about dress or appearance of a Muballigh (preacher) or servant of deen (religion, way). For conveying the message, it is essential that appearance of a Muballigh should be believer-like. Drawing attention of Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya (auxiliary of Jama'at Ahmadiyya for men up to 40 years), he said their appearance should be according to Islamic norms. They should practice simplicity in beards, hairs, and dresses. Islam does not stop to wear clean and neat dress, rather it commands to practice apparent cleanliness and stay away from dirtiness. But to practice much formality in dress is prohibited. It is vain act to check dress or collar of coat time to time. Some people would gift fine dresses to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and he used them but he never paid such attention to dress like asking to brush it or thinking soil might not fall on it. Brushing the dress is not prohibited but it is not desirable to spend excessive time on such matters….There are people with complex about dress, they moan that they do not a certain dress or coat to wear for get-together. One should go to meet others with confidence in available dress which should properly cover and is clean. If one posses neat dress but remain deprived of meeting a person just because of lack of certain type of coat or shirt, it is not practicing Deen (religion, the way) it is worldliness. There is guidance in it for life-devotees , especially for Muballeghin (preachers) and in general for members of Jama'at in it. They should not pay so much attention to apparent ways so that the real aim should become secondary. Some do not care about cleanliness, they should remember that cleanliness is part of Eman (faith). There should balance in every matter.


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) relates that there should be special attention on conveying Message. Once he visited Delhi, he found that people were not debating much with him as they used to be in past…. He remembered the time when, in childhood, he went there with his respected mother. A relative asked whom this child was? When learned, the man asked the child [i.e Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) when little], ‘what is the uproar your father [Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)] has made, people say that he makes strange statements about Islam ’. The child was not worried, since he well knew the arguments about Jesus-has-died, he began to speak about it. The child told the relative that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has said only that Hazrat Esa ?Jesus (a.s.) has died and the promised person has to come from this very Ummah. The child explained the whole subject of the verse (from verses which prove Jesus has died) “ya esa inni motawaffiqa wa rafeoka alaiya….” [ The Holy Quran] The relative was surprised and agreed that Hazrat Esa (a.s.) has indeed died. He said, ‘Then why molvis (clergies) shout about it?’ The child told him to ask them….. But the relative-lady of the house shouted at man, ‘Repent, repent, child’s mind was already gone wrong by previously hearing wrong stuff, you have established him on Kufr (denial) by testifying to him.’


Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) relates that Mian Sher Muhammad sahib was unlettered. He was among Companions of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). He was lost-in-Deen type person. He was driver of horse-wagon. He would start talking with passengers, produce paper ‘al-hakam’ [Ahmadiyya paper] from his pocket, would ask passengers if anyone of them was literate, if there was one, he would tell them, this paper has come for me, please read aloud for me, the passenger in horse wagon (having bumpy ride wanted a good thing to past the time) would be happy to do so. During the reading, the driver would argue at several places, his questions were such that the reader had to answer with thinking. This way the message would reach to his brain very well……..Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that by the time the driver narrated this story to him, more than a dozen people were already embraced Ahmadiya Islam through him. He remained alive after that for many year, it is not known how many more people joined Ahmadiyyat though him by this method. Thus it is not essential that we need great scholars to begin work, but the areas where lettered Ahmadis are not present, if an unlettered person is found, he should be sent to us, he can be taught wisdom verbally [special guidance for remote and small chapters of Jama'at] to start work, if we keep waiting to seek scholars, then who knows how long it will be before they come…… [Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) noted that, even though by the grace of Allah the Exalted, now a great number of students are coming to (Ahmadiyya) religious-institutions (Jaame-at) to be Murabbiyan (learned trainers, clergies) but still our need cannot be met in near future.] ……Because the scholars have to go deep in the study of religion, that is why it takes quite long a time, but despite there are details in religion, and it needs long time to learn these, Messenger Karim (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said, ‘aldeeno yusr’ [i.e. deen is the ease].

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: Thus it is not essential for Dawat el Allah (Calling-towards-Allah) to get dependency on scholarly debates, great seminars and gatherings, new methods should be explored according to situations. In this age, there are many Ahmadis, who by themselves invent methods of Conveying Message and they are very successful by the grace of Allah.

More in Friday Sermon of March 13, 2015, by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help) at alislam.org and mta.tv