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Real Motto: ‘There is None Worthy of Worship but Allah Muhammad is His Messenger’


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you… ‘Love for all, hatred for none’….. : The reasons behind this slogan of Ahmadiyya Jama'at are: ……To let the world know that: (i)- This Jama'at and its members has no ill-will for others. (ii)- Islam teaches love, good conduct and to care others’ sentiment, thus it is wrong blame Islam for cruelty and barbarism. (iii)- We mutually live with love and harmony by tearing down the walls of hatred. (iv)- Our any service for humanity or our conveying the Divine message of Islam is due to our love for all humanity. We want to remove hatred from each heart and instead sow the seeds of love.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) further explained the subject:

Why all this?.... Because our master Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) has taught us so. He found people making associates of God, which is extremely great sin. For the sake of humanity, he would spend nights in prayers agonized and wept in prostration before God. Holy Quran has recorded his pain. “So haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death with sorrow after them if they believe not in this discourse.” (ch 18 : v 7). When his people and other tribes persecuted him, he raised hands and prayed for their guidance.

Attain the objective….. Today there are thousand types of idolatries and many people do not believe in existence of God. Ahmadiyya Jama'at has to focus on adopting the teachings of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) in order to establish God’s kingdom and His Unity in the world. Their slogan attracts praise but they must realize that their slogan is for the sake of achieving the grand purpose, for which human is made. Their humanitarian works, promotions, practice of love and rejection of hatred and hatred for hatred itself is to attain Allah’s love. They do not hate any individual rather they hate satanic practices, and they feel compassion for them who do so, and wish to save them from dirt and Divine chastisement. Their love for worldly people is not based on any worldly motive. They want to remove such people’s hatred, get love of God, and establish Unity of God in hearts.

Principles to get love of God…… Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: “There are two perfect paths of faith; one is to love God and the other is to love humanity to such an extent that one considers its difficulties one’s own difficulties and to pray for it……..It is not a good way to inflict pain on someone merely on the basis on religious differences………My faith is to not even be too harsh with the enemy. I say truthfully, do not consider anyone your personal enemy and completely give up the practice of holding rancor……….Compassion and sympathy with humanity is great form of worship and is a tremendous source to gain pleasure of Allah the Exalted…………Allah the Exalted states, be sympathetic to people regardless of faith and ethnicity. Feed the poor, free slaves, and relive those in debt and support those under burdens and pay the dues of true compassion with humanity…………..I do not like the words of those who limit their compassion to their own ethnicity. I advise you again and again to never ever restrict your sphere of compassion…………..You should extend compassion to God’s creation as if you are their blood relative, just like mothers are with their children. One who does good with natural passion like that of a mother can never be ostentatious.”

These are standards of love and compassion for others, as commanded by Allah and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and stated in Holy Quran and now reminded in this age, by the subservient of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) who is the Promised Messiah (a.s.).

A Note: Humanitarian services connected with God……. Some people in Jama'at’s organization ‘humanityfirst.org’ thought that if they serve without connected with faith, world might appreciate more. Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (a.t.) explained to them that their importance was to be connected with faith and if needed, the name of Jama'at can be used. Humanitarian service is the commandment of Allah Whose worship and safety of offering worship is required and without it, service to humanity has no benefit, no matter how much intelligent planning is done.

‘Love for all hatred for none’ is……. It is the step toward the objective of our creation, for which advent of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and in this era, his subservient Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) took place. The objective is to have real understanding of Unity of God, to be able to follow His commandments, to aim to seek the purpose and high morals of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and to try best for it.

What should be the motto of Jama'at?…….. A discussion was raised about it in the time of Second Ahmadiyya Khalifah, Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (may Allah be pleased with him); scholars suggested that it should be: “…vie, then, with one another in good works….” (2:149) or “I shall give precedence to faith over worldly matters”… Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (r.a.) said these are good as they are Holy Quran based….He further said that once a Jew told Hazrat Umer [(r.a.) – The Second Khalifah after Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)] he felt great envy towards Muslims. Hazrat Umer (r.a.) asked the reason. The person replied that Islam has a unique quality that there was nothing in the world that was not included in Islamic commandments, and was not in the Holy Quran…..Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud reminded that Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) came in a time which is mentioned in Holy Quran as: “Corruption has appeared on land and sea……” (30:42). The present deteriorated era is reflection of that era and The Promised Messiah (a.s.) as subservient reflection of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), has appeared.……Today, true religion, all morals as well as worldly good and progress is needed….. In this era of personal interests, faith has left hearts, one part of the world is benefitting while other is being enslaved politically and financially…..Therefore, it is not correct to choose one verse of Holy Quran as motto. In fact, every verse and whole Holy Quran should be our motto. Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (r.a.) said that Allah has appointed our motto through Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and it is:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

i.e. There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger.

= These words are essence of all Holy Quran.

= All teaching and high purposes are linked with Unity of God, which makes connection of human with human and with God.

= Forgotten Unity of God is established through Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). Prior to him, some people had wrongly considered Hazrt Uzair (Ezra, a.s.), Hazrat Esa (Jesus, a.s.) and some angels as God.

= Holy Quran presents ‘la elaha illallaho’ i.e. ‘there is none worthy of worship but Allah’ from the beginning i.e. ‘al hamado lillaha’ [Surah Al Fatiha] to the end i.e ‘al nas’ [Surah Al Nas].

= ‘la elaha illallaho’ i.e. ‘there is none worthy of worship but Allah’ is announced in Adhan [call before Salaat]

= Through ‘la elaha illallaho’, a person comes in the fold of Islam.

= Spiritual weakness appears in a person when one loses sight of ‘la elaha illallaho’. The objective of articulating ‘la elaha illallaho’ is to bring into focus God’s greatness, His fear and all His attributes.

= Unless a person is completely devoted to Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) he cannot fully understand perfect Unity of God (and will remain embroiled in shirk i.e. making partner with Allah) and its detailed manifestation i.e. Holy Quran…...Let alone non-Muslims, unfortunately there are many Muslims who have made Pirs and Faqeers (mafias of so called spiritual guides who gather masses or pretend they live in solitude and ponder) their gods. They have not understood the station of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Unity of God.

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Peace be upon you.

The real understanding of Taoheed (Unity of God)….. In this era, it is granted to the one who is completely devoted to Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). He is Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Due to full devotion to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he found that Hazrat Esa (Jesus, a.s.) has died natural death. Many earliers have thought that he was alive in heavens, he used to raise dead and had knowledge of unseen. However, by virtue of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s doctrinal and logical arguments , no Ahmadiyya individual can abide by such creed. Similarly Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has informed us about the reality of many other matters, which he learned only absorbing light from Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.) and removed shirk from Jama'at.

The dominant teaching…… All Quranic teachings are excellent but ‘la elaha illallaho’ i.e. ‘there is none worthy of worship but Allah’ is dominant. The rest are details which are different for different people. That is why Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) taught the biggest virtue, differently to different people; according to their weakness, e.g. in this regard, one person was told that biggest virtue was serving one’s parents, other was told Jihad (struggle in the way of God) and third was told offering Tahajjud Salaat (pre-Fajr Salaat). Yet it was necessary for them to practice all virtues.

True Meaning of Unity of God…….. Unity of God does not only mean that
--- one is not an idolater, or
--- one does not consider a person living like Living-God, or
--- one does not associates a person equal to God.
--- In fact, Unity of God has connection with everything in the world. Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) used to profess Unity of god at the time of going to sleep and during his ablutions.
--- Unity of God requires that human should be only reliant on God. Whenever a person becomes reliant on some worldly means he commits shirk. Human should look up to One God alone in everything spiritual or temporal.

All virtues and resolution to any problem in understanding Unity of God……. are present in the real motto: ‘la elaha illallaho muhammad ur rasul ullah’ i.e. ‘There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger’. The blessed model of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) is before us to remove any problems. Hazrat Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “kana kholoqo hulquran” i.e. ‘his morals were (embodiment of) Quran.’…..This phrase contains high standards of:

--- Tauheed /Unity of God,
--- practice on commandments of Quran and
--- details of commandments.

Therefore, whoever understands Muhammad (s.a.w.), The Messenger of Allah, understands God the Exalted. And whoever understands God the Exalted, understands everything because shirk is at the root of all ills, negligence and sins.

Unity of God is base and perfect light……. God has made His Unity our motto: ‘la elaha illallaho’, rest are details…..Through abiding by Unity of God high morals, knowledge, culture, politics and excellence in other arts are infused in human because the light of God is the cure of all ailments.

Uphold motto…… In this age, Dajjal (anti truth deceptive forces) is in full swing with aim to give precedence to worldly matters over faith. Hence, it is a task of Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to give precedence to faith over worldly matters. He (a.s.) included it in his conditions of Bai’at. It means that his Jama'at will abide by teaching of faith and will display the beautiful countenance of Islam in response to the objections of every opponent. It will be to uphold ‘la elaha illallaho muhammad ur rasul ullah’ i.e. ‘There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger’. It is the purpose of making Bai’at with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

Revelation in 1893 to hold to Tauheed /Unity…….. A revelation of Allah said to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) : “khodhut taoheeda altaoheeda yaa abna alfaresey” i.e. Hold fast to Unity, The Unity, O sons of Persia. (Tadhkirah)…Sons of Persia does not only mean his (a.s.) family but it is the instruction for all Ahmadiyya Jama'at….In the times of troubles human holds onto something special. It is the duty of Jama'at to ever keep ‘la elaha illallaho’ in sight.

Worship and Salaat is essential……. Jama'at cannot abandon worship and Salaat in presumption to serve humanity. Whoever does so, has nothing to do with the Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s) -- says his Khalifah (a.t.) – “We need to ever have our real objective and motto in sight so that we may be the recipients of worldly as well as spiritual blessings. May Allah the Exalted enable us to understand this!”

Reference: Friday Sermon (9 May 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv
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