Indeed they can... and wouldn't they just love for you to believe that they are God's chosen instrument to carry out His will?
Come to think of it, who wouldn't jump at the chance to have you believe that they were carrying out God's will?
As has happened countless times before... even in Daniel's time, the "shaking of nations" was not unheard of... Israel itself had been "shaken" to near destruction, only to be restored when Babylon received similar treatment.
"More of the same" is not very impressive, as prophecies go.
Shaking to destruction, or shaking as to sift out all that is good ____________.
Please notice at Haggai 2:7 the word "all" because this shaking includes ALL nations.
The good or desirable things, the precious things, of ALL nations will come into God's house (of worship).
Sometimes in Scripture 'mountains' do refer to governments as towering over people. - Isaiah 2:2; Isaiah 66:12 A.
So, there will be a separating work ( a sifting work so to speak ) as found at Matthew 25:31-34,37.
Because there will be shaking, so to speak, to separate (sift) the figurative sheep from the goats.
The sheep to gain everlasting life forever on Earth to be part of the humble meek to inherit the Earth as promised at Matt. 5:5; from Psalm 37:9-11,29
So, No, Not more of the same, but Very Impressive as prophecies go.
After all, why be invited to pray the invitation to God for Jesus to come - Rev. 22:20 - if it would be more of the same ________
Not more of the same, but Jesus to bring ' healing ' to earth's nations - Rev. 22:2
Healing to the point on Earth that No one will say, " I am sick......" - Isaiah 33:24
Even enemy death will then be No more on Earth - 1st Corinthians 15:24-26; Isaiah 25:8