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Reasons why you sometimes hate getting involved in a debate thread?


Well-Known Member
1) I hate it when people misinterprets my posts.
2) I already explained a particular argument but the opposition just can't get it, so usually end up going in "circles".
3) The opposition gets a bit immature. As a result, a debate has turned into a nonsense "fight".

Do you experience the same thing?


Wonder Woman
Trying to argue against nonsense arguments like "destroys the fabric of society" which the perpetrator never bothers to try to explain either. :facepalm:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
At times, I get tired and bow out whenever the arguement gets incorrigibly circular like you mentioned, the argument gets overly complicated heckling over tit for tat minor nuances, or subject matter that in the duration of the debate, like number 3, becomes nonsense and moot.


Premium Member
I also don't like it when people misinterpret what I say. I don't like debating in circles, either. I really don't like it when someone gets hostile over my opinion and acts as if my opinion isn't worth anything because it is different than another person's- I think people need to accept that sometimes people have different opinions and are entitled to them. It hardly ever happens, but I don't like personal attacks (I don't think anyone else likes that, either).
Then there are minor annoyances: 1. Generalization and stereotyping. 2. People stating opinions as if they are facts. 3. People getting personally offended if you disagree with them. 4. People twisting my words around ( I call it "minor" since it isn't usually done deliberately).


Premium Member
You know what I really don't like? When someone will keep telling me that I "haven't answered his or her question" when I have answered it. I suppose he or she didn't like the answer I gave or he or she didn't understand the answer I gave. And another one is when I answer one question, then the person will ask another and another each time I answer. That gets tiring.


Well-Known Member
You know what I really don't like? When someone will keep telling me that I "haven't answered his or her question" when I have answered it.

I can relate to that!

If you don't like the answer, just ask the question again and again and again then go into a debate over semantics.

Draka said:
Trying to argue against nonsense arguments like "destroys the fabric of society" which the perpetrator never bothers to try to explain either
The fabric of society is the traditional social order that keeps it from turning into dysfunctional tribalism and anarchy. It should be above politics, economics and class and more or less is in most Western nations. However, it is currently being eroded by the 'Culture of Me' to which many things are to blame.


Oldest Heretic
Mostly, but not always, I say my piece, and move on.
If a discussion or debate become a meeting of minds in genuine opposition and respect, I continue.


Well-Known Member
People twisting my words around ( I call it "minor" since it isn't usually done deliberately).

I encounter that at times too.

Also, what really bothers me at times is when some RFers try to "prove" that they know your beliefs very well more than you do, like the topic that I had on my other thread:p.Although they can have some point, but, that's not always the case IMO.


Active Member
The fabric of society is the traditional social order that keeps it from turning into dysfunctional tribalism and anarchy. It should be above politics, economics and class and more or less is in most Western nations. However, it is currently being eroded by the 'Culture of Me' to which many things are to blame.
The OP complained about people making this sort of argument, so in response, you make this exact argument? :sarcastic


Active Member

I find these problems inherent in all conversation. But they're magnified here because we're discussing controversial topics and we're doing it anonymously.


Mother Heathen
1) I hate it when people misinterprets my posts.
2) I already explained a particular argument but the opposition just can't get it, so usually end up going in "circles".
3) The opposition gets a bit immature. As a result, a debate has turned into a nonsense "fight".

Do you experience the same thing?

I get a little irritated when I invest time in a response and I'm ignored. But the next person, who posts the same thing, is acknowledged.

I feel like maybe I'm not confrontational enough at times. :D


Rogue Theologian
Most of my posting is done to display a perspective.
I actually try to focus on the discussion.

Then come the questions that redirect...and they do it on purpose.
Digress the line of thought to avoid the obvious point, pending.

With emphasis redirected to a detail, the jest of the topic is quickly lost.
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Well-Known Member
1) I hate it when people misinterprets my posts.
2) I already explained a particular argument but the opposition just can't get it, so usually end up going in "circles".
3) The opposition gets a bit immature. As a result, a debate has turned into a nonsense "fight".

Do you experience the same thing?

I would add that spending a good deal of time finding all the appropriate research/documentation to substantiate an argument to have the opposition say 'meh'....that's when you realize that the debate is pointless.


Wonder Woman
The fabric of society is the traditional social order that keeps it from turning into dysfunctional tribalism and anarchy. It should be above politics, economics and class and more or less is in most Western nations. However, it is currently being eroded by the 'Culture of Me' to which many things are to blame.

"Arguments" like this. ^ :areyoucra


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
1) There is awkwardness in replying to a thread that has already been going on for quite some time. Given the verboseness of many discussions here, back-reading on a thread takes a significant amount of time. Then, I get deterred from responding to the thread at all because I might bring up a point someone has already made, then someone will make a snarky remark about it.

2) I don't like debating competitively with people who are there to "win" or prove a point. I don't like debating with people who think they know The Absolute Truth. I am here to learn and to understand, or to engage in intellectual exercises. Active listening goes a long way in making for great exchanges.


Dr. Greenthumb
I hate having to explain away the common misconceptions of my faith. If I only had a penny everytime I was told we worship Mary! Id be a rich man!


Wonder Woman
I hate having to explain away the common misconceptions of my faith. If I only had a penny everytime I was told we worship Mary! Id be a rich man!

How about you collect for that one while I collect for the times people say Wiccans worship trees or rocks and such. ;)

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The biggest problems I see is when you debate with someone who believes there is only one right answer to every issue. This is not a one size fits all society and there are not absolute answers to everything.

I find it annoying when people use the logic that if you disagree with them, you must be ignorant or misinformed.

Many times people have to misinterpret what you say so they can pigeon hole your position. This enables them to label and condem you.

Truth in it's purest sense is rarely spoken. All media is biased to a certain degree. People search out like minded folks to legitimise their beliefs. When you have a group of people who agree with you, it reinforces your belief that you must be right and anyone who disagrees with you must automatically be wrong.

The bottom line is, there are shades and degrees of right and wrong. Binary thinking is close minded.
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