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Recommend me some good, recent adult fantasy/sci-fi... and manga


Reason, and reason again
I was browsing through Borders today, and I came to the stark realization that after Harry Potter I have nothing left to read! I am looking for a list of adult fantasy and/or science fiction to wrap myself up in at night, maybe even with my girlfriend. I'd like for it to be decently recent, though. I've gone through a lot of older stories like LOTR, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, 1984, Belgariad, Dragon Lance...

Also, I'd like to see why my girlfriend is so obssed with manga. If there are anime fans, give me some heads up on some names.

Thanks. :D


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Jacqueline Carey.

The first Kushiel trilogy is the best story(s) I've read in years, with magnificent prose, distinct and sympathetic characters, and a profound mythic resonance most writers can only dream of. I've read the first installment, Kushiel's Dart, cover to cover at least 8 times since I got it five years ago. Definitely not for the squeamish, though - the main character is a masochist, and her sexuality is intentionally disturbing at times, moreso in the later books. It's never gratuitous, though. There's a decent review here.

If Tolkein is more to your taste, she tackled that style, too. In Banewreaker and Godslayer, collectively The Sundering, she lifts pretty much the entire structure of LotR, but then turns it on its head by telling the story from the perspective of the arguably evil side. Again, Carey's prose is magnificent. The prologue never fails to move me to tears.

What really sets Carey above the pack is her background as a theologian. These aren't just nifty tales of might and magic - they're true, modern myths (in the best sense of the word), philosophical dissertations disguised as deeply moving stories. The Kushiel
trilogy explores the concepts of free will and love, and The Sundering, the nature of evil.


Well-Known Member
I recommend the Dresden files by Jim Butcher (far better than that horrible "Charmed" remake for the Sci-Fi channel).

Robert Heinlein.
Philip K. Dick
Lois Bujold
Octavia Butler...for some of the classic authors. Also, great stories that, as much as I like George Martin and some of Raymond Feist, don't beat a story to death.

Robert McCammon
H.P. Lovecraft
Storm Constantine...for some horror or dark fantasy.

Perhaps some obscure authors such as M.J. Engh's Arslan or George Stewart's Earth Abides. Not really obscure but definitely writers more enjoyable than the constant high fantasy knock off from the likes of Eddings, Jordan or Lackey.

And last. For a contemporary of Tolkien there is Robert E. Howard's tales of sword and sorcery with Conan, Cormac and many other short but in my opinion great stories.


To Save A Lamb
Well, I know you said adult, but I have to do a shout-out for His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. Wonderful books.


Reason, and reason again
You guys are awesome. I'll be looking at what you suggested.

Khalila, I've actually heard great things about His Dark Materials. If I get out of an adult fantasy mood, I may just start on the trilogy. :)


To Save A Lamb
You guys are awesome. I'll be looking at what you suggested.

Khalila, I've actually heard great things about His Dark Materials. If I get out of an adult fantasy mood, I may just start on the trilogy. :)

Think of it as an adult series. Honestly, no books have ever touched me quite as much as those have. I'm crying right now as I think of the last book. It's marketed to young adults and starts out with fantasy and magic, but as it progresses theology, philosophy (mostly of religion), and even science are mixed it... Pullman is an amazing man.

It's sad His Dark Materials is in Harry Potter's shadow because HDM is just so much more than HP...


Well-Known Member
Ben Bova's books are excellent sci-fi, I've been reading the ones that are all titled after a planetary body in the Solar System, and they're all thought provoking.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
I'd recommend Olympos and Ilium by Dan Simmons (the guy who wrote Hyperion) if you're interested in a kind of fusion of Greek mythology and SF.

I'd recommend anything at all by Peter F. Hamilton, but particularly the Night's Dawn trilogy - The Neutronium Alchemist, The Reality Dysfunction and The Naked God - (which is kind of SF and horror combined I guess) and the two part series consisting of Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained. Fallen Dragon is also excellent.

I'd also heartily recommend the Coyote books by Allen Steele and the books of Alastair Reynolds such as Revelation Space (a series of related novels that seems to be continuing to grow).

Yes, I'm afraid to say that I'm a bit of an SF fan. Just to keep Danisty happy and because you didn't mention them might I recommend also that you read Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion (fantasy rather than SF for a change) books if you haven't already done so. My particular favourites are the books about Corum, but Danisty would, I think, recommend Elric of Melnibone.


Phil Lawton

Active Member
I'll second the Heinlein suggestion ("Stranger In A Strange Land" is a must-read) and add John Wyndham and Ray Bradbury (the latter's "Martian Chronicles" is a classic).


The Feisty Penguin
I recommend Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series, there are seven books that can suck you right in.


Prince of Dorkness!
John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata series, and pretty much anything else by him.

Lois McMaster Bujold - Both her Vor series (Miles Vorkosigan) and her other fantasy.

Stephen Brust - Vlad Taltos series.

The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind

C.J. Cherryh's works - especially some of the older stuff.

Larry Niven - anything and everything, but especially the Ringworld, and the Mote in God's Eye.

If these aren't enough, let me know.


Flaming Queer
i like the laughable predictability of Terry Brooks' books, but they are more child orientated than adult...

i'm currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, and strongly suggest it :)


Admiral Obvious
I recommend Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series, there are seven books that can suck you right in.
I like them as well.
I also like his Xanth series.

Other authors I like:
Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series)
David Eddings (Belgariad, Malorian, Elenia, Tamuli, and The Dreamers series)
Robin Cook
Dean Koontz
Anne McCaffrey
Robert Lynn Asprin (his Myth Adventure series and Phule's Company series)
Laurell K. Hamilton (her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series)


Well-Known Member
i'm currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, and strongly suggest it :)
No way! I'm reading that book right now too! I found it for $4 at Sam's Club and decided to just buy it. I had never even heard of the book or the author. I'm loving it so far. Every page is packed with so much.

Of course, I'm going to second James' suggestion on the Eternal Champion.

What about the Vampire Hunter D novels (not a manga)? I wouldn't necessarily call them "adult" but they are pretty entertaining and they're the basis for 2 anime films and a manga will be coming out this fall, I believe. The books themselves aren't new, but they're just now being translated into English.

Yes Man

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you've read 1984 you might want to read Jennifer Government by Max Berry. You might also want to try some of James Alan Gardner's novels.


Lord of the Badgers
For SF i'd recommend anything by Neal Asher, he's a relatively unknown author but i enjoy his books. The Skinner is my favourite.


Flaming Queer
Ðanisty;889039 said:
No way! I'm reading that book right now too! I found it for $4 at Sam's Club and decided to just buy it. I had never even heard of the book or the author. I'm loving it so far. Every page is packed with so much.
awesome! i'm not very far into it at the moment though sadly, only about a quarter of the way through, i've had to put it on hold for the uni texts i want to get through, working 9-5 each day this week, and of course the Harry Potter book - but i love it so far :D
I didn't notice any posts about manga, so;

If you're into adult sci-fi, you should check out Gantz (the manga, not the anime. For the record, most anime are cheap, amateurish retellings of comics.) Gantz is a violent series with a ridiculous premise, straight out of the snuff phase of Japanese media, but there's humanity at the core of the story. Berserk might be worth checking out - it's an extremely adult manga taking place in something like medieval Europe.

One Piece is probably my favorite comic series ever, although its more teen-oriented.


Prince of Dorkness!
More ..................

David Brin - the Uplift Universe books

Dave Duncan - A Man of His Word, A Handful of Men, the 7th Sword, the King's Daggers, the King's Blades, & more

Michelle West - the Sun Sword Saga

Raymond Feist - Chronicles of Midkemia (several series) + trilogy w/Janny Wurts (can't remember name)

Robin Hobb - The Farseer trilogy, Liveship Traders, the Tawny Man, the Soldier Son

P.C.Hodgell - God Stalk Chronicles