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Religion and fear

Gnostic too

Gnostic thinker
So many people take the King James version of the bible and hold it dear to their hearts as though it was the spoken word of God. They never stop to think that it's just ONE MAN's version. He omitted, changed, altered and did what ever he wanted to. Few people realize that there were MANY versions before his. Constantine was the actual rule maker as far as what people adhere to today in the way of tradition and doctorines. They refuse to study any other religion out of fear of becoming confused or of wanting to question certain teachings. They are told NOT to do those things but to blindly accept what is written in King James's version. The same stories found in his text are also found in those that are thousands of years old. Fear, superstition and doubt keep people in submission to doctorines that have no bases other than that Constantine ( just check it out in the encyclopedia - Nicean Council 320s AD) decided to take parts of catholism and incorporate it into the present-day teachings. Fear of the unknown and fear of not understanding anything except what the preacher tells them, prevents people from studying with an open mind. They had rather believe mythology than to question because they're told that they're lack of FAITH if they do will cause them to burn forever in hell (another doctrine instituted by Constantine). Many don't realize that they believe in the trinity because they don't know what that means. If beings from outside our solar system proved to be a fact, it would blow a hole in christianity and formal religion definitely can not afford to have that happen. Fear and ignorance is alive and well and will be as long as the status quo thrives and people can be kept from asking questions or studying religions of man with an open mind. jmb
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