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Religion Survey


New Member
Hello, my name is Chris and I’m a communications student looking at peoples’ religious views. To do so, I’ve come up with a little survey that will help answer a few of my questions. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a bit of your time and respond to it below. Feel free to respond however you wish. This survey is not intended to cause any conflict or dispute (please respect each other’s views). If you have any comments or anything at all you think may be relevant to my research, all is welcome. Thanks in advance!

Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?


Veteran Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age. Agnostic US citizen over 21

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs? Some things are unknowable.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand? That we are just as moral and upright as those who need the laws of ancient cultures to prod them into doing the right thing.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life? None.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others? A lack of persuasive argument for any other belief.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs? Their certainty.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why? Yes. It gives some a sense of security and peace without which they would have difficulty getting through life.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey? Not without knowing its objective.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

Luciferian, 'Murican, Adult.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?

Humans, on and individual and universal level, are capable of far more than we are accomplishing.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?

That it is in any way related to Satanism.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

Same as being a male or practicing certain philosophies: my beliefs are just there underlying everything and influencing everything.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

They make the most sense, seem supported by both logic and evidence, and are compatible with many different view points.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?


Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

In the sense that "spiritual" beliefs aid humanity on a psychological level, yes. However, humanity has to come to understand it as psychology rather than superstition.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.
Naturalistic non believer who uses ignostic approach to theological concepts. Australian. 30

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
Of naturalism: there is a natural scope of existence and no reason to believe in another scope of existence to which nautral laws would not be applicable
Non Belief: None
Of ignosticism: determine what is being discussed before attempting to form an opinion on it

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
The difference between Knowledge and Belief and the degree to which one can be certain

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
My 'religious beliefs' - none

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
Initially was roman catholic and considering becoming a brother, became dissatisfied over awareness of implementation and construction of policies took the opportunity to reevaluate my beliefs and found I was not a believer. Embraced atheism briefly yet found it less defensible from logical examination than I would have liked, so embraced agnostic atheism, before recognising that was an unsuitable description of my approach to theology and forged my own path - eventually came to know that the approach I had been using in terms of how I evaluate theological claims was strongly similar to that of 'ignosticism'.

In short - I developed my own position based on finding out what people were talking about before determining what my position on it was - and then later realised this approach had a label 'ignosticism'.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
Moderation and Keeping it to oneself.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
No. It might contribute to individual's lives but it contributes nothing to society and can act to detract from society by justifying irrational obstruction of progress in its moderate form, let alone in the more fundamental form (where it shifts from being a mere irrational impediment to becoming a destructive force).

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?
What evidence or argument or experience could you envisage that might alter your current theological perspective away from its current position?
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The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Hello, my name is Chris and I’m a communications student looking at peoples’ religious views. To do so, I’ve come up with a little survey that will help answer a few of my questions. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a bit of your time and respond to it below. Feel free to respond however you wish. This survey is not intended to cause any conflict or dispute (please respect each other’s views). If you have any comments or anything at all you think may be relevant to my research, all is welcome. Thanks in advance!

Hope I can help answer your questions, then :)

Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age. Learning Stoicism, American (USA).

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs? Simplism, apathy, and self control

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand? Initially that the philosophy is a resolution from suffering and painful feelings, when in fact it is to seek inner calmness and not to go ahead of yourself. Basically; do not bite more than you can chew.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life? It plays a role on temper and pretty much my reactions to all things daily.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others? It seemed to be a philosophy that fit me, and everyone has their own philosophy because we all have different fits.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs? Hard to name one, as most beliefs and philosophies have various attractive features.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why? It can be helpful though not necessary, I think spirituality is a way to get a point across in the physical world as well.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey? Whatever suits your survey.


Sunni muslim
Hi Chris

Religious beliefs : Islam
Nationality : french
Age : over 25

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
One God, to Him we'll all return, and our actions will be judge

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
Too many things.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
It helps me to be a better person, to control myself.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
It's the religion of my parents, and i think it's the path to God (the last testament)

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
Message of love, what can help you to be a good person, self-control, Oneness of God, respect of the nature/animals

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
I think it can help people, specially when they are alone or suffer


Well-Known Member
G'day mate

Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.
Sikh, Australian, over 25

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
To realise the Oneness of Creator and creation and treat everyone and everything equally and fairly, knowing that everything will be destoryed eventually, and using that to maintain a steady course through life doing the best you can.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
That we idolise our scripture, that we perceive our Gurus as special incarnations of God, and that Sikhs are terrorists because they wear turbans.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
Reminds me to keep an optimistic attitude, reminds me to conduct myself truthfully and uphold high morals, to defend others and to be fair in all my dealings, to work hard and honestly, to share with others, and to remember the Oneness as much as I possibly can.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
What attracted me was the genderless nature of the divine in Sikhism, the beauty of the poetic scripture and the idealism of its teaching. It has an emphasis on equality and good actions. It had minimal rules compared with other religions and doesn't require belief in a complex mythology and raft of supernatural beings or occurances. It embraces science rather than argues with it.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
I like the appearance of the Muslim headscarf. Sometimes I like the idea of an eternal hell to punish nasty people. Sometimes I seek a personal God character. I can appreciate some other spiritual scriptures, like the Tao Te Ching. I like Muslim-inspired calligraphy and Gothic Christian architecture and artwork. I like the rosary and the personality of the Virgin Mary. I like Jesus's social activism. I like the Goddess-worship within Wicca.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
Yes, because it can help you find inner peace/contentment in a turbulant world.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?
You could include an overview of the purpose of the study in your introduction.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Hello, my name is Chris and I’m a communications student looking at peoples’ religious views. To do so, I’ve come up with a little survey that will help answer a few of my questions. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a bit of your time and respond to it below. Feel free to respond however you wish. This survey is not intended to cause any conflict or dispute (please respect each other’s views). If you have any comments or anything at all you think may be relevant to my research, all is welcome. Thanks in advance!

G'day. Hope this helps then...

Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

Atheist, Australian, 38.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?

In simple terms, there is no core message, and the core idea is that there's no higher power(s) who created us, etc. Some will argue on the semantics.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?

Sooooooo much. But mostly that atheists hate God, that we are immoral or untrustworthy, and that it's a negative view of the world.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

Directly, none. But religion is unavoidable, and I'm actually quite interested in religion, mythology, theology, etc. My understanding and perspective on these topics is obviously somewhat coloured and informed by my atheism.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

Someone made comment that atheists tend to be literalists in another thread, and to some extent I would agree (for myself, at least). Metaphors aren't lost on me, but regardless of their wisdom, impact and intent, I'd still view them as metaphors. I have no reason to believe there is a God...or Gods, etc.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?

Tough one. I have met plenty of religious people that I respect, and have learnt from. Religions, not so much. IN simple terms, I respect people who are able to take personal responsibility for their actions, and who live a consistent life, not taking moral shortcuts of convenience. If religion is the tool that helps some people do this, then fine, but I tend to respect the person, since you could line up ten people of any religion (or agnostics/atheists for that matter) and get diverse levels of personal responsibility, empathy for fellow humans, and moral fortitude.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

Remembering that I'm kinda a literalist, no. Absolutely not. What is important is having a clear and considered philosophy on life, on building understanding and learning on this framework, and developing it. Spirituality might help some do this.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?

Depends what you're trying to determine, I suppose. That being the case, I'd agree with Treks. An overview of the purpose in your intro.


Well-Known Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

Baha'i; US; 65.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?[/quote]

Unity: the Oneness of God, of humanity, and of religions.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?

That we're supposedly a sect of Islam, which as an independant religion, we're not!

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

Major, every day.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

The wonderful message and teachings of the Baha'i Faith (as well as being impressed with the Baha'is I'd met).

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?

Well, for one, I enjoy the Lutheran enthusiasm for music, especially that of Bach! :)
Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

Yes! Only religion can provide full and proper guidance for how humanity should both behave and progress....

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?

Offhand, none come to mind.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.
Deism influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Jesuism; American male; 56 years old.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
Peace, love of God and others, non-violence, service to others, natural harmony.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
Not so much misunderstand, as they don't know. But if I were to say misunderstand, it would be the fallacy of 'idol worship'.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
I try to live by them, but some days are harder than others. Some days are a test.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
Attractions: non-dogmatic, somewhat mystical, room for varying beliefs and practices.
Deterrents from other religions: dogma, highly ritualized and structured, no room for varying beliefs and practices.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
Not many, I think mine pretty well cover it.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
Yes; humans have become much too materialistic and self-centered.

"Im talking all about how to give
They dont act with much honesty
But you point the way to the truth when you say
All you need is love. ...

We're living in a bad dream
They've forgotten all about mankind ...

They've forgotten all about God
He's the only reason we exist... "
- George Harrison, All Those Years Ago.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

Buddhist/Hindu syncretist. American. 22.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?

Good works. Compassion. Meditation. Karma. All other beliefs and rituals are extra flavoring.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?

That Buddha is a divine being/a God. That Hindus worship Idols/are devil worshippers.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

Enough to where I try to be compassionate and understanding to others as well as myself. I'm not always successful, but it's all a part of life.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

Attractions: The room for doubt and the encouragement of questioning. Many encourage the quest for knowledge. Generally non-dogmatic.

Deterrents: Highly dogmatic. "This is the only true religion" mentalities.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?

The only one I can think of is that a couple of other faiths have high emphasis on community. There is community in Hinduism and Buddhism, but it is not considered to be the most important part of one's practice.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

Depends on the definition of spirituality that is being used.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?

None that I can think of.


Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.

Baha'i..US Citizen... over 65 yrs.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?

The unity of mankind, religion and world peace...

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?


What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?

Daily prayers... readings and study...

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?

Baha'i Faith teaches the spiritual oneness of the world religions and the abandonment of prejudices

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?

Religions have a common spiritual core...so they are alike spiritually.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?

Spirituality is essential today..and is one of the inherent needs of humanity.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?

Can't think of any..


Premium Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.
Follower of Yeshua (Jesus), American, 47.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
Love and mercy of God

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
People most often believe that people in my faith do things and/or follow the faith just because they fear punishment.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
Prayer, trust,

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
Love and mercy. I don't think I was actually deterred from other faiths as much as just liking this one better.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
Spirituality and wisdom.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
Yes. So we can gain strength spiritually.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?
Not that I can think of right now.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Hello, my name is Chris and I’m a communications student looking at peoples’ religious views. To do so, I’ve come up with a little survey that will help answer a few of my questions. I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a bit of your time and respond to it below. Feel free to respond however you wish. This survey is not intended to cause any conflict or dispute (please respect each other’s views). If you have any comments or anything at all you think may be relevant to my research, all is welcome. Thanks in advance!
Are you a bot?
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age.
Atheist, American, 23
What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs?
I don't have any beliefs in the same reguard as religion. But the idea of skepticism and humanism would be what I would hope to spread. Critical thinking, reason and rational thought.
What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand?
Most people assume Atheism is a belief that god doesn't exist. It can mean that but it encompases more.
What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life?
IT is litterally impossible for my Atheism to really play a role in my life. I guess I don't attend church and I debate atheist perspective on debate forums.
What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others?
I realized I was an atheist. It wasn't particularly attractive especially with the old and new stigmas attached. I simply can't bring myself to believe in god so that kind of dicounts almost all other religions.
What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs?
Depends. I think that the nature-revearing neo pagan religions advance my enviromental agenda. Buddhism has worked to bring peace to many people. Things like that. But overall I find that supersitcion over secular reasoning is always bad.
Do you think spirituality is important today? Why?
Is it important to people? Yeah. Is it overly important now? No. Not in the traditional sense. However I think what we call "spiritual" can mean more than just supersticiuos things. People can have spiritual experiences from music, or literature or even nature.
Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey?

Proof you are not a bot.


Active Member
Please list your: religious beliefs, nationality and age. Mormon, American, 19.

What do YOU believe to be the core message/idea of your religious beliefs? To love others, serve others, and strive to return to live with God again.

What about your beliefs do you think people misunderstand? There are many different types of Mormonism. The two main types are FLDS (polygamists) and LDS (mainstream). Many people get the two mixed up and automatically think every Mormon man has a billion wives. The mainstream Mormon church only allows one wife. We discontinued polygamy in 1890.

What roles do your religious beliefs play in your daily life? It brings peace to my life to know that God has a plan for me, and that His hand is in my life daily.

What attracted you to your beliefs and what may have deterred you from others? I never believed that Jesus is Himself, and God, and the Holy Ghost all in one. He's not a 3-in-1 shampoo, soap, and bubble bath. When He was in Gethsemane, He prayed to his Father. When the missionaries explained that the three are separate, it made so much sense to me. And the Church focuses so much on families and striving to be like Christ, whereas I could never find that in any other church. That's why I chose this path.

What aspects do you find attractive in other beliefs? I really like the ritual of wudu in Islam. To cleanse yourself before each prayer, it's a very beautiful practice.

Do you think spirituality is important today? Yes. Why? Because we can't do anything alone. I've always had trouble having faith in myself, but sometimes you have to learn to be dependent on others. I could never be dependent on people alone, as we're not here forever. But to be dependent on another being who knows what you're going through and who loves you is so important.

Are there any important questions you think I should include or exclude to better this survey? No, you've about covered it all.