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Religious Freedom and the US election.


Premium Member
This country was first settled for Religious Freedom. Religious Freedom not civil rights is actually built into the constitution. I believe Obama pushed civil rights a little to far during his tenure which added to the back lash. The liberals actually made fun of the religious rights over civil rights. To correct this going forward we need a balance. In the US our blood boils if our Religious rights are being trampled.

Government should have no say in how religions operate. Rather than protest the religion use your anger to compete against the religion. Catholic hospitals wont allow abortion. Collect money and build the best hospital that will allow abortions. Put the catholic hospital out of business.

Individuals that can prove Religion is the most important thing in there life should have rights too. They should be required to prove there religious values though.

If we don't respect Religious rights has much as civil rights the US will always be divided. Think about it, Religion has always and will always be important to this nation.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
This country was first settled for Religious Freedom. Religious Freedom not civil rights is actually built into the constitution. I believe Obama pushed civil rights a little to far during his tenure which added to the back lash. The liberals actually made fun of the religious rights over civil rights. To correct this going forward we need a balance. In the US our blood boils if our Religious rights are being trampled.

Government should have no say in how religions operate. Rather than protest the religion use your anger to compete against the religion. Catholic hospitals wont allow abortion. Collect money and build the best hospital that will allow abortions. Put the catholic hospital out of business.

Individuals that can prove Religion is the most important thing in there life should have rights too. They should be required to prove there religious values though.

If we don't respect Religious rights has much as civil rights the US will always be divided. Think about it, Religion has always and will always be important to this nation.

How have religious rights been violated in the U.S.?


Premium Member
Teh gayz were given a little too much equality. Durr.

Not at all, I don't think the marriage thing had anything to do with it. I do believe there was backlash against forcing individual's to comply. I believe there should have considerations for individuals.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
He was requiring Religions to pay for services they were against.

Religions (i.e. religious institutions) do not have civil rights. Civil rights are enjoyed by citizens, not organisations. This also ignores the elephant in the room that pro-choice advocates are forced to subsidise abstinence-only education, non-Christians to subsidise Christian churches (some of which can easily afford to pay taxes) and non-Christians need to foot legal bills when Christians decide to engage in pointless legal battles designed to stoke the persecution complex.

Not at all, I don't think the marriage thing had anything to do with it. I do believe there was backlash against forcing individual's to comply. I believe there should have considerations for individuals.

I disagree. Individuals like Kim Davis were trying to use their religious beliefs as a means of acting above the law. She was wrong and deserved to be imprisoned for much longer than she was. She chose to violate the oath she took to uphold the Constitution by refusing to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples. What she did was extremely unethical, immoral and selfish.

Nobody should be above the law.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
This country was first settled for Religious Freedom. Religious Freedom not civil rights is actually built into the constitution. I believe Obama pushed civil rights a little to far during his tenure which added to the back lash. The liberals actually made fun of the religious rights over civil rights. To correct this going forward we need a balance. In the US our blood boils if our Religious rights are being trampled.

Government should have no say in how religions operate. Rather than protest the religion use your anger to compete against the religion. Catholic hospitals wont allow abortion. Collect money and build the best hospital that will allow abortions. Put the catholic hospital out of business.

Individuals that can prove Religion is the most important thing in there life should have rights too. They should be required to prove there religious values though.

If we don't respect Religious rights has much as civil rights the US will always be divided. Think about it, Religion has always and will always be important to this nation.

i don't know where your going with this, but I have to agree with the gist of it, the democrats became obsessed with the idea that gay rights were more important than Blacks rights, and in some cases Christians right. Gay rights are important, but that doesn't make their rights any more important than anyone else's right, case in point trans restrooms.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Teh gayz were given a little too much equality. Durr.
So, clue me in to what that symbol looks like. I don't see it here:


Wa-a-a-a-i-i-i-t-t-t you don't think those sneaky peeps used this symbol, do you?


Whoa!!! You don't think they went full tilt and used this one, do you??? O' da' nerve!


Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
This country was first settled for Religious Freedom. Religious Freedom not civil rights is actually built into the constitution.

Yes...except the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution would be civil rights, as it is called the Bill of Rights.

I believe Obama pushed civil rights a little to far during his tenure which added to the back lash. The liberals actually made fun of the religious rights over civil rights. To correct this going forward we need a balance. In the US our blood boils if our Religious rights are being trampled.

No, he just started down the path of making sure that ALL of us had the same rights, which would be Constitutionally correct.

Government should have no say in how religions operate.

It doesn't, outside of those religions operating in a lawful manner (can't have human sacrifices, etc.).

Rather than protest the religion use your anger to compete against the religion. Catholic hospitals wont allow abortion. Collect money and build the best hospital that will allow abortions. Put the catholic hospital out of business.

That is up to individuals, not the government.

Individuals that can prove Religion is the most important thing in there life should have rights too. They should be required to prove there religious values though.

Religious individuals have the same rights as everyone else. :shrug:

If we don't respect Religious rights has much as civil rights the US will always be divided. Think about it, Religion has always and will always be important to this nation.

But religions and/or the religious do not have the right to force their views on others.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
So, clue me in to what that symbol looks like. I don't see it here:


Wa-a-a-a-i-i-i-t-t-t you don't think those sneaky peeps used this symbol, do you?


Whoa!!! You don't think they went full tilt and used this one, do you??? O' da' nerve!


I chuckled at this, nice one :) Maybe the 'too much' symbol is just this? >>

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
i don't know where your going with this, but I have to agree with the gist of it, the democrats became obsessed with the idea that gay rights were more important than Blacks rights,

Got any examples of this you can share with us?

and in some cases Christians right.

What Christian rights specifically are repressed by giving LGBTs access to the same legal rights & protections straight people enjoy? Christians to this day abuse 'freedom of religion' in the name of forcing their beliefs on non-Christians and get uppity when they're prevented from doing so. These people don't understand the enormous level of privilege they have in American society just by being Christians.

Gay rights are important, but that doesn't make their rights any more important than anyone else's right, case in point trans restrooms.

Has anyone said gay rights are more important than anyone else's? I certainly don't think so.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
i don't know where your going with this, but I have to agree with the gist of it, the democrats became obsessed with the idea that gay rights were more important than Blacks rights,

Got any examples of this you can share with us?

and in some cases Christians right.

What Christian rights specifically are repressed by giving LGBTs access to the same legal rights & protections straight people enjoy? Christians to this day abuse 'freedom of religion' in the name of forcing their beliefs on non-Christians and get uppity when they're prevented from doing so. These people don't understand the enormous level of privilege they have in American society just by being Christians.

Gay rights are important, but that doesn't make their rights any more important than anyone else's right, case in point trans restrooms.

Has anyone actually said gay rights are more important than anyone else's? I certainly don't think so.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
"Religion has too many rights"?
The Westboro Baptists come to mind as well as the fundamentalists
that pass around a basket of live rattlesnakes to "demonstrate"

Wonder why the membership of the Westboro Baptist Church remains
around just 80 or so religious fundamentalists?
Psychotherapy might be a good idea perhaps.
"Snake handling Pentecostal dies from rattlesnake bite."
Wonder if the man is in heaven now?
Just askin'.


Premium Member
Religions (i.e. religious institutions) do not have civil rights. Civil rights are enjoyed by citizens, not organisations. This also ignores the elephant in the room that pro-choice advocates are forced to subsidise abstinence-only education, non-Christians to subsidise Christian churches (some of which can easily afford to pay taxes) and non-Christians need to foot legal bills when Christians decide to engage in pointless legal battles designed to stoke the persecution complex.

I disagree. Individuals like Kim Davis were trying to use their religious beliefs as a means of acting above the law. She was wrong and deserved to be imprisoned for much longer than she was. She chose to violate the oath she took to uphold the Constitution by refusing to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples. What she did was extremely unethical, immoral and selfish.

Nobody should be above the law.

Our constitution protects religious rights, She should have been tried based on that. Was Kim Davis really religious or was she picking and choosing what she wanted. If she didn't go to church regularly and practice all her churches beliefs she should have been forced to comply. If she was practicing all her churches beliefs she should have been moved aside because she couldn't do her government job.

Kim Davis was not given her constitutional right to defend herself. Same for the State supreme court judge.


Premium Member
Yes...except the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution would be civil rights, as it is called the Bill of Rights.

No, he just started down the path of making sure that ALL of us had the same rights, which would be Constitutionally correct.

It doesn't, outside of those religions operating in a lawful manner (can't have human sacrifices, etc.).

That is up to individuals, not the government.

Religious individuals have the same rights as everyone else. :shrug:

But religions and/or the religious do not have the right to force their views on others.

Religions don't force there views on others you chose your religion. Its the individuals that enforce the views many times incorrectly. Rights are individual there are never going to be laws that encompass everyone's rights. The bill of rights can be legally enforced and can the constitution..

What I am saying is that you can't have laws that take away the legal right Religious or Civil from the individual but you can legally require them to prove they deserve those rights. Meaning they can't pick and chose which of there Religious Beliefs to enforce.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I think it's proper for Goverment to remain neutral in all aspects of religion as it should be.

That said, individual religious rights have been notably infringed upon in regards to what a person says or does on his/her free time reflective of that persons religion , provided it dosent create undue disruption or distraction in the course of duties and responsibilities of the institution.


Premium Member
i don't know where your going with this, but I have to agree with the gist of it, the democrats became obsessed with the idea that gay rights were more important than Blacks rights, and in some cases Christians right. Gay rights are important, but that doesn't make their rights any more important than anyone else's right, case in point trans restrooms.

I am trying to point out as you say according to our constitution Religious Rights are very important and we need to make sure they are enforced properly.

Another example is the Amish, For Business they are being allowed to use Electric registers and Cell phones but still not allow in the enclaves. This should be wrong. If there Religion says no Cell Phones then there Business's should not do it as well.