Dose anyone concur? The arcane religions do not subscribe to modern teachings or religious reformation which is trying to establish same sex relationships on a marital level , what I mean is there are two kinds of powers here, one is the government which sanction anti discriminatory laws to protect varied forms of ethnicity , then there is the subcultures which propagates all forms non ethnic practices, the reason I am bringing this up is because locally everyone keep talking about heterosexually and political exclamations, I personally do not like homosexuality nor do I sanction it, for me it is a case of leave them to their own devices but what I find unbelievably naïve, are Afro immigrants telling me to submit to white subcultures and making homosexual l accusations whilst in the light of heterosexuality not knowing that power subculture have a 5.3% homosexual rate , out of that 5.3 3.8% are actively homosexual, heres my point what kind of twisted mentality favors the act of homosexuality rather than the joining of man and woman as nature intended simply so they can propagate their WP subculture even more as if you have not got enough? you see I mention this because of the hypocritical and naivety of many Africans who seem to think that by supporting this subculture it some how makes them seem less homosexual or puts them in a position of social advantage , fact is fact no, religion rejects the propositions of man in favour of the great power that rule laws of nature the great sprit to what tongue god to whoever belief, by definition for instance it is not possible to have a black immigrant asylum seeking who thinks he is a Nazi , that defeats the whole doctrine of national socialism, the national socialists hates the whole immigration issue, to them the immigration problem is the same as the Jewish question, in the same why how can an African or indeed an Afro Caribbean try to establish them selves as fascists inside a power which itself is built to discriminate, point the jails are filled with people sentenced for hate crime, so it is obvious that the subculture all the immigrants are harping on about only sanctions them to an immediate understanding which when translate means who give a dam about a few peasants once we have what we want **** em you see the problem here is the abuse of democratic freedom, they are given licence to do as they will then they attempt fascism, that is my experience , non white children of immigrants mothers shouting fascist exclamations and expecting to be obeyed not on my watch, the whole issue is twisted even more twisted because they have no idea that the ideology of the subculture they are shouting about its own twisted and perverse sexual practice so much so that it has gone up another three per cent in the last two years , it was three point five per cent, so by definition non of these people are as indecent as they like to claim certain people are and are supporting less than moral behavior knowingly, last year homosexuals tried the sanction there marriage in churches, they failed but what is even more astonishing is the every so called Africans immigrants mouth to shout where not even aware this was happening naive uh? Yet they were giving one single person a whole lot of cack , it was people like me who wrote in to the petition site stating why homosexuals should not be allowed to sanction any form of marriage in monotheist Church, I said (Jesus quote: Proverbs forsake not the law of thy mother nor forsake the law of thy father. This law clearly states in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Numbers and Corinthians that any man who joins with a man as if he joins with a woman is a great mortal sin and any woman who joins with a woman as if she joins with a man is also a great mortal sin, any man or woman who lays with a child as if he or she lays with an adult should be put to death, the book Corinthians goes on to say whilst Paul once a Roman soldier and a pagan who became celibate he advises every man to find a wife and every woman to find a husband and agree never to refuse one another sex lest they are weakened by the forced that seek to dismantle man and woman in their faith, my point being of power these people simply for this half ***** idea of personalized right extreme political ideology which eventually seeks to eradicate the very people who they who supports them are naive ignorant and unknowing , So the question for me is how can they claim anything other than being evil. The facts are there, it is worth remembering I practice an unconventional indigenous western religion