Right, it was an idea the Hebrews invented, and then Christians took the idea and changed it. There's a reason Jews don't accept what Christians claim about Jesus, and the whole absurdly complex story of there being a virgin impregnation, birth of a perfect child, and then his execution for the sake of paying for the sins of mankind to God, a circumstance that God himself created. It all works better as a metaphor rather than taken literally.
Salvation is common to most religions. Primitive religion evolved from mans attempt to reconcile and negotiate his belief in a ghost spirit afterworld.
* Jesus never taught the virgin birth story.
* Jesus never used the word atonement and never taught that we were supposed to kill him as some sort of convoluted sin debt payment scheme. After Jesus returned to heaven his followers developed a new Gospel
about Jesus which overshadowed the original Gospel
of Jesus.
* It is because God is a Loving Father that his son Satan was allowed to rebel, else he would have been summarily executed at the first thought of rebellion! The rebels were afforded TIME to repent in
hopes that they would see the error of their ways. Some did repent but Satan and the others were far too invested in their mischief making pride to turn back from their cause.
For those of us who "get it", surviving a world of such treachery and atheistic activism, these things will make us stronger in the adventure that will unfold in endless service to the Universal Father.