Christian values didn't influence "some" of our founding fathers but rather almost all the founding fathers.
Deism is a rejection of Christianity and its ruler deity.
we shouldn't have "Christian values" imposed but somehow it is ok to have "secular values" imposed.
What secular value do you imagine is being imposed on you? What are you unable to do because of it? None that I can see. You can do everything a Christian wants to do as a Christian.
the reason that Christian abolitionist won is because you actually have to twist scriptures to support slavery
Christian abolitionists didn't win. Abolitionists did. And as far as twisting scripture to support slavery, we see it regularly here on RF. You know, the stuff about them not really being slaves or that it was somehow beneficent to make them slaves.
Jesus came to set the captives free and, IMV, came as an abolitionist to set it right.
Jesus was not an abolitionist, nor did he set captives free.
All men were created equal is antithetical to judeo-christian scripture?
Straw man. No such claim was made. Also, that's not a de facto Christian principle.
This is separation of Church and State??? I don't think so...
Pennsylvania: And each member, before he takes his seat, shall make and subscribe the following declaration, viz.
I do believe in one God, the Creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.
That's a violation of church-state separation and the US Constitution.
Which is "freedom OF religion" and not "freedom FROM religion"
Are you imagining a world in which one is free to pick his religion but not free to pick none? Americans uninterested in religion enjoy freedom from religion by law.
it is a pesky Amendment for those who don't like religion
It's a bugbear for the Christian theocrats. They lost creationism and state-led prayer in public schools.
Are they going to their homes and picketing?
Are you implying that as long as they're not going to LGBTQ homes and picketing, that these Christians are being kind, loving, Golden Rule people? That's not how many others see them.