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Religous attitudes survey


Greetings readers!
I am conducting a survey on religious attitudes in the Australian communityfor an assignment at school. It would be greatly appreciated if Australian forum members could participate, either posting their results directly into this forum for the benefit of public interest or sending the results to me as a private message. Please do not use text language or slang that I, begrudgingly, will have to decipher! Please answer the questions truthfully (though I am sure you will) and in considerable detail. Compose you answers to a medium paragraph length if possible, though this is only a guide. In truth, your answers can be as long or short as you like. Before beginning the survey, include your gender and age (you don’t have to be specific) at the top of the message. If you have any questions regarding the survey I am happy to answer. Thank you for participating!

1. What religious faith do you currently belong to?

2. How important is religion to you at this time in your life?

3. Has this always been your feeling about religion or has it changed over time?

4. What people/experiences/issues have helped to shape your religious outlook?

5. Do you believe that religion has become less significant as science and technology have become more developed?

6. What role do you consider religion has to play in Australian society today?

7. Complete the line ‘Religion is…..’

Thanks again! I apologize to those who are not Australian and so cannot participate. If this proves successful I will be sure to return with more surveys in the near future that a wider community can contribute to.


Grumpy Old Man
1. What religious faith do you currently belong to?
Atheist ex Anglican(boring)
2. How important is religion to you at this time in your life?
It is of interest as an intellectual challenge discussing its relevance in the modern world. eg this forum.
3. Has this always been your feeling about religion or has it changed over time?
Same attitude since I was about 10, when I found out Father Xmas and the Easter Bunny were more myth than reality.
4. What people/experiences/issues have helped to shape your religious outlook?
The Christians that murdered my aunt made my decision very simple.

5. Do you believe that religion has become less significant as science and technology have become more developed?
The light of knowledge has pushed back the darkness of superstition.

6. What role do you consider religion has to play in Australian society today?
Charity work and some use in historic plays.

7. Complete the line
‘Religion is an excellent example of the placebo effect…..’




Guardian of Asgaard
Greetings readers!
I am conducting a survey on religious attitudes in the Australian communityfor an assignment at school. It would be greatly appreciated if Australian forum members could participate, either posting their results directly into this forum for the benefit of public interest or sending the results to me as a private message. Please do not use text language or slang that I, begrudgingly, will have to decipher! Please answer the questions truthfully (though I am sure you will) and in considerable detail. Compose you answers to a medium paragraph length if possible, though this is only a guide. In truth, your answers can be as long or short as you like. Before beginning the survey, include your gender and age (you don’t have to be specific) at the top of the message. If you have any questions regarding the survey I am happy to answer. Thank you for participating!

1. What religious faith do you currently belong to?

2. How important is religion to you at this time in your life?

3. Has this always been your feeling about religion or has it changed over time?

4. What people/experiences/issues have helped to shape your religious outlook?

5. Do you believe that religion has become less significant as science and technology have become more developed?

6. What role do you consider religion has to play in Australian society today?

7. Complete the line ‘Religion is…..’

Thanks again! I apologize to those who are not Australian and so cannot participate. If this proves successful I will be sure to return with more surveys in the near future that a wider community can contribute to.

From Queensland: Age 19, gender male

1. What religious faith do you currently belong to? Left hand path/agnostic. I refuse to accept what man says about God, but due to my own standards in logic cannot dismiss God since i cannot prove it to myself.

2. How important is religion to you at this time in your life? Not very. Religion to me comes after everything else in my life such as university, relationships etc. I spend my spare time learning more. As someone who see's religion as a distraction to society, its hard for me to place any importance upon it.

3. Has this always been your feeling about religion or has it changed over time? I was raised in a christian family, mainly grandparents, from about the age of 14-15 i began to rebel against the dogmatic teachings of christianity. Although i was indoctrinated to believe in God i found it very hard to make sense of people simply telling me stories and giving answers that had nothing to do with my questions. The more i learn, the more i struggle to make sense of what is meant to be literal and what is meant to be philosophical in the bibles i have had the oppurtunity to read.

I put LHP above as it is the only bible i have read which is diverse enough to incorporate a lot of different systems of guidance without the need for unessecary prayer or submission. What i took from it is be who you want to be, focus on yourself and what you want, and treat others how you want to be treated.

4. What people/experiences/issues have helped to shape your religious outlook? In all honesty, people here. Such diversity in opinion is quite beneficial to learn more about how others percieve the same things in life.

5. Do you believe that religion has become less significant as science and technology have become more developed? To me religion is thankfully becomming less and less involved in society. In all honesty i do not think science is dominating any more, its just education has become easier to get into and thus more educated people in the field are voicing their once silenced opinions, its very encouraging for a developing world. We need all the logical minds we can get to tackle issues facing us as a race.

6. What role do you consider religion has to play in Australian society today? A nuesance. Every time the church makes itself heard on issues such as abortion and homosexuality it really grinds my gears. I strongly dislike the influence religion has in this country and i despise religiously charged schools. I think religion should be there, but be silent. It is not up to them to wave the morality stick at every oppurtunity. If we are truelly free, we should be able to live without it if we choose to.

7. Complete the line ‘Religion is…..’ Religion is a thorn in the side of society.

If you would like me to explain things in more detail or anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask, i only hope my answers are what you were looking for.


Thankyou participants this is is great stuff! keep it up! Good, varied answers. All very interesting. I came to the right place.