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Remembrance of God - Aspects


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
" In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.---Glorify the name of thy Lord, the Most High.--- Who created and perfected.--- And Who designed and guided.--- And Who brought forth the greenery for nourishment.--- Then (for ungrateful ones) turned it black, rotten rubbish.--- We shall surely teach you recitation thus you will not forget.--- Except what Allah wishes. Surely He knows (what is) open and (what is) hidden.--- And We shall provide ease for you.--- Thus remind, as reminding benefits.--- He who hears will soon heed.--- But the much unfortunate one will turn aside from it.--- He who is to enter the great fire.--- Then he will neither die therein nor live.--- Verily he succeeds who purified;--- And remembered the name of his Lord and offered Salaat.--- But you (O disbelievers) prefer the life of this world.--- Whereas the Hereafter is better and permanent.--- Verily, it is surely in former Scriptures too;--- The Scriptures of Abraham and Moses."
[Holy Quran, Translation of Surah Al-A’la, chapter 87]

According to Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) when someone even attends a company of people who are remembering Allah, he too gets benefits.

Holy Quran calls remembrance of Allah as the greatest. Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said angels encircle the gathering, where Allah is being remembered, and bring blessings………..The example of those who remember Allah and those who do not, is like alive and dead.

Coming of angels signifies blessings and also the motivation for good works.

In addition to offering five daily Salaat, which is the main way, there are other ways of remembering Allah; one is ‘nawafil’; it is offering extra worship or virtues. In five daily Salaat / Prayers, there are obligatory parts, then there are additional parts which were offered by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and there are more additional parts called ‘nawafil’. Similarly. Similarly true for other worships. …………….Offering extras, cover short comings left in obligatory worships and good deeds.

Remembrance of God does not mean to remember God in homes. It actually means to praise God in and outside the home and make effort to spread and defend message of God and call people to do good and avoid evil.

Remembrance of God does not mean to remember God through invented-methods like with music or with whirling etc, which are sort of mesmerism or effects of focused mental thoughts. Such pseudo remembrance doe not result in purity of mind and heart and does not produce true spiritualty. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has asked not to indulge in such artificial remembrance. The true remembrance is what Allah the Exalted and Holy Prophet (s.a.w) has taught.

According to Holy Quran, the states of true remembrance: Their hearts are filled with awe and fear of God because they realize the grandeur of God, they feel humbleness, they worship / prostrate and cry before God.

Holy Quran presents four types of remembrances: Offering five obligatory Salaat and pre Fajr Tahajjud with full focus and humbleness, recitation, learning and understanding Holy Quran, repeating and acknowledging divine attributes and stating divine attributes in public; in own community and in opponents.

The true remembrance attracts special pleasure of God, brings peace of mind and heart, closeness of God which starts from this life, safety from committing evil deeds, strength to compete, success in aims, shadow of God on the Day of Judgment, acceptance of prayers, forgiveness from sins, brightness in wisdom, righteousness and increase in love of God the Exalted.

Based on "Remembrance of Allah" by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah II (may Allah be pleased with him), Book section, alislam.org