I see a problem when humans reject God as the ultimate authority and the One from Whom human rights are endowed. Statism or human government as the ultimate authority steps in and often demands absolute power becoming a controlling tyrannical entity.
What do you think?
“According to philosopher Harry Binswanger (an associate of the late Ayn Rand’s) fascism and communism (which the world has suffered immeasurably under) are two of the more well-known variants of statism. He is quoted as saying: “Fascism is racial statism and communism is statism of economic class.” However, as we have experienced in the modern day, some leftist democracies should also be considered a form of statism, particularly where the state plays a significant role in regulating the economy, introducing and regulating social welfare programs and engaging in social engineering. You see, even though our lives are full of freely made choices, we are also constrained by the rules and regulations of the State which rules over us. Therefore, in this age, the human experience is an uneasy duality of autonomy and regulation. I say “uneasy” becomes it is becoming apparent that as time goes on, those who see statism as a worthy replacement of democracy are really advocating for less autonomy and more regulation.”
As we have seen with other political and social ideologies in the past and present, the purveyors of this reality then set out to dethrone God. That is why all forms of statism must be rejected by Christians. We should not entertain the acceptance of any ideology which seeks to usurp God.