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Revelations Fulfilled – Passions of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi about his Purpose and Jama’at.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…
In relation to a question-objection raised in a live question answer programme ‘Rah e huda’ on mta.tv, Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) presented the following words from the writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) :
‘Some time ago I was in great need of money and the local Aryas who used to come and visit me knew this well. …Quite involuntarily the thought welled up in my mind that I should supplicate God, the One, for resolving my difficulty so that, through acceptance of my prayer, I should not only overcome my difficulty but also furnish a proof of divine support to my opponents—a Sign of which they should become witnesses. So I supplicated the same day and begged that, as a sign, I might be informed of the coming of help. Thereupon, I received the revelation: [Urdu] After ten days I shall demonstrate my [surging] Sign. [Arabic] [Hearken! The help of Allah is near like a pregnant she-camel in labour.] [English] Then will you go to Amritsar. i.e., money would arrive after ten days and that God’s succour is as close as the end of the labour of a she-camel when she is about to give birth to her foal. Then He said in English that: After ten days when the money will arrive then will you go to Amritsar. All this was fulfilled in the presence of the Aryas exactly as had been foretold. Nothing at all was received during the first ten days and then on the eleventh day 110 rupees were received from Muhammad Afdal Khan, Superintendent, Settlement, Rawalpindi, and twenty rupees were received from another source and thereafter money began to arrive unexpectedly. On the same day when the money was received from Muhammad Afdal Khan and others I had to go to Amritsar as I received summons from the Small Causes Court, Amritsar, to appear as a witness.’ [Tadhkirah, pp. 66 – 67, 2009 edition]

About going to Amritsar:
A person Mr. Nur Ahmad, a Hafiz and Haji, from Amritsar had visited Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), he had wrong understanding about revelations [that revelation is a name of human thoughts]. His not understanding the explanations caused pain to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and he told the person that he would supplicate to Allah and hopefully a sign would be shown. Supplication to Allah the Exalted was offered in night and a letter was shown to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in early morning. It was written in English: ‘I am quarreler’ and in Arabic: ‘haza shaheydun nazzaghun’ i.e. This is a shattering witness…….Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) did not know English, so he inquired the meaning of English revelation from someone in the morning…. It became clear that a letter about some dispute would come and there would be some testimony……On that day, rain started and the Mr. Nur Ahmad could not return to Amritsar. In his presence, in the evening, a registered letter came from Amritsar. It was from the owner of a printing press who had filed a case against his employee and he had given the name of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) as his witness. Obviously he thought that testimony of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) would be true and weighty and shatter the wrong of defendant. A court summon also came for this matter.….Mr. Nur Ahmad saw fulfilling of all these prophecies.

‘….Since a few days a thought has been concerning me most forcefully and it has completely detached me from other things. During the course of the day this thought alone stays in my view. I am sitting with people and someone says something to me but the same thought is encircling my mind. The person must think I am listening to him but I am engrossed in the same thought. The thought goes with me when I return home. In short, these days this thought has occupied my mind so forcefully that there is no room for any other thought! What is this thought? It is that the real objective of my coming is to prepare a community of true believers who truly believes in God and maintains a real connection with Him and makes Islam its way and implements the blessed model of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). That it treads the path of reformation and Taqwa and establishes exemplary morals so that the world can receive guidance from such a community and the will of God is fulfilled. If this objective is not fulfilled and even if we overcome the enemy with proofs and reasoning and completely vanquish him, even then our triumph will not be triumph because the real objective of my advent would not have been fulfilled – it would be as if all our work went in vain. However, I see that distinct signs of triumph in terms of proofs and reasoning are being evident and the enemy is also feeling his weakness, yet our Jama’at lacks a great deal as regards the real objective of my advent and there is great need for attention in this regard. This is the thought which is consuming me these days and is so dominant that it does not leave me at any time!’

Reference: detailed advice in Friday Sermon of February 7, 2014 by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah the Exalted help him with His Mighty Help), alislam.org
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