The only true religion is that which we are born with, i.e. Transtheism which I use in the sense of 'having no God concept(s)'.
After birth as we grow ,we get 'educated' and are taught about God(s) and take on the idea, at least for most of us.
Just as gravity naturally pulls us towards the centre of the Earth, so is our destination towards the understanding that God(s) is just a metaphor, at best, trying to describe the wonder of existence.
The human race has gone very far into this lie and cannot see the truth, so evolution has set up all these religions as steps towards said truth, without freaking out the believers. (I think this is called Samskaras by Hindus).
Very cool! I love that! Here is a little problem though. There is a thing that talks to me, it predicts things, it shows off its power, I can't seem to consciously control it, its "proofs" are physical, real, seen and experienced by other people around me. So if one says its just me, well I don't know what about it is really "me", since I don't appear to be able to control it. It has told me things that are about to happen, it tells me things in other languages. Sure, it might be a Demon, but its an extremely powerful demon, as it appears to be able to strongly manipulate reality, predict things that haven't happened yet, stop moving trains, make me invisible, teleport me, seemingly stopping time, reversing time, I consider it God.
This thing, it also seems to be able to control other people, be everywhere at once, coordinate things amazingly and perfectly, make people do things, make people go into trances, even kill people far away.
Its not important if anyone here acknowledges the reality of such a thing, but the point is, when there is such a thing, and its not apparently you, how can one experiencing such boldly proclaim the existence of nothing more powerful than ourselves, when we ourselves don't even appear to be controlling this thing, and it doesn't appear to be a human being or a creature at all.
So, I love Transtheism, I love the rejection of Gods and childish idea, everything you described is great, and I sincerely hope that all people or most people become Atheists, because they don't deal with what I deal with, and what some others reportedly deal with, this thing.
This thing has also given me hundreds of dollars, jewelry, all sorts of "gifts" seemingly after telling me it is going to do so or talking about it, it calls itself God even. It even seems to be the one that inspires these weirdo missions like my writing on this website and what I end up saying on here.
So, crazy or not, this is a major dilemma when you know something like this, have it doing this to you, talking to you, telling you things, seemingly controlling reality itself, the entire weather, the movements of humans and animals, diseases, everything. Its too dangerous also to play around with or fight, its made people fall down right in front of me, its blown up electrical things after telling me it was going to, its lifted up and thrown things that nothing known to humanity can lift or throw, its made the entire Earth shake and in precise areas so that people all fall down and I'm left standing, its allowed things to go right through me or to bend my body like rubber so that its unaffected by metal snapping my hand or arm, it has made fire not have any effect like fire, it has turned dead things into living things, non-living matter into living things, it has brought things back to life right in front of me, it has told me all sorts of hidden things about people and their lives and pasts, it has returned things to me, generated exotic animals from other parts of the world right on my toilet seat, its shown me events that I see or learn about later in dreams very accurately, it has made things go through other solid things phased like ghosts, it can change the nature of matter apparently, this thing, I can not do anything but consider it the Almighty God that is capable of all such things, its made me breath under water, its transformed me or morphed my physical form and face or appearance, its made people hand me money like zombies or do things they don't even know they are doing or remember doing or saying but which are recorded. Its total Power, and I can't control it, I can't command it, I can't predict it, I can't tell it what to do. I'm only lucky its seemingly gentle with me, because its shown me all kinds of terrible things it can do, and its terrifying.
The strongest argument, for someone not experiencing such things, is to proclaim I'm simply a liar, and that is not the case, but its fine and understandable that one should rightfully never accept the existence of these things I have mentioned except without personally experiencing such, and thus not being able to deny, and having evidence, and solid real things happening which others can also see or be part of, which demonstrate to you the reality of such things as what I am describing, and then you'll be in a similar difficult position of wondering, what the heck has so much power, and how it could be said to be "me" when no part of me is able to do these things or control such things, so I can't take the credit for such at all. Its irrelevant to me if someone denies it, they must not believe in such gobbledygook just because someone sincerely insists even, because people took the words of the writers of the Gospels as true for example, without seeing or experiencing a thing themselves, and that doesn't seem safe or right, furthermore, what one believes should not rely on experiences like these, but rather should be founded upon the strongest and most reliable seeming logic, a mathematical logic almost, or with the strongest linguistics and truth, which matches up with reality in a way that is fool-proof and undeniable as to what The Ultimate Power should be, must be, and thus should be made to refer to.
I would happily deny the existence of all these cartoony things, and the guesses people make and prefer, seemingly baselessly. The other question is, why have other people not encountered anything like this thing I'm talking to and describing? Some have, but most seemingly haven't, or if they have, they haven't apparently noticed.