I am closest to a Unitarian, and next to them probably a Calvinist, or otherwise some kind of Ancient Early Christian that did not take the worshipping Jesus as God incarnate thing literally or seriously (if there was such a type).
Even so, in most forms of Christianity, it is officially considered important that people believe that Jesus is the incarnation of God on Earth, and that him being such is to be believed merely on the statements interpreted from the New Testament, which no one alive was present for or could verify, and even if they were to verify it, it would not compute or calculate to some kind of undeniable irrefutable evidence that "This man-form is specifically God or the Only God, and others are not (just better at hiding it, as Jesus seemed a bit keen on hiding it too, but didn't hide it as well as the possibly non-existent and possibly made-up Judas for example, a much better pretender if that were the case).
The Christians thus, stand upon nothing sure, and they spend their time boldly saying to others what they can not even ever know! How terrible? Its like a person saying to someone "oh yeah, definitely, there is a bridge there" and there might not be, and they lead then to the destruction of people. How wicked! Wouldn't you find it wicked that someone who doesn't know something, something regarding your safety, future, and life, confidently says that something is so when it might not be so and they don't know really if it is so, they just think so, and then you end up driving off a cliff like a bunch of demon-possessed pigs?
I am a Muslim by the definition set forth in the Qur'an and the Qur'an is my favorite religious text over all and the Islamic framework is the one I follow most closely, but!
Muslims typically heavily rely upon a text and then other texts especially which they claim instruct them on the behaviors and statements of their Prophet and other important figures, which like the gospel, can not be verified in any sure way, and seem to contain content which is anachronistic and incorrect to the time and place, and more than all this, seems to be illogical, in error, and blindly followed by some to their own detriment in many cases and a detriment to their own conduct, behaviors, beliefs, and social interactions.
Furthermore, they insist upon the truth of stories in the Qur'an without having witnessed any such themselves, and so are not very careful with their words or beliefs (which is understandably very difficult and inconvenient to speak very strictly the best sort of truth), which would be that by the best thinking and logic, God could indeed make the statements or tales presented in the Qur'an to be true easily and instantly, but they were not present for these events at all, and have no direct experience of them as they were said to occur.
Instead of this though, Muslims say with confidence things they don't know and can't know, and are in many ways telling lies and being dishonest or misleading in ways similar to the other religious people who abandon careful language and reason and start on with "Faith" which (in the sense of "Blind Faith") should never be necessary. You should only do what you know, and your hope should be as wise as you can calculate it based on what is apparent or well-reasoned, or else you're worse than an animal, as even animals appear to reason and make determinations based on their experience and what seems to be the case to them.
Can they demonstrate in any certain way that Muhammed did or said any of the things they claim, or even really existed? Can they demonstrate that even if he did, that he was guided by God for certain? Can they demonstrate that even if he was guided by God, that what was told to him by God was good at all or beneficial for us, and that he was not deceived as God in the Qur'an holds power to mislead anyone at all even from the beginning? No, and so "blind faith" is incompatible with "True Islam" in my opinion. The Qur'an is a good book though, and does seem to instill ideas like these that I am presenting itself, in a way which appears superior to me and more palatable and comprehensibly and believably than say the Buddhist writings which are much older as well. People are more attracted to the Buddhist writings due to prejudice and bias, the actual material itself in the Buddhist writings is quite often undeniably absurd and ridiculous, but people tend to just overlook that because they found their exotic vacation from their Christianity or whatever (in the case of the Western Buddhists who tend to overlook the very wacky beliefs that were widespread for the majority of Buddhist History as the "real Buddhism" considered taught by the "real Buddha". Just like White Jesus though, we have White Buddha too, and White Buddha is a glasses wearing, bicycle riding, bald, vegan, since God is so often in our own Image it seems.
The Bible, a book I consider very painful to experience (maybe because I'm possessed), is a book I dislike almost over all others, for its fame and reputation and influence I feel is undeserved, and that in many ways it promotes Evil far more than any Good in multiple ways, and can be too easily used and justified towards evilness as compared to any actual goodness. Even so, I consider myself basically a Jew in every possible sense of the word, and more likely similar to the Karaites, though I consider the Oral Law also useful and not to be entirely neglected if it provides benefit. The Karaites are the sort of "Text Only" Protestants of the Jews, and the reason I may resemble any group like these, is it provides me with more freedom as compared to other sects possibly, that is why as a Muslim I also abide closely to the Qur'an, and as a Christian I prefer the Protestant groups like the Calvinists and Unitarians as well as very Early Christians who didn't have as much of the formal dogmas perhaps and may have been more free overall from the hierarchies.
I believe largely in the God of the Bible, despite the opposition you may see and my finding the Bible a hideous and malignant text, by my beliefs, it and all other things, books good and bad as well, were generated by the same Over-Power behind all my experiences and whatever seems to exist in my experience now.
I think that the Bible promotes and support racist ideologies, tribalism, elitism, exclusivism, jingoism even, every sort of vile thing you can imagine, the perfect work for creating villains and villainy, and I believe that it also supports a callous view of things that encourages a small ethnic group to consider themselves an elite minority and a God that isn't Universal really, but has favorites at the expense of all of humanity which are at a loss and the losers and the enemy even, and not to be anything like them or else.
We see these sorts of beliefs and ideas pop up repeatedly, even a celebration of xenophobia and the slaughter of people who were making compromises, or were mixing up and trying to join in with society, a celebration which later even Christians seem to have adopted, and practice to this day in some sects and varieties, and all this seems to stem from the Bible largely, which seems anti-cosmopolitan and very hostile to so many things, so much so that the alienated population then even seems to turn on itself in the book, so that Hate has gone out of control, making the New Testament "Love" theology that many people try for, all the more strange and contrasting, to the point of making the past work and build up unintelligible in relation to the latter, though we see the Truth really emerge as to what the real influence is of the text, through the history of its repeated imitations one way or another, like a Passion Play made Global in scope, a live action snuff-play.
So, what do I have against the Jews? I've boxed the Christians and left red marks on them, given black eyes to the Muslims, so now for these people that sort of Bridge the Gap between these two, and have one foot in the West and another in the (Middle) East!
What is wrong with Judaism is elitism, and all those things I mentioned before, and that their faith is put again in this book, which seems full of propaganda and bad ideology, ideology which may be said to have helped the survival of these people, but really had led to them being either secretly or openly maligned all across the world and history. Their selfish and self-prioritized elitism and exclusivism and thinking they are God's elite priests that they should separate themselves from the rest of the rabble, has led to a bad attitude (much like my own, as these sorts of beliefs will do), and this concept and belief really rests on nothing except (an often badly interpreted) collection of texts that are glorified and made much more of than they seem to really deserve. In a literary sense, they are unnecessarily hoisted over everything else by so many, when they are with any clear analysis (at least how they seem to me) pretty darn terrible books in every sense, barely good at all compared to other things, neither do they seem to be believable, symbolically easy to derive much value from, they seem to be rubbish really, like what the followers of such books tend to call everything else, but maybe that is because they have terrible taste, like a baby being raised on cigarettes or something.
The Bible even casts doubt and invalidates itself (or so it could be said, using some verses and claims within it), and may not really have helped the Jewish people as much as they may think (or maybe it really did). These Jews who are alive today, did not make the Covenant under Sinai or whatever, they did not see or know this God or anything, and at this point, they are just attached to the statements of a long line of people, most of which they also never knew, who never knew each other, and are putting so much of their faith in promises which may not have ever even been given, and a Contract they think this Book might hold in it as proof, which may have never really been made, and if it was made, what do they know what or who might really have been what made it?
Furthermore, because the Laws seem unreasonable now, even illegal, the Jewish people are inhibited from following the Commandments (which often seem terrible, so thank goodness or God for that), and have found ways to bypass the laws or sort of do ridiculous or silly things in order to follow traditions in some way, like women wearing false hair or wigs on top of their real hair as a kind of luke-warm compromise in between showing hair and not showing hair, and wearing a little box on the head with certain words on it, as if God asked them to do that (which they can show you the verses they base this practice on), but all of it seems that they are being made into fools or clowns by the God they trust in, which might as well be an extremely malicious entity, even towards them.
It could be that Marcion was wholly convinced by his claim that the Old Testament is really the work of an Evil God, something like the Christian's overpower of "The Devil".
I don't think there is any great use in being a Jew or identified as a Jew, and so I've mainly never identified myself as such, just like I don't proclaim Islam, or Christianity even, to avoid persecution, from everyone "else".