But, you see, the seeming paradox is that what we see as maya is, in reality The Absolute. And so the Buddha stated this in this way:
'Buddha Mind is none other than Ordinary Mind'
In Zen we say:
'Chop wood; carry water.
How miraculous!'
IOW, the Ordinary and the Miraculous are one and the same.
..and lastly, as Vivekenanda has told us:
'The Universe is The Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation'
The 'higher reality' is found nowhere else but inside. This is the point the Buddha was making when he said that all sentient beings have Buddha nature, as contrasted to the historic Jesus, who was the sole recipient of the gifts of the Incarnation, at least as orthodox Christianity tells us. Mystical Christianity says that 'the kingdom of God is within you'; so everyone has it, and not just the historical Jesus.
So from the POV of conditioned awareness, which includes science, the world is real, interactive, and limited to what we can perceive via our senses and extensions of our senses. But from the POV of unconditioned awareness, it is not real. The only true Reality is The Changeless; Brahman; The Absolute. To say that everything is interaction and that it is the fundamental nature of the universe is to focus only on the foreground of existence, and to ignore the background. When you take the background into consideration, it becomes the fundamental nature of the universe, with the foreground (ie; the phenomenal world) simply being a manifestation of it. And so it is said that 'Everything comes out of Nothing'. In scientific terms, this amounts to all the universes emerging from the Unified Field, or Pure Consciousness. We can say Pure Consciousness because we now know that all mass created in the Quantum and Higgs fields is virtual mass, essentially rendering all 'material' reality as virtual reality. This is the new information that materialists are having a hard time with, and who tenaciously cling to the old materialist paradigm. But more and more scientists are seeing the light and letting this old paradigm go to embrace a new vision of the universe. This is part of what Deepak Chopra is describing as the next phase in man's evolution, pointing out that man's physical evolution is over. The new frontier is in Consciousness. That is why you are seeing so much upheaval in the world: the old guard refuses to give up its power, while at the same time the cat has been let out of the bag, and people are waking up all over the world to this new vision of the next step in their evolution. Those who refuse to let go of the materialist paradigm will die with it. After all, it's nothing more than a security device, as it provides a temporary relief from metaphysical anxiety, and we think there is, after all, something solid to rely on. But, as Zen tells us, the only relief from anxiety is when the Self settles naturally upon itself.