Well-Known Member
I have often expressed concern about how, what are called rights, are being used as a pretense, to misappropriate taxpayer money. I would like to demonstrate this in reverse, so people can get my point.
The second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms. Does this right to bear arms, mean that all tax payers need to spend money, on anyone who wishes to own a gun, especially if that person has a boohoo story? As a scenario, someone has an old rusty hand gun, that may be dangerous to them, so they need a new shiny gun to practice their right to bear arms. Should the people of NYC be forced to spend their hard earned taxes dollars to supply that man a new gun? He has the right to own a shiny new gun under the Constitution. There is nothing that says new or shiny is excluded.
The point I am making, is the right to bear arms, does now mean the tax payer has to supply funding. We do not supply funding for guns and gun owners to practice this right . All it means is each person has the right to do something, that cannot be denied or inhibited by big government. However, it is up to each person, to buy their your own gun. if they wish to participate in that right. This is how the second Amendment has been implemented since the beginning. This is the original template for practicing rights.
We have the right to pursue happiness. If having a summer home, next to the Obamas, on Martha's Vineyard would make me happy and make feel better than ever; emotional well being, does the tax payer need to pay my tab, if I cannot pursue my dream under my own sails? Or does the right to pursue happiness simply mean I am free buy such a home, if I choose or can, but I will need to save and do for myself?
I can see a women's right to choose; abortion, but like the right to bear arms, which she also can enjoy, it is up to her to cover her own tab, or find a friend, charity or bank, to help her meet her financial needs. She can't get an abortion and new hunting rifle with scope, all on the same day, at the tax payers expense. This is not how rights work. Rights give us options for choice and paths of behavior, that cannot be taken away; open doors. But with those rights comes adult responsibility to pursue your own dreams. Rights assume adults who wish to pursue a goal under their own sails. Nobody can close the port,, but you need to control the sails on your own; self reliance.
If a state places limits on abortion, or limits gun ownership, this infringes on rights. If we give either abortion or guns tax payer funding, we steal from others, who then are restricted from pursuing their own happiness. I cannot pay for you and me at the same time. My pursuit of happiness will have money road blocks. It is better if you pay for you and I will pay for me, so we both maximize our rights. Or ask those with surplus to help make ends meet; charity. Charity is a choice and right that can maximize the giver; warm feeling.
This topic was designed to clarify what rights actually mean. What will be good for goose; abortion, should also be good for the gander; guns. This is down the middle. I do not think the working husband; pay, and stay at home wife; spend, criteria applies to rights. At least not in this modern era.
The second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms. Does this right to bear arms, mean that all tax payers need to spend money, on anyone who wishes to own a gun, especially if that person has a boohoo story? As a scenario, someone has an old rusty hand gun, that may be dangerous to them, so they need a new shiny gun to practice their right to bear arms. Should the people of NYC be forced to spend their hard earned taxes dollars to supply that man a new gun? He has the right to own a shiny new gun under the Constitution. There is nothing that says new or shiny is excluded.
The point I am making, is the right to bear arms, does now mean the tax payer has to supply funding. We do not supply funding for guns and gun owners to practice this right . All it means is each person has the right to do something, that cannot be denied or inhibited by big government. However, it is up to each person, to buy their your own gun. if they wish to participate in that right. This is how the second Amendment has been implemented since the beginning. This is the original template for practicing rights.
We have the right to pursue happiness. If having a summer home, next to the Obamas, on Martha's Vineyard would make me happy and make feel better than ever; emotional well being, does the tax payer need to pay my tab, if I cannot pursue my dream under my own sails? Or does the right to pursue happiness simply mean I am free buy such a home, if I choose or can, but I will need to save and do for myself?
I can see a women's right to choose; abortion, but like the right to bear arms, which she also can enjoy, it is up to her to cover her own tab, or find a friend, charity or bank, to help her meet her financial needs. She can't get an abortion and new hunting rifle with scope, all on the same day, at the tax payers expense. This is not how rights work. Rights give us options for choice and paths of behavior, that cannot be taken away; open doors. But with those rights comes adult responsibility to pursue your own dreams. Rights assume adults who wish to pursue a goal under their own sails. Nobody can close the port,, but you need to control the sails on your own; self reliance.
If a state places limits on abortion, or limits gun ownership, this infringes on rights. If we give either abortion or guns tax payer funding, we steal from others, who then are restricted from pursuing their own happiness. I cannot pay for you and me at the same time. My pursuit of happiness will have money road blocks. It is better if you pay for you and I will pay for me, so we both maximize our rights. Or ask those with surplus to help make ends meet; charity. Charity is a choice and right that can maximize the giver; warm feeling.
This topic was designed to clarify what rights actually mean. What will be good for goose; abortion, should also be good for the gander; guns. This is down the middle. I do not think the working husband; pay, and stay at home wife; spend, criteria applies to rights. At least not in this modern era.