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Rites Of Passage


New Member
I am a newcomer to this site, and I was hoping that someone would be able to give me some insight on Nuwaubianism. It is a bit of a bizzare religion, and some could say it's a cult practice, but would anyone be able to tell me what some of the Rites of Passage are for this religion? I've been searching the Internet and we've not been able to find this information. It would be a great help, and thank you in advance to anyone who can answer my question. :shout


Resident Liberal Hippie
The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement (over the years known as "Ansaru Allah Community", "Holy Tabernacle Ministries", "United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors", and "Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation"),[1] is a religious organization founded and led by Malachi (Dwight) York. It is classed as a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center.[2]
York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967, and has changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times. In the late 1980s, he abandoned the "Muslim" flavour of his movement in favour of Ancient Egypt and extraterrestrial themes, in 1993 leaving Brooklyn for Eatonton, Putnam County, Georgia, where he built an Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re.[3]
By 2000, the "United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors" had some 500 adherents,[4] and drew as many as 5,000 visitors attending "Savior's Day" (York's birthday). But adherence declined steeply after founder Dwight York was sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April 2004 for child molestation.[2][5] The Tama-Re compound was sold under government forfeiture and demolished in 2005.
The movement was highly eclectic and entirely dependent on York's ever-changing pronouncements, described as "an extra-large dose of Egyptian schlock, served with a side dish of intergalactic mumbo jumbo" by Bill Osinski, author of a 2007 book on York and his arrest and eventual conviction. York's writings and pronouncements over the years combined ideas from a wide range of New Age, esotericism and occultism, pseudoscience, besides basic Afrocentrism and black supremacism.[6]


I have been in this Forum for a few years now, and have yet to see an adherent to this belief system among our members.


New Member
I've been a member of that community since 1992. As of today, there really is no official Rites of Passage. Ultimately it's about an inner journey, however most active members are usually involved in some form of teaching the information or facilitating the teaching of it by helping in different areas.

There's a lot I could discuss here, but I'm not even sure you'll be back considering you wrote this post over 2 years ago!


Hedonistic Ascetic
Nobleson99, please do discuss it. I became very intrigued in the community since I read about it just earlier today. It seems a bit silly to me, but that might be because I have not had it explained by a member of the community. Please tell me about it!

Bear in mind, I am white, so I hope you won't perceive me as a mere "degenerated Asian" ;-) Is the religion actually black supremacist?


New Member
Nobleson99, please do discuss it. I became very intrigued in the community since I read about it just earlier today. It seems a bit silly to me, but that might be because I have not had it explained by a member of the community. Please tell me about it!

Bear in mind, I am white, so I hope you won't perceive me as a mere "degenerated Asian" ;-) Is the religion actually black supremacist?

Lol, no problem! Despite what you may have read, I'm not racist in the sense of hating other races for no reason! There is only the human race, however over time we began to spread out into different parts of the planet, away from our original home environment. That's when we began to divide and categorize ourselves into what became "races". I do study the history of all races, and we all should, because it is the history of our planet.

I guess I can sum it up like this. Our (Nuwaubians) purpose originally (and now) was to teach all African peoples, particularly those in the Western hemisphere, the truth about African history and who and what Africans are and have been in this world. Of course anyone is invited to sit and study with us, but our goal was to wake African peoples out of their sleep and reintroduce them to their ancestral roots (physically, mentally and spiritually) before they lost all concept of who they were. The purpose was to break what we call the spell of ignorance with right knowledge. We call it Nuwaupu. It's based on the thinking from the ancient Nubian culture from Sudan, which gave birth to the ancient Egyptian culture we know it as today. Like looking at the facts in things as opposed to the beliefs, which is a way of thinking sorely needed by most people today of any race. It was this way of thinking that gave birth to the pyramids and their mysteries, the first astronomical and astrological sciences, the first recorded medicine and organized medical practices, etc. It was based on respect of nature itself.

As for Black Supremacy, I'll let you decide. Yes, we do see the highest sciences and culture the world has ever known as coming from ancient Nubia/ Egypt. We also recognize that the origin of most of the "gods and deities" of this world were originally African and spread across the world into different names and forms. (Like the Madonna and child revered in today's Christianity came from Isis and Horus from 1,000's of years before that and spread around the world.) However, I don't see the need to belittle anyone. That's just the history of our planet. Just like today, Europeans are advancing all sciences and the world is entering a new era. I won't debate at this point whether the blueprint for those sciences were already known amongst a few in ancient times. The facts are the facts, and Europeans are at the forefront of those things today. We also recognize that Africans are the original parents of everyone in this world. But I think that's relatively known at this point. All people have the potential to become something greater (like Buddha taught) but to do that one must have a close relationship with truth whatever it may be, and that's the roadblock for most people. I'm for the healing and growth of all people, but my African peoples worldwide have an immediate need today and that is what I have focused on throughout my life.

The name Nuwaubian is the same as the name Nubian. In English, people say it's a made up word. They don't realize that Semitic and most early ancient written languages were consonant/root based. The real word is NWB. Nuwaub(ian) is just one pronunciation, Nub(ian) is just another.. (which in it's language is actually Nuwbian with the 'w') It's just another pronunciation. Just like shalom in Hebrew and salaam in Arabic are really the same word that broke off into different dialects. The interesting thing is that if you go back far enough, both Arabic and Hebrew come from the same father sources. Just like Latin broke up into Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English etc.. So there are some words from the same one Latin root that are now being spoken a million different ways.

Nuwaubian is the word 'Nubian' in our dialect which we call Nuwaupic. Yes, we created the dialect, but it's based on the real root system. It's just our way of saying the words. It was done so that it would be easier for someone who spent most of their life speaking English or any other Latin based language with it's phonetics and rules to learn the system and the words.

And that's just a discussion on our name! Lol

If you want, you can ask something more specific and I'll answer you honestly.


New Member
Wow, thank you for sharing! I have another question- do you have spiritual experiences that confirm your faith? I have been studying the spiritual experiences of many religions, and I'd love to hear about yours. Also, what is it like to be a part of your faith? How does it make you feel?

Thanks again!


New Member
Yes I do. As you may know our Master Teacher is Malachi Z York. Most older Nuwaupians have had the experience of him entering our dreams to give us messages. He admitted in a book called I Don't Claim to Be.. that he was just a vessel of other beings from our ancestry. So when I say Malachi York came and gave me a message that way, I realize I may just be talking about a spiritual being that was talking through him.

However, my first visitation happened even before I joined that community. It happened when I was still just a book reader and a studier and I had been reading Malachi York's books and I had a dream in which I was searching for Melchizedek (a Biblical character which represents a real seat or position in an ancient order that has existed and still exists). And he found me.

This is to say that scientifically, there are other realities (that for lack of better terms, we can call spiritual) in which beings from there can communicate with us in various ways if we open ourselves for it. Even my ex-wife who is not Nuwaupian experienced this when I began drinking to much. "He" came to her and she woke me up and told me and she knew it was real.

These are personal experiences that I don't mind sharing because your question is absolutely valid and one I would ask many other people who are religious, like a Moslem who is willing to give their life for "Allah". Did Allah come and ask them to do this? Or another person? That is the difference between spiritual and religious. Religion needs a person to believe in unproven things. Spiritual opens the door for real proven experiences. And I know it isn't limited to Nuwaupu. Any truly spiritual person can have a visitation. But in Nuwaupu, we have visitations from specific beings who particularly are looking to help us spiritually advance from our direct family line.

It's just a matter of doing the right spiritual practices which can tune us in to receive messages from specific beings with specific agendas. On the other side, many people who are rampant drunkards or abusers of bad drugs also have visitations, but from negative beings who are looking to use their bodies for their own purposes. This is all scientifically factual and real. True spirituality is factual and scientific in practice.


New Member
Being Nuwaupian has opened my mind to the way it was truly meant to be used. Nuwaupu is a spiritual science. Having learned to use my mind that way, I've been able to enter pretty much any circle whether scientific or not and quickly absorb the information and master it. The only thing holding back a person with such a mind is only their own self. I consider Nuwaupu my second birth, and I know I can never go back to who and what I was, and I would never want to whether or not I fully reach my potential as a Nuwaupian. Failing as a Nuwaupian or only becoming a mediocre one, to me, is better than any success I could have had in life otherwise. It opened a door to an understanding of life I could have never gained in any other way on the planet. And I say that having looked into and studied almost anything comparable that I've been able to find. That includes Egyptology, Nation of Islam, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Theosophical Society, Native American teachings of various types (which absolutely works for Native Americans - particularly if done with a factual Nuwapian outlook), etc. I've read and studied Hawkins, Einstein, Tesla, etc. All great thinkers. But I think they mean more to me as a Nuwapian then they do even to a celebrated physicist. And by no means do I think we have achieved the greatest spirituality there has had to be done on the planet. But coincidentally, those people usually have Nuwaupian-type outlooks anyway.


New Member
There is a lot to understand regarding what "spiritual" really means. We humans are still growing into our potential. From where we are right now, we still see "advanced" as meaning "good". That isn't the reality. Star Trek is really closer to reality. We can learn more, gain more abilities, gain more knowledge and gain a greater outlook. It has nothing to do with good or bad, except where karma is concerned. There are battles of "good" and "bad" happening on levels we couldn't even imagine. They are beings just like us. The Bible has confused people into thinking manmade Biblical morality is the basis for all advancement, and it isn't true. it isn't even true in the US today. Guns or no guns? Death penalty or not? More than one wife (or husband)? Homosexuality? Racial preferences? All of these are questions humans struggle with today, and none of it has one answer. It all has to do with consequences and benefits, or the mind of the person pondering it. Homosexuality really doesn't belong there, but it's one of the issues people create in society today. What does any of it have to do with being advanced spiritually? Do you see what I mean? It has nothing to do with spirituality, unless one's thinking is unfairly prejudicial, which is not an advanced way of thinking.