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Rock of offence to the Jews


Hi dance-above, how about this one:

Should we, as Jews, continue to share the Torah with the Christians ?

Does that sound a little weird to you ?

I am a reform Jew. I reject most dogma. I reject elements of religion that I believe can be interpreted hatefully. I don't understand your opening post.

I don't believe sacred texts are some kind of private property that are under the control of their religion. I believe in freedom of speech, which means you can read the Torah and I can read the Gospels, if I want to.

My opening question was more intended for a Christian answer. I've always thought it strange that a Gentile proclaimed the gospel to the Jews since our scripture teaches that blindness in part had happened to Israel. So I was concerned about answering questions about our faith that might be offensive to them.

Why don't Jews try to convert other people?


Higher and Higher
Why don't Jews try to convert other people?

Judaism is for Jews. We presume that non-Jewish peoples have their own paths and practices, and their own ways of relating to God. Those are their business, and God's. Not ours. Just as Judaism is between us and God, not non-Jews.

If non-Jews come of their own volition and ask to become Jewish, we will welcome them. But we do not recruit. It is unnecessary, intrusive, and presumptuous: who are we to say that God prefers non-Jews to live Jewish lives? If He wanted that, He would have made everyone Jewish. Presumably, God has plans for all peoples, and finds in every people, culture, and religion something of value and something worth establishing relationships with those groups. Who are we to suggest otherwise?


Veteran Member
My post is: if Israel is blinded in part should a Christian respond to posts from other Jews with the whole answer, which can be offensive or should we refrain if we know it will offend them?

But who said they are blinded, your book you believe in has nothing to do with the Jews, and how can you use that as a weapon to try and make out the Jews are blind. Jesus supposedly said there is no Jew, male or female, all are one in God, or something like that.


Veteran Member
My post is: if Israel is blinded in part should a Christian respond to posts from other Jews with the whole answer, which can be offensive or should we refrain if we know it will offend them?

Can't you see that it would be offensive, if I call you blind to what the Jews believe, what would your reaction be ?.


Well-Known Member
Dance-above, you are blind to the teachings of your prophet Jesus. He was Jewish, and believed in Judaism. If you were smarter, you'd do what the person you consider greatest of all time did, and become a Jew.

There, did that offend you? Your answer will be the same as ours.


To a certain extent Christianity is offensive by nature and this works towards creating it's own persecution paranoia.

Some is inherited :eek:

Edit: assuming traditional, classical Christianity :D
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Should we continue to share the Gospel with the Jews if it offends them?

Romans 11:25
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Enemies of the Cross

But there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:7 They are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Phillipians 3:18

If one wants to remain popular, the best stand to take on any issue is that of indifference. But if we are to be true to our God and His holy Word, we cannot be indifferent over the issues concerning the gospel. Many in our day have taken the gospel and rounded off its edges so that it will be offensive to no one. They have diluted it and mixed it with strange fruit, so that it might be more palatable and easily digested by men. But the 'true gospel' will always be offensive to some because, "the Stone which the builders disallowed (rejected), the same is made the Head of the corner, and a Stone of stumbling, and a Rock of offense" (1 Pet. 2:7,8). Its edge can never be blunted, "For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Heb. 4:12). We need never apologize for His Word, nor should we ever back down from openly proclaiming it. Though there be many who despise the gospel and its Christ; "unto you therefore which believe He is precious" (1 Pet. 2:7).

I don't know why you are down on the Jews here.

The enemies being discussed were other Christians challenging his teaching, and right to teach, as he never actually knew Jesus.



Well-Known Member
1900 years and far too many pogroms too late.

Thanks be to Hashem that your religion is basically powerless in many parts of the world.


Hammer of Reason
Without the scripture I have no faith and it will always be where my answers come from. My words are not my own.

Excellent example of why I am "an enemy of all revealed religion." Anyone can justify anything and pretend like they are a servant of god.

Any god that needs you for anything is no god!
Anyone that needs god to justify their actions is a hypocrite! Stand up and take responsibility for yourselves!


Agnostic Pantheist
Should we continue to share the Gospel with the Jews if it offends them?
No, let non Christians study the New Testament and other Christian texts according to their criteria, whether they do it in the academia or as a lay interest. Many would not be offended by the gospels, but by offensive remarks such as 'Enemies of the Cross' which apparently you edited out of your post.
In fact, anyone who accuses another group and insults them should be the last to offer them to read their scripture as they are already to assume its full of dung.
I read the NT, and I regularly study other ancient Christian texts. Still not a convert to the cross. But certainly much more interested in the textual content than offended.


But who said they are blinded, your book you believe in has nothing to do with the Jews, and how can you use that as a weapon to try and make out the Jews are blind. Jesus supposedly said there is no Jew, male or female, all are one in God, or something like that.
It has as much to do with them as it does us. Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is lord.


No, let non Christians study the New Testament and other Christian texts according to their criteria, whether they do it in the academia or as a lay interest. Many would not be offended by the gospels, but by offensive remarks such as 'Enemies of the Cross' which apparently you edited out of your post.
In fact, anyone who accuses another group and insults them should be the last to offer them to read their scripture as they are already to assume its full of dung.
I read the NT, and I regularly study other ancient Christian texts. Still not a convert to the cross. But certainly much more interested in the textual content than offended.
I'm starting to feel lately that we should keep it to ourselves.


No, let non Christians study the New Testament and other Christian texts according to their criteria, whether they do it in the academia or as a lay interest. Many would not be offended by the gospels, but by offensive remarks such as 'Enemies of the Cross' which apparently you edited out of your post.
In fact, anyone who accuses another group and insults them should be the last to offer them to read their scripture as they are already to assume its full of dung.
I read the NT, and I regularly study other ancient Christian texts. Still not a convert to the cross. But certainly much more interested in the textual content than offended.
Thank you.


Agnostic Pantheist
It has as much to do with them as it does us. Every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is lord.
So why are you so stressed? If you have a genuine faith that this will come to pass what's the point of antagonizing people? I mean if it's going to happen anyway, let it be a peaceful process, instead of you having Jesus later admonishing you for your premature judgment and hostility in what I'm sure he would desire to be a compassionate and loving experience.
Unless of course you believe that Jesus should reign as a Roman Imperial dictator, bending every knee before his golden glory.


*Post Removed*

I'm way confused by your by your post. So if your a Christian and your interested in discussing the old and new covenant This makes me a troll because I want to talk to the other half of the coin?
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I'm way confused by your by your post. So if your a Christian and your interested in discussing the old and new covenant This makes me a troll because I want to talk to the other half of the coin?

No, because you think your words are supposed to be cutting and offensive, and because you refuse to ever back down or admit to the possibility you might be wrong, as per the text you edited out of your OP. You know who else acts that way? Trolls.


So why are you so stressed? If you have a genuine faith that this will come to pass what's the point of antagonizing people? I mean if it's going to happen anyway, let it be a peaceful process, instead of you having Jesus later admonishing you for your premature judgment and hostility in what I'm sure he would desire to be a compassionate and loving experience.
Unless of course you believe that Jesus should reign as a Roman Imperial dictator, bending every knee before his golden glory.
I think your right but why do you think I have been hostile?


No, because you think your words are supposed to be cutting and offensive, and because you refuse to ever back down or admit to the possibility you might be wrong, as per the text you edited out of your OP. You know who else acts that way? Trolls.
Me personally or Christians in general? I took that text out because a moderated said it did not belong? Is that not backing down?
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I'm going to end this thread here and start a new one with the question? Is everyone but Christian allow to say what ever they want and since my religion my be offensive should I refrain from sharing it?