Mr Cheese
Well-Known Member
Extract from: Rosicrucian « Prayers and Reflections
O Rose, thou art sick!The invisible wormThat flies in the night,In the howling storm,Has found out thy bedOf crimson joy,And his dark secret loveDoes thy life destroy.
-- William Blake
the Rose is the symbol of the divine feminine
Venus for example .
The Key Rosicrucian text The Chemical wedding is about an initiate called CRC
(Christian Rosencreutz) who signs his name with Summa Scientia Nihil Scire (the height of knowledge is to know nothing.)
The Allegorical story of the Chemical wedding is the story of a man attending a wedding, not realising it is his own. CRC goes on a series of adventures over a series of days, notably including interaction with 7 maidens or as the Jocelyn Godwin translation calls them (much to my preference as it has much more meaning) virgins.
Eventually CRC finds his way underground to his bride..the rose maiden. Within the Rosicrucian vault crc is transformed with the unification of himself and his bride A chemcial wedding is a unification of 2 opposites to form a 3rd whole: sperm +egg=zygote
Thomas Aquinas stated that there are ONLY 3 movements in the universe
straight line.. masculine..the penis the rod..the sword..air and fire
circular vagina womb cup..shield water and earth
obtuse..a unification of male and female changing direction mid-flow serpentine .the kabalistic lightning flash..the chord quintessence aether..the Christ..
SO we see the idea of the alchemical unity..
A chemical wedding
It should be noted the Rosicrucian vault is similar to the Bridal chamber found in Gnostic texts such as the Gospel of Philip. Modern pagan writer Caitlin Matthews also argues the Grail is the Rosicrucian vault.
The symbols we have here is very clear to my mind. it is the questor searching for the dormant whole that needs to be found. Think of Aladdin finding his lamp. Sleeping beauty the prince finding his way through the brambles etc to awaken his fair maiden.
We find this same idea in numerous sources. For the Gnostics is is found in the acts of Thomas, in the hymn of the pearl (or hymn of the robe of glory). Which is essentially about a prince who leaves his kingdom to go on a quest, faces trials, finds his treasure, the pearl. Then after having forgotten who he was , due to the quest, remembers he is royal..and returns to the kingdom of his parents.
So what is this? It is: You are divine you have forgotten you are divine by returning to the divine you awaken from your current state. For Rosicrucians of a more western nature it is more about having fallen from perfection, you need to repair things to return to perfection.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
Revelation 22:13
Creation, fall, redemption
Ex Deo nascimur.
In Jesu Morimur
Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus.
We are born in God we die in Christ and are reborn in the Holy SPirit .
creation destruction redemption
The end is in the beginning:
So thats the Rosicrucian view things are damaged, broken and need repair.
The Rosicrucian movement became public in the 17th century around the time of the protestant reforms. Rosicrucianism was essentially an exercise in adding an esoteric level to a new Christianity, adding back the divine feminine which never left but was hidden. 3 key texts known as the chemical wedding, the confession and the fame of became public. Then the Rosicrucians disappeared..the Chymical wedding proclaims that CRC was actually alive in the 15th century..and his peoplehad remained secret for 200 years.
Of course Rosicrucianism claims to go back to ancient Egypt. The rose is of course a catholic symbol not a protestant one. Thus Rosicrucians before CRC were most likely catholics
It should be noted of course, the Rose represents the perfected being within us all, our true selves. Or Christ; in this way it relates to the LOTUS of the east.
International website of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum
Modern Rosicrucian groups
The Order of Nazorean Essenes
AMORC - International Website for the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
Rosicrucian Archive - Presenting ideals of Rosicrucianism
First, to profess no other thing, than to cure the sick, and that gratis. We have already remarked that this rule, as stated, is a rule of love. Compassion, wrote Paracelsus, is the true physicians teacher. Compassion, of course, means feeling with, and what is love (or healing) but to feel anothers suffering as ones own and recognize that the disease, the pain, is one in all. In addition, however, we should also note that the primary orientation is toward the world, the Liber Mundithat is, toward other beings, for we can love only other, living beings. The Rosicrucian, then, works for the sake of the world, not the individual soul. Granted that from a nondualist perspective there is no difference between the healing of ones soul and the healing of the world, the Rosicrucian rule nevertheless affirms the primacy of service and of action. If one is a true Rosicrucian, one walks the true thorn-strewn way of the crossthe renunciation of all selfhoodfor the sake of the redemption of the world, that is, the building of the New Jerusalem. That is why the rule specifies that the nature of the service as aimed at healing, which, too, must be understood in the largest sense to include nature. From this point of view, nature, like humanity, fell with Adam and is sick and needs healing. Like humanity, nature is not the unity it ought to be: it groans and travails in pain; it is diseased. Paracelsus called this state of separation and disunity the cagastrum. Yet precisely to heal this disease, to renew the unity of nature in and through humanity, Christ came. Indeed, as Prince Lapoukhin writes, Christ not only mystically sprinkled every soul with the virtue of his blood, which is the tincture proper to the renewal of the soul in God. . . but he also regenerated the mass of immaterial elements of which he shall make a new heaven and a new earth. In other words: The crown of all the mysteries of nature adorns the altar of the sanctuary, lit only by the light of the stainless Lamb [whose] precious blood, sacrificed for the salvation of the world, is the sole tincture that renews all things. To conjoin the Rose and the Cross in nature as a whole, to heal and unite nature and human nature in its center or heart, is thus the Rosicrucian aim.
Christopher Bamford
The Otherworld melts away before our eyes, and we see before us the Vault of the Lady Venus through the eyes of C.R. He reads, When the fruit of my tree shall be quite melted down then I shall awake and be the mother of a king.
Caitlin Matthews