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Russia Rolling Back Women's Rights


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Rolling back women’s rights with a torrent of propaganda about the need to give birth — young and often — and by curbing ease of access to abortions, and charging feminist activists and liberal female journalists with terrorism, extremism, discrediting the military and other offenses.

compulsory military lessons taught by soldiers called “Basics of Security and Protection of the Motherland,” which will include training on handling Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades and drones.

Rewriting history to celebrate Joseph Stalin

Accusing scientists of treason; equating criticism of the war or of Putin with terrorism or extremism.

Real or Western propaganda?


Well-Known Member
Rolling back women’s rights with a torrent of propaganda about the need to give birth — young and often — and by curbing ease of access to abortions, and charging feminist activists and liberal female journalists with terrorism, extremism, discrediting the military and other offenses.

compulsory military lessons taught by soldiers called “Basics of Security and Protection of the Motherland,” which will include training on handling Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades and drones.

Rewriting history to celebrate Joseph Stalin

Accusing scientists of treason; equating criticism of the war or of Putin with terrorism or extremism.

Real or Western propaganda?

They need kids .. social engineering .. need to replace the generation lost in the Ukraine war.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Rolling back women’s rights with a torrent of propaganda about the need to give birth — young and often — and by curbing ease of access to abortions, and charging feminist activists and liberal female journalists with terrorism, extremism, discrediting the military and other offenses.

compulsory military lessons taught by soldiers called “Basics of Security and Protection of the Motherland,” which will include training on handling Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades and drones.

Rewriting history to celebrate Joseph Stalin

Accusing scientists of treason; equating criticism of the war or of Putin with terrorism or extremism.

Real or Western propaganda?

I can't access the article, although considering the ultra-nationalistic direction they've been going, it doesn't really surprise me.

It would be interesting to see how they're rewriting the history of Stalin. I know there are those who have a different take on Stalin, although I don't know how that would affect the Russian government at present. They also declared Nicholas II a saint. It seems they're more inclined to wanting to glorify and resurrect Imperial Russia.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I can't access the article, although considering the ultra-nationalistic direction they've been going, it doesn't really surprise me.

It would be interesting to see how they're rewriting the history of Stalin. I know there are those who have a different take on Stalin, although I don't know how that would affect the Russian government at present. They also declared Nicholas II a saint. It seems they're more inclined to wanting to glorify and resurrect Imperial Russia.

Too bad. It's a pretty long article. Not pay wall so maybe country restricted?

Stalin, who oversaw the deaths of millions in famines, purges and the gulag, has been promoted as a strong wartime leader, with 63 percent of Russians expressing a positive view of him in a 2023 survey by the Levada Center polling agency, and 47 percent expressing respect for him.

Putin’s admiration for him goes back decades. In 2002, when Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski met the Russian leader for nearly five hours one-on-one, Putin professed strong admiration for three leaders — Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Stalin — and a desire to rebuild “Great Russia.”

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Too bad. It's a pretty long article. Not pay wall so maybe country restricted?

Stalin, who oversaw the deaths of millions in famines, purges and the gulag, has been promoted as a strong wartime leader, with 63 percent of Russians expressing a positive view of him in a 2023 survey by the Levada Center polling agency, and 47 percent expressing respect for him.

Putin’s admiration for him goes back decades. In 2002, when Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski met the Russian leader for nearly five hours one-on-one, Putin professed strong admiration for three leaders — Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Stalin — and a desire to rebuild “Great Russia.”
Shame then that he will go down as another Hitler, and one who will damage his country as much as Hitler did for Germany.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Rolling back women’s rights with a torrent of propaganda about the need to give birth — young and often — and by curbing ease of access to abortions, and charging feminist activists and liberal female journalists with terrorism, extremism, discrediting the military and other offenses.

compulsory military lessons taught by soldiers called “Basics of Security and Protection of the Motherland,” which will include training on handling Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades and drones.

Rewriting history to celebrate Joseph Stalin

Accusing scientists of treason; equating criticism of the war or of Putin with terrorism or extremism.

Real or Western propaganda?
The birth rate is falling all around the world. Not everywhere, certainly. But so many different places that it is worth noting.

Part of this is simply that when women are empowered, when we are educated, when we are self supporting and independent, we don't need to settle anymore. We can be a lot more choosy about what men we show interest in, and slower to marry. We can choose not to decimate our bodies with 10 pregnancies. The problem is, too many men haven't caught on to this. They continue with the notion they can act badly towards us, take advantage of us, and that we should simply put up with it. Not all men -- there is nothing better than a kind, responsible, mature man--gotta love em. But enough men are still good old fashioned chauvinistic jerks that women today are simply willing to avoid them.

Oh, which example shall I give? There are so many. In Japan, women are discriminated against terribly in the workplace. It is assumed they will marry, and so are not considered worth investing in. Because if they marry, wow, the pressure is on to quit work. And those women who choose to work after marrying? They are still expected to be responsible for the cleaning, child care, etc. Well, who the hell wants to carry that much of the load? So, many Japanese women are simply choosing not to marry. So many that the birth rate is now at 1.3 children per woman. For those that are not aware, 2.1 children per woman means the population stays even steven.

I'm going to make some pretty huge generalizations next, so please know in advance that there are of course many exceptions. I'm only talking about the top of the bell shaped curve.

The sexual "liberation" of the sixties was great for men. It has not been great for women. A guy can have sex like he can pee. Women are not wired that way. We require intimacy and closeness. Society tries and tries and tries to convince us that we should want casual sex just like men want. But it's not working. The hookup culture is being abandoned by many women. So many men simply assume that if you date a woman, she is going to put out, and quite frankly, we are tired of removing their hand from our thighs, and worrying about what if they won't take no for an answer. Tinder, Bumble, etc., have always had a hard time attracting women, and now a LOT of women are simply ditching them. What are women doing instead? Some are opting for other women, where they can find the EMOTIONAL intimacy. And believe it or not, many women are now opting for voluntary celibacy.

Listen up, those of you who have not been paying attention. If you want a relationship with us, if you want a family and children, you have to treat us well. The days when we settle for badly behaved men are gone.

Amazingly, in some places around the world the men are responding to this by being very angry and trying to force us back into the kitchen and into the bed. In the US, you have the incel movement, which is genuinely scary. In Afghanistan, women are not to be seen in public -- it is actually a crime for a woman to walk in the park.

IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. Nothing is going to turn back the clock.

My apologies to the many men who really are wonderful creatures. You don't deserve the bad reputation you get -- it really isn't fair that the scums make things so difficult for you.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
We can choose not to decimate our bodies with 10 pregnancies.
To expand on this some, anymore it's just unnecessary. Once upon a time a family needed a slew of kids just to hope a few survived childhood. Both of my parents even lost an infant sibling. When we can expect childhood should be free of undue hardships and stressors and the focus is on guiding them to functioning adults, we just don't need as many when getting them to be healthy and praying they survive isn't also an emphasis and major concern of parenting. When you expect your one or two or three kids will all grow up, that's another pressure to have kids removed.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Earth's birth rate is still supplying an excess of humans.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Earth's birth rate is still supplying an excess of humans.
True. Nevertheless, we ARE making progress.