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satanic music


Well-Known Member
I'm going to leave this with you guys, may not be back for a week or so.

I kinda thought we needed a topic exclusively for REAL satanic bands, and not the fake entertainment pseudo-satanist blood libel stuff.

Unholy Praises - Acheron:

Unholy Praises - Acheron - YouTube

Ave Satana.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I'm going to leave this with you guys, may not be back for a week or so.

I kinda thought we needed a topic exclusively for REAL satanic bands, and not the fake entertainment pseudo-satanist blood libel stuff.

Unholy Praises - Acheron:

Unholy Praises - Acheron - YouTube

Ave Satana.

Not a good singer!

Don't get me wrong, I love death growls in my Death Metal, I think it's a major part of Death Metal, but the voice in this guy just is bad, he needs a much deeper voice, IMO.


Premium Member
I've always been a big fan of black metal, bands such as Dark Funeral, Dimmu Borgir, and Naglfar, just to name my favorite three. I love fast and furious guitars and drumms and E.M. Caligula (former front man for Dark Funeral) is my personal favorite bm vocalist. Check out DF at www.darkfuneral.se. I am also in the process of working on my own black metal project called Archonian in which I am lead guitarist, vocalist, and keyboardist.

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Premium Member
There is also another statement I must make as a black/dark musician. As I see it, hear it, and understand it, within my own conception of the totality of things, within my own universe or realm of Magic music can become an excellent way of another illustrating the warp and weave of the totallity of the their universe, over which we black magicians/sorcerers have been given transcendental power over of.

For instance, the opus can Become a musical illustration of a black magician's quest(s) in Life. Reyn Til Runa!.. :bat:

Life, Health, Strength!
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Well-Known Member
There is also another statement I must make as a black/dark musician. As I see it, hear it, and understand it, within my own conception of the totality of things, within my own universe or realm of Magic music can become an excellent way of another illustrating the warp and weave of the totallity of the their universe, over which we black magicians/sorcerers have been given transcendental power over of.

For instance, the opus can Become a musical illustration of a black magician's quest(s) in Life. Reyn Til Runa!.. :bat:

Life, Health, Strength!

on KHPR they talked about Setian music and how it could have a magical effect... wait, I thought this was a topic on Satanic music, lol. I found an artist that is somewhere in-between symbolic satanist and pseudo-satanist, however I think a lot of the shocking stuff he puts in his music may act as his own type of Black Mass. I dunno.

His name is "SickTanicK", anyone ever heard of this guy? He leaves clues that he knows what real Satanism is with all these references scattered around, but a lot of his songs have the stereo-types and blood libel in them. It would appear that he has read, or knows of, stuff by LaVey and Crowley, as well as some other LHP stuff. For instance he says "We've been betrayed, like Osiris by his brother Set".

Oh, also he apparently wants to kill all Christians, Jews, and Muslims too. I can't figure out if he is for real or not. Here's two of his songs. The first is more on the "might be a serious Satanist" side, with the other on "Might not be serious" side.

might be serious:

SickTanicK - Chapter 2 In Nomine SickTanicK - 7 Vital Sins - YouTube

might not be serious (though he DOES quote part of one of the Satanic statements before twisting it. Also note right before the last chorus he says some more solid stuff):

Sicktanick - Ceremony In Flames - YouTube

This guy is either a genius at creating a Black Mass in music form, or he is really messed up in the head.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I never like black metal, Satanic type music. However, I would recommend progressive metal bands Tool and Rishloo as some excellent, occult influenced music. Rishloo seems a little more obvious about it lyrically, but Tool is deeply occult influenced also. It just takes greater occult knowledge to understand them.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, to my knowledge most music with a Satanic theme is more pseudo-satanic, it's part of the charm. Having said that I have a soft spot for Hexentanz (one of Michael Ford's bands/projects)

Hexentanz - Bringer of the Luciferian Flame - YouTube

Also while not strictly Satanic I like this video partly for the music and partly for Beksinki's artwork:

Wumpscut - Opening the Gates of Hell - YouTube

And of course my old favourites Nox Arcana. For ritual ambiance they're second to none and cover a wide variety of themes from Lovecraftian to medieval to the inevitable zombie apocalypse ;)

Temple of the Black Pharaoh - Nox Arcana - YouTube


Premium Member
"Satanic" music isn't just in your face black metal or even just heavy metal bands, the classics are just as vital. For instance Franz Liszt's "b minor piano sonata" (find on YouTube) is an excellent piece, I personally call it "The Devil's Sonata". Also, his Totentanz ("Dance of the Dead") piano concerto. To me music is a form of Magical creation and expression of Being.

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Left Hand Path
There is also another statement I must make as a black/dark musician. As I see it, hear it, and understand it, within my own conception of the totality of things, within my own universe or realm of Magic music can become an excellent way of another illustrating the warp and weave of the totallity of the their universe, over which we black magicians/sorcerers have been given transcendental power over of.

For instance, the opus can Become a musical illustration of a black magician's quest(s) in Life. Reyn Til Runa!.. :bat:

Life, Health, Strength!

Ave Adramalek!

Those are some of the most intense moments I have had, when I work the bags and do suicide drills.

Music that touches the heart enhances the mind.

Though of course some people take some things to literally in music and spiritual practice which can kind of tarnish the rep and confuse people on what and who is and isn't "real".

I don't about these guys being outwardly Satanic, but the band Be'lakor is a good reference for those who don't like the "in your face" type, but I find some strong influence in their work.

However I enjoy both fast and intense and slow and epic (though they can all mingle :D).

Listen to Autumn Tint of Gold by Through the Eyes of the Dead on The Scars of Ages | Grooveshark - Listen to Free Music Online - Internet Radio - Free MP3 Streaming

This is a decent song, the intro kind of seems to bring a feeling of dread. The band is named "Through the Eyes of the Dead", and they involve themselves in melodic and somewhat "nu" metal.

Another one of my favorites by them is "To take Comfort (In yesterday's scars)", which if you read the lyrics can be pretty revealing in a sociological sense.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My standards are the more devil references the better. You can't go wrong with some of the classics like AC/DC, Black Sabbath, or Bathory. And depending on just how loose your definition of Satanic is, you can also include Iron Maiden, Rob/White Zombie, Mercyful Fate, and Cradle of Filth has some good songs, and even Metallica has a couple anti-Jesus songs. Hellhammer and Celtic Frost are also good. I love Dimmu Borgir (before ICS Vortex and Mustis were fired), Behemoth, and of course Slayer, of whom it is rumored they are powered by the devil himself. And while not necessarily Satanic in message, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails can take stabs at God and Religion with the best of them. And there is also the Nietzsche Music Project (which isn't very big at all) that exists to promote the ideas of the Anti-Christ through music.


Premium Member
Dear Shadow Wolf, I agree, when I was a teenager and fledgling Satanist/magician/musician bands such as (old) Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Slayer, Bathory, and Venom were major influences in my life and actually helped me to recognize and accepted myself as a Satanist/LHPather. :bat: Thus began the eternal journey.

For ever in the Black Flame.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dear Shadow Wolf, I agree, when I was a teenager and fledgling Satanist/magician/musician bands such as (old) Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Slayer, Bathory, and Venom were major influences in my life and actually helped me to recognize and accepted myself as a Satanist/LHPather. :bat: Thus began the eternal journey.

For ever in the Black Flame.
I'm curious about this old Merciful Fate remark? Did they get back together recently? Last I knew King Diamond was still on his solo career.


Premium Member
I'm curious about this old Merciful Fate remark? Did they get back together recently? Last I knew King Diamond was still on his solo career.

I'm talking about the early 1980's Mercyful Fate "Melissa" and "Don't Break The Oath".


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm talking about the early 1980's Mercyful Fate "Melissa" and "Don't Break The Oath".

Is it me, or does it seem like quite often a bands older days are much better than the newer stuff? Old Metallica for instance, which was real metal and not plastic/digital crap. And quite often the older stuff for a band, meaning before they quit using drugs, is better. I think one of the few exceptions I can think of is Behemoth when Inferno started drumming for them. And Dimmu if they are around long enough for the albums with Mustis to be considered a mid-point.


Well-Known Member
Is it me, or does it seem like quite often a bands older days are much better than the newer stuff? Old Metallica for instance, which was real metal and not plastic/digital crap. And quite often the older stuff for a band, meaning before they quit using drugs, is better. I think one of the few exceptions I can think of is Behemoth when Inferno started drumming for them. And Dimmu if they are around long enough for the albums with Mustis to be considered a mid-point.

Not all bands do drugs dude. But ya, before the label makes them change stuff around sometimes its better, but often it can just be because people are nostalgic or do not agree with the artist's evolving tastes.

Here is that nutty guy again. Have a very merry Black X-mas everyone! less than an hour. i was planning for some ritualized blasphemy but decided not to since im not home tonight.

Sicktanick - Black Christmas - YouTube

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not all bands do drugs dude. But ya, before the label makes them change stuff around sometimes its better, but often it can just be because people are nostalgic or do not agree with the artist's evolving tastes.
Of course not all are on drugs. I hate to say it but I wish those like Aerosmith hadn't quit using them, but it does seem to be more the rock 'n roll way than metal. And I forgot (I don't know how) that labels are evil and make demands of a band's sound, and can even have the person mixing it make it sound completely different. I know a few people that were in bands signed to small labels and dissolved the band because the label had their music mixed to sound nothing like what there sound was.
But the nostalgia and artists changing there sound makes since. I read the Facebook posts about Opeth's new album, and how alot of people thought it automatically sucked because Mikael does not do any growling in it. It was pretty funny and sad at the same time that people becoming so attached to a certain sound that even a slight deviance is labeled bad. Really my beef with Metallica (other than siding with the labels) is they went more generic hard rock and then generic nu-metal after being one of the bands to shred some ground breaking metal riffs.
But back to the topic of Satanic music; Satan my master, remember me when judgement day is here. Satan my master, take my hand when Armageddon's here!


Well-Known Member
I heard that "Death Magnetic" was a bit of a throw back to their roots. Kinda off topic but wanted to ask you what you thought of that album.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I heard that "Death Magnetic" was a bit of a throw back to their roots. Kinda off topic but wanted to ask you what you thought of that album.
If you block out everyone but Kirk Hammett it's actually pretty good. But overall it's another lame follow up to the years of lame albums. Granted it won't have you wanting to gouge your ears out like St. Anger, but it's still a far cry from the days of Ride The Lighting and Master of Puppets.


Well-Known Member
I like out of it 'All Nightmare Long', 'Judas Kiss', and the two last songs. Other than that it's okay I guess.

Anyway, we should probably get more on topic, hehe.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Metallica could be considered on topic. Afterall they done Leper Messiah and The God That Failed.
This thread get me thinking that long I used to always hear that hard rock and heavy metal really isn't about the devil or hell. Apparently these people have not been listening to the good stuff.