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Saudi Arabia


I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, some parts of SA are still living in
about the time the Qur’an was written,
it prompts me to ask a few questions, 'If the whole world was converted to Islam,
would humanity be forced back in time? would millions of people starve to death?
would the 'Tali ban' take over? would women be locked away and be kept only
for breeding, uneducated?
would none of these thing happen?
or has no one ever thought about what would happen?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
We wouldn't so much be "forced back in time", as we would retrogress. Just like in Europe when the Roman Catholic Church was in charge (an era known as the "Dark Ages"), all advances in the arts and sciences would be halted (and much forgotten or lost) while military advancements would continue to flourish (in order to keep people in line).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
shytot said:
I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, some parts of SA are still living inabout the time the Qur’an was written,
Can i ask you somthing?

In which city you were living in Saudi Arabia and did they gave you a house in the desert to live at or not?

it prompts me to ask a few questions, 'If the whole world was converted to Islam,would humanity be forced back in time? would millions of people starve to death?
You are talking about Saudi Arabia isn't it? So, did you see all people in saudi arabia strave to death and they forced you to go back in time? Do you think they hired you there to develop thier country or just for fun?

would the 'Tali ban' take over?
Remember, don't mix it up, you are talking about Saudi Arabia ;) so don't jump around to show the negative part of Muslims.

would women be locked away and be kept onlyfor breeding, uneducated?
Can you prove to me that women in saudi arabia are ONLY for breeding and they are uneducated?

would none of these thing happen?or has no one ever thought about what would happen?
Before you think about this please read the history and the civilization of Muslims which enlightened europe while it was in it's dark age. take Spain for example.

Peace .. :)


Flaming Queer
shytot said:
I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, some parts of SA are still living in
about the time the Qur’an was written,
it prompts me to ask a few questions, 'If the whole world was converted to Islam,
would humanity be forced back in time? would millions of people starve to death?
would the 'Tali ban' take over? would women be locked away and be kept only
for breeding, uneducated?
would none of these thing happen?
or has no one ever thought about what would happen?
the way your post is phrased, i am being lead to assume that you believe these things will happen if the majority of the world converted to islam........ am i right in this assumption?


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. The OP that is.

Muslim scholars are credited with keeping "alive" the classical texts from the ancient period which many credit for playing a major role in the enlightenment of Western Europe. The Truth is right about this.

There are a vast number of muslim societies in the world today. As to which one portrays the "truth" of Islam I don't know and will not even assume which one does.

Personally I think if all of humanity was converted to one particular worldview that factions would still arise and the one worldview would lose its monopoly.


i'm sorry to say this, but this one of the most stupidest topics ive come across! shame that you lived in a country for so long, however failed to really learn much about the culture. ever heard of the ottomans? didn't think so. once upon a time in the near 1600s the arabs had the most powerful empire in the world! we were evolving much faster than the western empire, we had the latest weapons, the best troops, the best battle tactics, we weren't stupid! sure some bad leaders came in, they influenced religion with culture, made it more male-dominated, however that is not how islam works. if you ever read up on it (which im sure that you haven't) you will see that islam says that women and men are equal. i don't have much time to post a lot, however its sheer stupidity to think that the taliban would take over, they've made up their own perception of islam and jihad! thats NOT what we believe in, islam puts a great emphasis on peace, "jihad" perhaps the most misunderstood term in islam means to "stand up for one's religion", this is very often twisted around, and some believe it to mean war against the non-muslims, which is NOT the real meaning. if you ever look into the qur'anic verses it says that: killing one person is just as bad as killing all of mankind! we believe in peace not war.. all i can say is go watch "the message", that should explain a lot

Judgement Day

Active Member
shytot said:
I worked in Saudi Arabia for two years, some parts of SA are still living in
about the time the Qur’an was written,
it prompts me to ask a few questions, 'If the whole world was converted to Islam,
would humanity be forced back in time? would millions of people starve to death?
would the 'Tali ban' take over? would women be locked away and be kept only
for breeding, uneducated?
would none of these thing happen?
or has no one ever thought about what would happen?
First off, dont confuse between Islam and culture. Second off, have you ever heard of:

Al-Khawarizmi? The terms Algebra and Algorithm are familiar to all of us but how many have heard of their founder Mohammed Al-Khawarizmi.

Ibn Al-Haitham? He was arguably the greatest Muslim physicist and one of the greatest students of optics of all time. He was also an astronomer, a mathematician, a physician, and he wrote commentaries on Aristotle and Galen. He wrote about 70 manuscripts and he had propounded the famous Snell's law about 600 years before Snell.

Al-Ghazali? Ibn Sina? Known in Europe as Algazel, is one of the most illustrious Muslim scholars, who wrote many works, and became renowned for his learning.

Al-Kindi General Hospital, one of the biggest medical centres in present day Baghdad was named after his tremendous contributions in medical and pharmaceutical. Al-Kindi was best known as a philosopher, but he was also a physician, pharmacist, ophthalmologist, physicist, mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and chemist.

Ibn Al Jazzar? Ibn al-Jazziir was a prolific author in the field of medicine; his writings earned him great fame and made him very influential in medieval western Europe. His Kitab al-adwiya al-mufrada (Treatise on Simple Drugs)was translated into Greek, Latin and Hebrew and was frequently copied. But its Latin translation by Constantine the African, under the title Liber de gradibus, was of special importance, since it was in this version that the text became one of the most popular pharmacopeia in the Latin West.

Ibn Al-Naphis? Ibn Al-Naphis (Ala al-Din Abu al-A’la Ali ibn Abi Hazm al-Quraishi) of Damascus, an Arab physician of the thirteenth century (1210-1288 CE), explained the basic principles of the modern theory of the lesser or PULMONARY circulation nearly three hundred and fifty years before Sir William Harvey of Kent, England, who is wrongly credited with this discovery.

And many more!

Too bad if you havent. A little bit of research might prevent you from making such a nonsense post.


Well-Known Member
A Taliban style of governmental/religious organization is a scary proposition for me as well. I am sure there are those who want to see this, but they will see it over the dead bodies of me and many of my countrymen.

Frankly I wouldn't get too worried about this happening any time soon. There are literally billions of Muslims in the world, but the percentage who want to see the world return to the "ideal" time and place of 6th Century Arabian Peninsula seems to be pretty slim.

I don't dismiss your concerns out of hand, but I don't think the Western world is going to be so quick to give up individual liberties.



I could tell you things about Saudi Arabia you would not believe,
but a few you might, I worked for the SA air force.
during Ramadan, the Saudi's turn night into day to get around the law,
they sleep all day, and are awake all night, the shops open all night,
they ban drinking anything in the street during the day, no smoking,
or eating, instead of suffering and trying to understand how a beggar
feels, they ban everything if it helps them get through Ramadan.
I was once asked by a Saudi officer why I did not like living in SA,
I said the laws were too strict, he said, we were allowed to do anything
we wanted as long as it wasn't against the Koran, which covered
everything, and he believed that.
If an Arab drove into the back of your car, you were at fault,
if you had not been in SA, he would not have hit you, crazy but true.
The religious police round people up and make them go to the Mosque,
they have guns in shoulder holsters and bamboo canes, non believers
you are not allowed to look in shops during prayer times,
you will obey the rules or you will be made to leave the country,
if you come into the country with your religious book under your arm,
it will be confiscated. (what would happen if the Koran was taken away
in the rest of the world?)
I could go on for hours.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
shytot said:
I could tell you things about Saudi Arabia you would not believe,
but a few you might, I worked for the SA air force.
during Ramadan, the Saudi's turn night into day to get around the law,
they sleep all day, and are awake all night, the shops open all night,
they ban drinking anything in the street during the day, no smoking,
or eating, instead of suffering and trying to understand how a beggar
feels, they ban everything if it helps them get through Ramadan.
I was once asked by a Saudi officer why I did not like living in SA,
I said the laws were too strict, he said, we were allowed to do anything
we wanted as long as it wasn't against the Koran, which covered
everything, and he believed that.
If an Arab drove into the back of your car, you were at fault,
if you had not been in SA, he would not have hit you, crazy but true.
The religious police round people up and make them go to the Mosque,
they have guns in shoulder holsters and bamboo canes, non believers
you are not allowed to look in shops during prayer times,
you will obey the rules or you will be made to leave the country,
if you come into the country with your religious book under your arm,
it will be confiscated. (what would happen if the Koran was taken away
in the rest of the world?)
I could go on for hours.
I agree with you, there are alot of descrimnation in saudi arabia and they don't have real human rights laws but they made those laws for themselves, they mixed religion with culture to fit their own people needs but that would be very bad for an outsider, i agree with you. Moreover, now they are changing many things in their law to be more flexible with people from other religions. I read that in their newspaper everyday. :)


Well-Known Member
shytot, I could tell you things about America you wouldn't believe. Your OP put forth a question relevant to Islam as a whole. You have based your initial argument about a whole religion based on, apparently, an experience within one distinct geographic location.


I agree, I only lived there for 2 years, but I moved from the top to the bottom in those 2 years, and I saw things that should not be happening in this century let alone this decade, to say things
were backward and barbaric is putting it mildly, if you are suspected of doing something wrong,
or even have a motor accident, you are put in a concrete cell with a hole in the ground for a toilet,
given no food, (relatives must supply food,) talk about the dark ages, this is now, and this is the
country that is in charge of the Koran.
It does not send out a very good message to the rest of the world, in fact it tells everyone that
Islam is the religion of yesterday, when people had their heads chopped off, (even the Japanese
have stopped doing that.) it is a religion for Arabs, from a time when Arabs lived in the desert,
and wanted nothing but their goats and camels, every day was the same as yesterday, and
things stood still, it is not a religion for today.

Judgement Day

Active Member
Shytot, you must be able to seperate religion and culture. I understand it must be hard for you to see it because arab and islam are common misinterpreted as the same thing. On the contrary, in fact, a lot of arabs are not even muslim. In the past, arab people were living in the dark, killing babies, rapists everywhere, murderers, thiefs, and other such bad things. THis is one of the reason why islam came, and it was descended in order to fix morality.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
shytot said:
this is now, and this is the country that is in charge of the Koran.
It does not send out a very good message to the rest of the world, in fact it tells everyone that Islam is the religion of yesterday, when people had their heads chopped off, (even the Japanese have stopped doing that.) it is a religion for Arabs, from a time when Arabs lived in the desert, and wanted nothing but their goats and camels, every day was the same as yesterday, and things stood still, it is not a religion for today.
So, is this is your conclusion? you think now Saudi Arabia is in charge of Quran?

Who gave them the authority to be so?

No one.

Quran is not for Saudi Arabia and not for any other country but it's for all man kind.

About the thing when you said: people had their heads chopped off

Do you challenge me to bring for you verses from the bible which state that the killer must be killed and an adulter must be stoned? even in Islam Allah make it easier for us so we no more stone any adulter but the married one.

It's a shame when people deny their own laws but i'm proud of Allah's law and i'll follow it no matter what and i don't care what other people say but i'll seek Allah's guidance and path which he chose for us and one day you will understand the wisdom within Allah's laws on earth. I can't answer all your questions because i'm just a normal muslim with limited knowledge but if you will seek for the truth, then definitely i gurantee you, God Almighty will show you the truth.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
shytot said:
It does not send out a very good message to the rest of the world, in fact it tells everyone that Islam is the religion of yesterday, ...
You would do well to read about the Abbasids.


All you seem to do is quote the Quran, (that is kept in Saudi Arabia) your head is full of saying of a long dead man, or men, they were written for people of THAT time, they have absolutely no relevance today, they may have for you, because I have a feeling you would like to sit around all day just reading the wonderful words, and submerge yourself in the book, wonderful words they may be, but that is all they are, words. we are animals, mammals to be more precise, with the ability to communicate with writing and words, and an imagination, we can imagine
all kinds of wonderful things, and like all good books, they can move the reader, but please don't let it get out of hand, if you start believing everything that is written in a book, you will imagine yourself at the mad hatters tea party. (If I write a book today, do you think it will get people to bow down to me in a couple of thousand years time? you never know, I could tell everyone to love everybody, not kill anybody, just put in things that make sense, just throw in a few line about ripping peoples throats out if they don't believe in me, nothing to unpleasant, after all, I would want to appear merciful).

If I appear to be cynical, it is because I only believe in myself, and I see what I see, I do not believe it just because someone tells me it is true, if it makes NO sense to me, then it can not be true, I would think that was true for everyone, wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
Can you prove to me that women in saudi arabia are ONLY for breeding and they are uneducated?

Before you think about this please read the history and the civilization of Muslims which enlightened europe while it was in it's dark age. take Spain for example.
Peace .. :)
LOL I'm sorry but then the enlightenment of the arabs went out around say 1800, take the ottoman empire for example. As for your first comment, THE WOMEN CAN'T EVEN DRIVE! :banghead3


Veteran Member
Premium Member
shytot said:
All you seem to do is quote the Quran, (that is kept in Saudi Arabia) your head is full of saying of a long dead man, or men, they were written for people of THAT time, they have absolutely no relevance today, they may have for you, because I have a feeling you would like to sit around all day just reading the wonderful words, and submerge yourself in the book, wonderful words they may be, but that is all they are, words.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[1] Say: O ye that reject Faith!

[2] I worship not that which ye worship,

[3] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

[4] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

[5] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

[6] To you be your Way, and to me mine. (Quran 109:1-6)

if you start believing everything that is written in a book, you will imagine yourself at the mad hatters tea party.
These words are the words of God Almighty but not the words of a man.

(If I write a book today, do you think it will get people to bow down to me in a couple of thousand years time? you never know, I could tell everyone to love everybody, not kill anybody, just put in things that make sense, just throw in a few line about ripping peoples throats out if they don't believe in me, nothing to unpleasant, after all, I would want to appear merciful).
[13] Or they may say, "He forged it." Say, "Bring ye then ten Suras forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever ye can, other than Allah! if ye speak the truth!

[14] "If then they (your false gods) answer not your (call), know ye that this Revelation is sent down (replete) with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god but He! Will ye even then submit (to Islam)?"

[15] Those who desire the life of the Present and its glitter, to them We shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein, without diminution.
(Quran 11:13)

The challenge still there for you to bring like this book. I'll wait for you but i assure you, you will fail the same as people failed to bring like it since 1400 years a go until now, and definitely, until the hereafter.

All the answers are in Quran ..

Peace ... :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You know what?

God make it easier for you.

Don't bring 10 Surahs like it but God challenge you even to bring one Surah only like it if you can and gather all human beings to help you in this task.

Allah knows that no one can bring even a single Surah like it ...

[23] And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.

[24] But if ye cannot - and of a surety ye cannot - then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones which is prepared for those who reject Faith.

[25] But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (forever).


As I say, you have been well and truly captured.
You are obviously happy with it, so stick with it.
Good luck.
Keep quoting the Quran, you can go to sleep at night thinking
how wonderful the words are.
Like you, I feel that it is me who is right, but we can't both be right!!!