This "Literature" category includes books, movies, radio, games & anything else of that ilk.
Sci Fi & fantasy have the primary advantage over other ordinary reality based works in that
issues can be explored without all the baggage we carry, eg, race, gender, national.
It can open our eyes a little wider in observing our own real world circumstances.
I remember Star Trek episode 16 (season 1), "The Galileo Seven" because a shuttle crew
was defending itself against primitive rock & spear throwing giant humanoids. To defend
oneself with deadly force is reasonable, & they did just that. But I always remember this
line from Spock.....
"I am frequently appalled by the low regard you Earthmen have for life."
His concern for his nominal enemy was striking.
This "Literature" category includes books, movies, radio, games & anything else of that ilk.
Sci Fi & fantasy have the primary advantage over other ordinary reality based works in that
issues can be explored without all the baggage we carry, eg, race, gender, national.
It can open our eyes a little wider in observing our own real world circumstances.
I remember Star Trek episode 16 (season 1), "The Galileo Seven" because a shuttle crew
was defending itself against primitive rock & spear throwing giant humanoids. To defend
oneself with deadly force is reasonable, & they did just that. But I always remember this
line from Spock.....
"I am frequently appalled by the low regard you Earthmen have for life."
His concern for his nominal enemy was striking.